Recovered Memory/Full chatlog

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These are the unabriged logs of the chat following Recovered Memory - a filtered version can be found here.

*	Traveler50 ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<SocksRock>	my lil eric loves him too
*	Traveler08 ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	shush
<livelovelaugh>	You ok???
<GlacialRose>	Ah... Plantcake = Mole...
*	Traveler87 ( has joined #lg15chat
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	ya
<Chelseyrl>	quiet!
<SocksRock>	he loves to watch you on the youtube
<mtl4ever>	i love spamchannels^^
*	Traveler72 is now known as SoundSoldier
<DisenchantedBabe>	yayy
<littleapplegirl>	i have a secret: i auditioned for this show when it started. :(
*	JesskaFace kmmano let them talk its okay. we only have a few minutes. and the mods will take care of it
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	did you get my pm??
<newsie>	lol
*	ApotheosisAZ has disconnected (" ajax IRC Client")
<Kemo>	gine & bree ARE sisters
<immortal1>	thanks socks
<masonishappy>	loud noises!
<silentdre>	quatre minutes
<GlacialRose>	I thought it was a delicious dessert I'd never heard of...
<Shiori>	Transcript is up
*	Traveler05 (i=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
*	kmmanofakind everyone stop talking mk we want this chat to be peaceful for Gina dont you think she has had enough
<KaNicole>	dude... there's a tornado warning here... i hope my power doesn't go out
<littleapplegirl>	clearly i was not cas
<DisenchantedBabe>	fpIs she in?
<SocksRock>	your weclome :)
<september2star>	hey pmonks!!!!
<SickSlickMan>	my and the other mods have the patience of gods if they can handle all of this
<SocksRock>	see mason!
<Preposterous>	Oh! I finally get plantcake now xD
*	Traveler59 ( has joined #lg15chat
<malloreo>	hello
<SocksRock>	thats how you talk to people
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	heyy sept!!
<silentdre>	vier Minuten
<SickSlickMan>	i have never respected them more than today
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris can speak braille.
*	Traveler70 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	you dont ignore them, thats rude
<juliacat>	tornados are terrible!
<Chelseyrl>	:'( there are way too many ppl here
*	Traveler59 is now known as jasmine
<Hannah13>	ppl please
<DisenchantedBabe>	ahh
<Liso>	there is a tornado warning wherei am to!!!!!!!!!!
<Evergreen>	hey jasmine
<drstrangelove17>	haha, I know. I wandered out for a while to look at waking life clips.
<malloreo>	why isn't anyone talking again
<DisenchantedBabe>	im so excited
*	luvLG15 is now known as luvflower
*	Traveler69 ( has joined #lg15chat
<littleapplegirl>	why are we talking about chuck norris?
*	ApotheosisAZ (i=3f87eb7a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	me too!
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Noris puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
<PinkTigger>	lolm i already have a list of questions :)
<SoundSoldier>	Hey everyone. =].
*	BrandiLynn ( has joined #lg15chat
<mib_dq86lggu>	haha u have a tornado warning and all u care about is your power! ( i mean that in the most harmelss way possible)
<newsie>	I cant wait
<Traveler56>	how is  this followable?
<SocksRock>	im so excited
*	Traveler05 is now known as candyappleretto
<drstrangelove17>	too much childishness.
*	Traveler69 is now known as Quirkynesss
<GlacialRose>	Tornado? We don't get those where I am...
<juliacat>	I live in Atlanta and it was really scary a few weeks ago when it hit downtown!
<JesskaFace>	really? i don't remember our last tornado
<SocksRock>	I cant wait
<Evergreen>	hey traveler69, whats your nickname?
<caravelle436>	In-character chat rules: No imitating characters. No swearing or abusive talk. Do not use colors or bold or all caps in an effort to be noticed. These may all result in you being banned from chat.
<Preposterous>	Chuck Norris doesn't read. He stares at books and demands information.
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	sooooo dezzy......
<JazmynGrey>	Apo!
<mtl4ever>	silentdre: what country do u come from?
<JazmynGrey>	Brandi!
<mib_dq86lggu>	i would be hiding under a ... idk
<silentdre>	cheddarcheese, did you know chuck norris once walked through town with an erection?
*	JesskaFace goodluck to anyone with tornado warnings
<jasmine>	CC! *HUGGLES*
<silentdre>	nobody survived
<AnarchyAmes>	lol
*	luvflower is now known as funkymonkey21
<mib_dq86lggu>	i dont get tornados
*	Traveler69 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	:)
<ILOVEFRANCE>	then turn off ur electricity or u could get electricuted
<Chelseyrl>	silent, wtc
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
*	Traveler26 is now known as amanda
*	Traveler50 is now known as redSUV51
<Jackie>	kayla
*	Traveler39 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Liso>	im in missouri right in tornado ally
<masonishappy>	shall I pull out a shotgun and start taking some of the talkers out?
<DisenchantedBabe>	hehe 69
<alyssaxlea>	:)
<silentdre>	mtl4ever, the US of A
*	Traveler69 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<Traveler78>	Chuck Norris can run around the world and touch his own back.
<Jackie>	hehe
*	Traveler39 is now known as blade8r
<funkymonkey21>	omggg
*	JazmynGrey opens the anti insanity shield to let in Apo and Brandi
*	GlacialRose is in the frigide cold of Canada...
<SteamboatMickey>	3 minutes!
<malloreo>	3 minutes
<DisenchantedBabe>	Jackie!?
<Kemo>	people saying anything baout chuck norris will be ignored
<charlette>	shush
<Hannah13>	                                                               3 min
<alyssaxlea>	2
*	Traveler01 (n=traveler@VDSL-130-13-233-121.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has joined #lg15chat
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
<charlette>	man
<toniegirl>	w00t
<drstrangelove17>	wow.
<JenniPowell>	mason: that was a little far
<SocksRock>	no mason!
*	kmmanofakind Calm down everyone She will be here soon
<SocksRock>	thats mean
<AnarchyAmes>	*sigh*
<Jackie>	Kayla ?!
*	jasmine huggles live
*	samibobami is now known as cheetosrhot
<JazmynGrey>	Over here... its safer...
<SocksRock>	your really mean
<charlette>	this is annoying
<Preposterous>	Chuck Norris visited the Virgin Islands. Now they're just the islands.
<Evergreen>	hey traveler01, whats your nickname?
<Traveler56>	slow down
<JenniPowell>	let's not threaten to harm people please
*	Traveler39 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	haahah i didnt know u were here
<lioness23>	i saw bree in a movie the other day i forgot what it was called but it was a scary movie with lindsey lohan
>quote_marker<	Gina chat
*	Traveler99 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler70 is now known as Amander
<Liso>	lol
<SocksRock>	I bet you dont even watch other fan series mason
<masonishappy>	...just sayin'
<KaNicole>	yeah, I'm in Arkansas
<Quirkynesss>	-le sigh-
<livelovelaugh>	Jasmine!
<Jackie>	haha ya
*	Traveler24 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler52 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	ahve you seen The Coalition videos?
*	kmmanofakind I know who killed me
<SocksRock>	they are awesome!@
<jasmine>	sup
*	Traveler05 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
<mib_dq86lggu>	(laughs)
<mtl4ever>	silentdre: in that case, nice language abilities^^
<drstrangelove17>	hahaha, quirky
<NinjaLama>	guys....take a deep breath, slow down and......yeah :P
*	Traveler39 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<mtl4ever>	^
<SoundSoldier>	I know who killed me.
<SocksRock>	hi jasmine!
<Traveler13>	i know who killed me
*	hopefulsemblance threatens people with love
<GlacialRose>	Bree and Lindsey lohan? I thought she was better than that...
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris thought up some of the funniest Chuck Norris facts ever, but he hasn't submitted them to the site because he doesn't believe in any form of submission.
<PinkTigger>	:) :) :) I love Jenni! :) :) :)
<blade8r>	lots of anynonmous people
<silentdre>	mtl4ever, thanks ~.^
<TheBeautifulMstk>	you know...its probably the show creators or some secretary
<jasmine>	sup
<SocksRock>	jenni rocks!
<mib_dq86lggu>	oh sorry about that one guys
<littleapplegirl>	heres wha ithink: Gina should go with bree's mom. but she should take with her A GPS TRACKING DEVICE. and they should be in a car waiting to follow her. TELL ME if yo agree
*	Traveler32 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Evergreen>	Traveler13, what nick do youw ant to use?
<rach28>	lol chdr
<funkymonkey21>	Gina is watching
<DisenchantedBabe>	:)
<Traveler32>	t
*	Traveler89 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SickSlickMan>	yeah, our little silent one is a master of the tongue
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris
*	Traveler73 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	Don
*	Traveler52 is now known as lindholmka
<Traveler25>	how do you change you
<SteamboatMickey>	No Chuck Norris jokes! >.<
<Hannah13>	                                                                              hello
<silentdre>	in more ways than one, tom
<SickSlickMan>	...not in the way one would want him to be, tho
<DisenchantedBabe>	t trust bree's mom, she's just another Aunt Alex
<Traveler25>	r nickname
*	silentdre winks
*	Traveler83 ( has joined #lg15chat
>#LG15chat<	Now is the time to turn off any autoresponses left
*	Traveler10 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SteamboatMickey>	LA REZISTO
<mib_dq86lggu>	ok so gina should go with her mom but take a jet pack.
<Evergreen>	Traveller25 what do you want to use as your nick?
<Renegade15>	jasmine please let go of your shift key
*	Traveler17 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Broken_Kid sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	ChanServ sets channel mode +c #LG15chat
<heyaja>	no caps please
<Liso>	omg
<Traveler25>	hi
<malloreo>	2 minutes
<mib_dq86lggu>	then she can fly away.
*	PinkTigger is soo excited!
*	Traveler67 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Traveler13>	2 mins
<Preposterous>	There is no theory of evolution, only a list of animals Chuck Norris has allowed to survive.
<immortal1>	I went to NowLive and no one was there LOL
<kmmanofakind>	Please everyone calm down
<TheBeautifulMstk>	GPS...swallow one..all the chick on lg15 need to lol :-) :-)
<cheddarcheese>	If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.
<malloreo>	1 minute
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	chat makes me dizzy
<Hannah13>	1 min
*	voyboy ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	shush ppl
*	mib_42ewbceb (i=4611ccae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<jasmine>	k srry
*	mib_hw1w5igs (i=424a4a0f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<kmmanofakind>	Calm Down please calm down
<Liso>	stop talking about chuck norris
<Traveler25>	how do you change your nickname
*	Broken_Kid sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	ChanServ sets channel mode +c #LG15chat
<Traveler17>	:)
*	t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw) has joined #lg15chat
<Abbie>	1min!
<lindholmka>	me too
<Evergreen>	Traveler25, what nick do youw ant to use?
<Renegade15>	!traverler
<Darkslyfox>	she come in yet?
<immortal1>	!traveler
*	P-Monkey says: -- Hello Traveler. Please let us know who you are! Type "/nick newnicknamehere" (without the quotes " ) to change your name. --
<Liso>	1 min
<rosieiswatching>	Un minuto
<Chelseyrl>	People, please calm down.
<mib_vtbxqorp>	people, calm down
*	NinjaLama hands out chill pills
*	redSUV51 is now known as new
<malloreo>	hello
<DisenchantedBabe>	mhm =\
<rosieiswatching>	hahaha
<mib_dq86lggu>	uhhhh eyesss
<Liso>	lol
*	Traveler17 is now known as fettachelli
<kmmanofakind>	chill out people
*	Traveler73 is now known as laurensav
<juliacat>	chat is terrible
<cheddarcheese>	I think her name will be Ginabear, srsly
<Traveler99>	nick/oohpoordaniel
<Sammyantha>	Bree's mom was in on the Order and EVERYTHING, killing her daughter. Why should Gina trust her to keep her safe?
<rosieiswatching>	calm down...? hahaha
<SickSlickMan>	aiight, everyone
<copertop>	 /nick lg15 lover
*	Traveler83 has disconnected (Client Quit)
*	Traveler05 is now known as living4mydyingwi
*	mib_oq0wno1b (i=4c5ba32a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
*	jasmine hopes lily dont come for the sake of spoilers
<Evergreen>	use a space, t99
<SickSlickMan>	let's calm it down now
*	Traveler32 is now known as fan
<laurensav>	hey people
<Darkslyfox>	kk
*	livelovelaugh ish confuzed
*	Traveler55 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	JesskaFace yawns. i'm not going to bother keeping up with the chat too much. lol
<WATERMELONHEAD>	Gina should do what is in her heart
<Quirkynesss>	Her name will probably be just Gina.
<modelmotion>	HI rosie
<hopefulsemblance>	this is like a movie theater during the previews... everyone is telling everyone to hush up... when in reality... who gives a crap?
<rosieiswatching>	u are in a LG chat room? calmin down is not an option
<masonishappy>	CHILL fer sureous
<rosieiswatching>	lol
*	blade8r want to talk with GINA NOW!
<mib_dq86lggu>	thats why she needs the jetpackl
*	Traveler67 is now known as gina2008
<Traveler25>	its time
<cheddarcheese>	Yay
*	mib_42ewbceb is now known as coolwill100
<funkymonkey21>	hi gina
*	Traveler21 ( has joined #lg15chat
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	heyy gina
<Preposterous>	Gina!
<caravelle436>	no caps blade
<NinjaLama>	hey G
<GlacialRose>	Hey Gina!
<Liso>	ITS TIME!!!!!!!
*	Traveler24 is now known as xo_suchuhblonde_
*	Traveler41 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Bratty>	hi
<AnarchyAmes>	w00h00
*	ChanServ sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	Ethan_Fox is back
<SoundSoldier>	Gina!
<jasmine>	omg live i g2g but i be back asap
<Evergreen>	Traveler25, whats you nickname?
<Hannah13>	hey
<xXRockstarKitten>	Hi, Gina. :)
<laurensav>	previously on lost...
*	Traveler55 is now known as Maccadole
<livelovelaugh>	Hey Gina!
<Chelseyrl>	Hanna, no colors
<caravelle436>	In-character chat rules: No imitating characters. No swearing or abusive talk. Do not use colors or bold or all caps in an effort to be noticed. These may all result in you being banned from chat.
<Traveler13>	hi gina
*	mib_hw1w5igs has disconnected (Client Quit)
<mib_dq86lggu>	wait.
<toniegirl>	hey gina
<Quirkynesss>	Hi Gina.
<livelovelaugh>	Bye Jassmine!
<Traveler89>	Hi Gina!
<rosieiswatching>	hy MM
<mib_vtbxqorp>	hey gina!
<alyssaxlea>	gina =]
<masonishappy>	Evening Gina.
<Ethan_Fox>	has Guna came in yet?
<mib_dq86lggu>	everybody stop
<JenniPowell>	turn off colors Hannah
<rosieiswatching>	long time
*	Traveler49 ( has joined #lg15chat
<jasmine>	hi gina
<Libra>	gina2008?  ginaZenMaster would have been cooler
<cheddarcheese>	Ginaaa
<mib_dq86lggu>	which one is gina
<funkymonkey21>	gina go to your mom
<RoyTheBoy>	Do not use colors
<Becky15>	hi ginaaaaa
<gina2008>	hey guys
<Traveler43>	hi gina
<Traveler25>	shes late
<Zoey>	please turn off your colors jasmine and alyssaxlex
<fettachelli>	hello gina!
<kmmanofakind>	Hello Gina How Are you doing tonight?
<silentdre>	lol
<Maccadole>	hi everyone
-Broken_Kid/#LG15chat-	REMEMBER: NO COLORS
<JenniPowell>	turn off your colors everyone
*	heyaja gives voice to gina2008
<blade8r>	her name is gina2008
*	Traveler10 is now known as mamaenem
<Darkslyfox>	gina2008
<Shiori>	No colors, guys, seriously
*	hopefulsemblance smells kicks
<Jijendia>	hey gina !!
<blade8r>	and it's it's pink
<DisenchantedBabe>	Heyy Gina
<gina2008>	its me
<DreamHaze>	Hi Gina!
<littleapplegirl>	wait, who is gina?
<Kemo>	bah at turning off colours
<Evergreen>	Gine, use a color so we can see you
<littleapplegirl>	oh
-Broken_Kid/#LG15chat-	Only Gina has a color so we can see her typing.
<coolwill100>	hey
<JesskaFace>	hey gina
<littleapplegirl>	duh
<charlette>	hey
<SteamboatMickey>	Hi Gina! =)
<kmmanofakind>	How are you tonight?
<Bratty>	hey Gina
<AnarchyAmes>	hey =]
<mib_vtbxqorp>	gina!
<LUladybug>	hello gina!
<Traveler56>	color haters, gosh
<Ethan_Fox>	Hi Gina
<TheBeautifulMstk>	Hi Gina
<alyssaxlea>	hey gina how are you
<TheHelper>	hey gina
<BriarRose>	Are you doing okay?
<gina2008>	so... did u guy see the vido today?
<Preposterous>	Gina is using a color.
<SocksRock>	no colors!
*	Traveler24 ( has joined #lg15chat
<kmmanofakind>	Yes
<DisenchantedBabe>	Yes.
<NinjaLama>	yeah
<lioness23>	hey gina
<SickSlickMan>	yup
<Sammyantha>	yess
<fettachelli>	yes.
<BriarRose>	Yah
*	Traveler92 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Liso>	yes
<cheddarcheese>	Yep!
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	yup
<blade8r>	yeah we did
<lindholmka>	yep
<Eirlys>	yea
<Broken_Kid>	traveler56, no color
<toniegirl>	yes
<masonishappy>	sure did.
<Preposterous>	Yes, yes we did
<GlacialRose>	yup...
<AnarchyAmes>	Yeah, we saw it!
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<DreamHaze>	Yeah, we saw it Gina
<JesskaFace>	yeah we saw the video
<xXRockstarKitten>	Yeah.
<Kormek>	yeah
<charlette>	yea 
<Shiori>	Of course, Gina
<alyssaxlea>	yeah
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<Quirkynesss>	Of course we did =)
<coolwill100>	yeah
<thebeautifulmind>	hi there Gina
<TheHelper>	of course
<gina2008>	doing okay, little cofused rigt nw
<SteamboatMickey>	Yeap
<KaNicole>	yeas we saw it
<Traveler89>	YEs
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<lioness23>	yeeeeeeeeeees
<mib_vtbxqorp>	yeah 
<DisenchantedBabe>	Don't trust Bree's mom
<laurensav>	loved the video!
-heyaja/#LG15chat-	no caps, no colors
<Darkslyfox>	@_@
*	Traveler73 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SickSlickMan>	i can imagine
<Thurgix>	Yikes people!
<kmmanofakind>	Its a lil fast in here
<charlette>	well tell us whats going on
<DisenchantedBabe>	She's just another aunt alex
<LUladybug>	yep, you were a cute kid!
<Liso>	dont trust brees mom
<Sammyantha>	I dont think you should go Gina
<Traveler89>	Why is that, Gina?
<Traveler92>	hi
<SocksRock>	hi gina!
<Ethan_Fox>	Ye I did Gina, you were so cute when you were little
<Renegade15>	no bold, please
<JesskaFace>	guys chill with the colors lol.
<Traveler99>	nickname/oohpoordaniel
<Traveler49>	hey
<Jijendia>	gina: i did see it and someting interesting came out of it.
<BriarRose>	Its horrid, the chatroom.
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	just trust what you think and have a backup plan
<gina2008>	Disenchanted, why shld I not trusther?
<blade8r>	don't trust bree mom bring the gorup
<malloreo>	hehfooe
<Hannah13>	                           Gina I think you should go to your But take backup just in case
<rosieiswatching>	OMg
<caalan21>	hi gina
*	Traveler65 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler05 ( has joined #lg15chat
<silentdre>	hahahaha
*	ThaBeave (i=WALLAWAL@unaffiliated/thabeave) hat #lg15chat verlassen
*	heyaja has kicked ILOVEFRANCE from #lg15chat (colors)
<Kormek>	I can understand that Gina
<SocksRock>	gina can u see this?
*	Traveler51 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	mib_f820gk1p (i=18f50386@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<lindholmka>	How do you feel seeing a video of you as a small child with your sister
<AnarchyAmes>	Gina, the gang wouldn't have gotten anywhere without taking risks now and then. If she wanted you, she wouldn't have brought you back, but she did. I think it's safe to trust her.
<living4mydyingwi>	i say go but take a gun
<SocksRock>	gina can u see me?
<DisenchantedBabe>	Shes probably in the order...they always are
<drstrangelove17>	seriously, I think you can.
<Kormek>	it's a hard choice
<TheBeautifulMstk>	yes,i think you should hear bree's mom out
<rosieiswatching>	Hi Gona
<Broken_Kid>	hannah, no colors
<SocksRock>	talk gina!
<SocksRock>	hi gina
<kmmanofakind>	Can you remember anything that your mother has said.
<rosieiswatching>	Gina
<drstrangelove17>	But, you should bring Jonas.
<JenniPowell>	Hannah, final warning, turn off your colors
<JesskaFace>	don't trust her, but go anyway
<rosieiswatching>	hehehe
<NinjaLama>	just be careful....
<silentdre>	I'm sorry, but you people are mad stupid...mad stupid
<Traveler73>	Is Gina Here?
<DisenchantedBabe>	Just like aunt alex was
*	Traveler00 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Sammyantha>	She's taking advantage of your emotions, and using that to get to you
<JesskaFace>	make a plan with everyone, so you are safe
<SocksRock>	gina rocks
<NinjaLama>	yeah
<SoundSoldier>	Go to your mom, But have Daniel and Jonas clos by.
<SocksRock>	whoa
<heyaja>	jesskaface, no bold
<Traveler13>	dont it is just a trap they were probly thrying to do the ceramony when they kidaped you
<Zoey>	jesskaface, no caps please.
<Evergreen>	Gina, do you think she knew about Bree? What they were going to do to her?
<Liso>	yeah go with jonas and danial hiding somewhere
*	Traveler99 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	have someone watching you when you go
<Traveler25>	is anyone there
<gina2008>	but then why would she just retrn me?
<littleapplegirl>	okay gina, i said this before and i will say it again, go but take a gps trackin device and maybe also a swithblade
<Traveler56>	so, do you miss bree?
<caravelle436>	*In-character chat rules: No imitating characters. No swearing or abusive talk. Do not use colors or bold or all caps in an effort to be noticed. These may all result in you being banned from chat.*
<fettachelli>	i think you should go...but make sure othe rpeople are close by
<JesskaFace>	sorry
<SocksRock>	I like gina!
<coolwill100>	dont trust your mom
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<SocksRock>	she is nice
<mib_dq86lggu>	sooo  i have an idea
<heyaja>	liso, no bold please
<blade8r>	forget daniel and Jonas bring everybody
<Renegade15>	JesskaFace and liso turn off the bold, please
<Liso>	just in case
<Traveler25>	or here
*	Broken_Kid has kicked Traveler56 from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
<SocksRock>	gina is the best
<kmmanofakind>	to gain ur trust
<mib_dq86lggu>	ok
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<SocksRock>	go gina!
<NinjaLama>	she wants you to trust her
<RoyTheBoy>	Please do not use Bold or Colors
<Ethan_Fox>	Yea Gina do not trust your mom! you saw what happened last time
<cheddarcheese>	Gina, you should trust Bree's mom. She's your only hope at this point!!!
<DisenchantedBabe>	To get you to trust her
<SocksRock>	hey gina
<Sammyantha>	confuse everyone why else?
<EmiB>	mute please
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<mib_dq86lggu>	so
<drstrangelove17>	who knows, maybe she feels guilty.
<Jo_16_2>	gina cant type o.O
<laurensav>	gina, i got your bench! beautiful job!
<DisenchantedBabe>	The order is trucky
<TheHelper>	she may have other intentions
<Abbie>	5 min
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<SocksRock>	whats your favorite color?
<masonishappy>	I'd say trust her. If she was going to kill you, she'd have done it by now...
<fettachelli>	because she doesnt want you to think shes in the order
*	caalan21 (i=816b49cc@gateway/web/ajax/ hat #lg15chat verlassen
<Jijendia>	Gina: If your mom gave you that video, there is a reason, she wants you to know your past, right... but now, if she was yelling something... what if you were trait negative now ? could you confirm it ?
-heyaja/#LG15chat-	NO BOLD
<SteamboatMickey>	ddaanngg calm down everyone
<alyssaxlea>	i think you should go see her gina
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<SocksRock>	do you like soda gina
<BriarRose>	Because the Order plays mind games Gina.
<charlette>	guys stop 
<silentdre>	lol
<SocksRock>	I liek soda gina
<SickSlickMan>	i can imagine they were testing your blood to see if you were still trait positive, perhaps
<hopefulsemblance>	Gina, while Bree's mom may have the face of an angel I don't think you
*	heyaja has kicked alyssaxlea from #lg15chat (colors)
<SocksRock>	so does lil eric
<Evergreen>	Gina, did you see Dr. Hart??
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<Preposterous>	Gina, I know you have some serious feelings about this, and meeting Bree's mom might be the only way to find out what really happened, but remember what happened the last time you acted on your intuition?
<Quirkynesss>	I think she cares for you, Gina, but still, she's with the Order, and they haven't been the best people in the world.
<gina2008>	its weird, i really dnt think she meant 2 hurt me
<mib_dq86lggu>	go see your mommy and then bring abckup.
<SickSlickMan>	it's likely
<SocksRock>	lil eric loves soda
<silentdre>	too many people talking at once
<gina2008>	its just a feeling
<september2star>	Gina, when you go, simply ask her why she allowed Bree to die
<SocksRock>	he just keeps drinking it
<silentdre>	this is amazing
<toniegirl>	u should talk to ur mom and find out about bree and the whole order thing
<Traveler25>	ok
<immortal1>	she's trying to gain your trust.  it's a trap!
<silentdre>	and funny
<kmmanofakind>	They were testing your blood
<JesskaFace>	i don't know. but you should really go. but make a really good plan with everyone and talk about how you can keep everyone, especially you, extremely extremely safe
*	new is now known as redSUV51
<SocksRock>	I tell him to stop
<mib_dq86lggu>	backup on the dl
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<AnarchyAmes>	Gina, the gang wouldn't have gotten anywhere without taking risks now and then. If she wanted you, she wouldn't have brought you back, but she did. I think it's safe to trust her.
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<Traveler87>	gina, you're the only one who has met her, and so you know her best. Do what you think is right, you're the best judge of hr intentions.
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<SocksRock>	but he keeps doing it
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<fettachelli>	you might be right but you never know
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*	Jo_16_2 thinks that gina cant type for shizz
*	blade8r thinks you should decided how best to be safe
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	but she is with people who do want to hurt you
<Broken_Kid>	it looks like she hurt you, Gina
<Evergreen>	Jonas follows his feelings all the time
<gina2008>	like the way I jst KNW Bree is my sister, u know?
<SocksRock>	what can a dad do?
<kmmanofakind>	They are still looking for a trait positive girl
<Liso>	i thinks shes doing it to gain your trust
<Renegade15>	AnarchyAmes no bold please
<Traveler34>	hey guys
<SocksRock>	nothing
<BriarRose>	I dont know... I think shes playing with you.
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<SocksRock>	thats what
<masonishappy>	**Gina, do you remember anything besides waking up in the car?
<SocksRock>	I tell you
<Hannah13>	She might be protecting you but why is she working for Verdus 
*	heyaja has kicked AnarchyAmes from #lg15chat (bold)
<Traveler34>	is gina here
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<TheBeautifulMstk>	I think she may want to help :-)
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<Traveler89>	I think it would be too.
<SocksRock>	if I had a qwuarter
<SickSlickMan>	well...hmm...
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<newsie>	HI! um whats her name?
<NinjaLama>	She may love you and alll, but she might not have a choice....
<SocksRock>	for every soda he darnk
<DisenchantedBabe>	That's true.
<KaNicole>	exactly, she wants you to lure yourself into this false sense of security
<SocksRock>	id be rich
<drstrangelove17>	wow... 
<PinkTigger>	Gina, Who is your Favorite Artists?
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*	Traveler74 is now known as alyssaxlea
<Liso>	they erased your memory
<SocksRock>	he just keeps drinking them
<DisenchantedBabe>	Maybe it's Carl you shouldm
<xo_suchuhblonde_>	maybe she wants to protect you, but doesn't want to jeopardize her place by helping you 
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<DisenchantedBabe>	trust
<SocksRock>	over and over
*	Broken_Kid has kicked Hannah13 from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
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<drstrangelove17>	this is insane.
<GlacialRose>	Your instincts aren't always right...
<SocksRock>	no matter what
*	KGabMI (i=424a4a0f@gateway/web/ajax/ hat #lg15chat verlassen
<lioness23>	ya and with the cd  she must have been trying to help u by givin u the cd
<gina2008>	but what wld she be trying to get from me?
<Eirlys>	Maybe she didn't but you have to be carful since she's with Verdus...even if she's on your side, the connection is still there. which is dangerous
<SocksRock>	I tell him to stop
*	Traveler00 is now known as BroadwayChick
<rosieiswatching>	JUst hingk about it Gina, you mom gave you away t science
<JesskaFace>	i know what you mean, but you can never be to careful. if you have a good plan, you know nothing will happen.
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<xXRockstarKitten>	Gina, I say to trust your heart and do what you think is best for you. Not the others in this case. It's your life, so do what YOU want.
<littleapplegirl>	seriously, go with. take a gps take a weapon. 
<rosieiswatching>	WTF
<oddnluvnit>	but what happens when your hopes are destroyed..possibly
<SocksRock>	but he doesnt listen
<DisenchantedBabe>	Maybe its carl you shouldn't trust..
<BriarRose>	Your bood
<SocksRock>	thats my lil eric
<DreamHaze>	Your blood, maybe?
<PinkTigger>	ur blood
<Traveler34>	lol gina 2008
<blade8r>	hey just drugged ya not earsed your memory
*	mib_4a4glpkx (i=47342ccf@gateway/web/ajax/ hat #lg15chat verlassen
<mib_dq86lggu>	personally i second guess my own sister at times
<Ethan_Fox>	Gina do not go see her, remember that she willingly let the urder bree, I don't want the same thing to happen to you, do not go see bree's mom
<SocksRock>	he loves soda
<GlacialRose>	Your blood...
<Evergreen>	They took you blood, GINA
<Traveler13>	your blood 
<SteamboatMickey>	You should take someone with you Gina, jjust in case. You never know if Brees mom would be alone or not.
<Jijendia>	gina, your memories.
<Traveler34>	are you kidding me
<SickSlickMan>	blood, maybe memories
<Liso>	your blood
<silentdre>	so uh...what're you wearing?
<Sammyantha>	your blood
*	Renegade15 has kicked Liso from #lg15chat (bold)
<SocksRock>	lil eric loves pie too
<september2star>	Gina....................... as her why she allowed Bree to die if she loved her
<JesskaFace>	prob your blood
<fettachelli>	blood
<SocksRock>	he likes apple
<BroadwayChick>	Your BOLOOD, Gin!
<Traveler34>	they want you
<kmmanofakind>	Bree might be your sister but look what happened to her she was trait positive and was killed
<KaNicole>	you're trait positive.
<LUladybug>	I think you should go, but take someone with you.  If she really want's to see you she'll understand that you need someone else there to back you up.
<SickSlickMan>	anything could be possible
<SocksRock>	and peach
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<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
<NinjaLama>	they were probably testing your blood
<fan>	What's wrong with going to mee her "alone" and draggin the boys around, hiding somewhere and taping/watching the whole thing?  Since they think they're so good at that.
<copertop>	soul
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<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
<gina2008>	right -- but then why didn't they keep me?
<SocksRock>	and pumpkin
<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
KaNicole karebare1978 KasloTULaw kelseygirl15 Kemo kmmanofakind Kormek 
<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
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<charlette>	ya your blood anything
<smoochyxxx>	information about what you and the others know maybe
<SocksRock>	and pineapple
<PinkTigger>	cause u might be trait positive
<Traveler73>	Is Gina even here?
<drstrangelove17>	maybe she feels guilty for bree dying.
<Traveler34>	FOR SEX
<SocksRock>	and cherry
*	heyaja has kicked Traveler34 from #lg15chat (heyaja)
<SocksRock>	he loves then
<newsie>	well sh emight try to use you like she used Bree
<toniegirl>	maybe she thinks u know where emma is
<Jijendia>	gina, logically speaking, she's maybe trying to get you as a new Bree to her.
<gina2008>	if she wantedto serve me to them, she totally could have
<lindholmka>	Maybe you're blood isn't ready yet
<SickSlickMan>	that we don't know
*	Traveler99 is now known as jerrbear
<WATERMELONHEAD>	Gina, people make mistake, I think you should trust her. She obviously cares for you-- look at the video! You're having fun at the playground!
<GlacialRose>	Because of the legal reprecussions maybe?
*	Broken_Kid has kicked fan from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
<blade8r>	they know where your going to be so why even bother
<fettachelli>	because theyre not sre if your trai positive
<Sammyantha>	because daniel and the crew would be after her
<Jijendia>	reviving memories of bree
<SocksRock>	I like pie too
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<PinkTigger>	cause ....ur not trait positive
<Sammyantha>	she doesn't want to cause a scene
<alyssaxlea>	yeah shes right
<Traveler25>	i think im alone
<TheHelper>	because they only needed you for the testing phase
<Traveler42>	how do you change ur name
<SocksRock>	but not as much as lil eric
<littleapplegirl>	tehey were testing you to see i oyu had the trait, an ow that you do, thy need you aain
<Traveler89>	That is true.
<Quirkynesss>	Maybe it was a pre-test, and the meeting she's arranged is the ceremony.
<lioness23>	ya ur right
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<PinkTigger>	cause ur mom loves u
<Evergreen>	Maybe, Dr Hart made you Trait Negative, GINA
<kmmanofakind>	They need something from you besides that
<Preposterous>	The thing is, Bree's mom already knows you - the video proved it, she took care of you once. She may or may not want to hurt you, but the fact is she gave you up.
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<BriarRose>	Because the Order plays mind games
<DreamHaze>	Maybe they're trying to get closer to Jonas and Daniel and Sarah
<Traveler92>	yeah
<jerrbear>	hi
<Traveler25>	or maybe its not working
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	was there anyone with her??????
<masonishappy>	***Gina, do you remember anything besides doing IV tests?
*	Traveler04 is now known as thegoobcat
<funkymonkey21>	she wants to talk to you privately about the past, perhaps
<TheBeautifulMstk>	this is nuts'
<JesskaFace>	it could have been a trick to get you to trust them much easier. but even if it isn't, you need to be careful. you need to make a plan
<silentdre>	so uh...what're you wearing?
<drstrangelove17>	maybe she's working for them, but she wants to get out.
<swimgirl52>	maybe she has some important imformation
<DisenchantedBabe>	That's true Gina. But, it could always be a trick.
<xXRockstarKitten>	I think she's on your side, Gina.
*	Traveler95 is now known as AnarchyAmes
<Darkslyfox>	Traveler73 - she's voiced and her nick is gina2008
<heyaja>	funkymonkey21 no colors
<Loser>	maybe thats not what they want
<SickSlickMan>	andre
<silentdre>	so uh...what're you wearing?
*	Traveler14 is now known as Liso
*	caalan21 (i=816b49cc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<Renegade15>	funkymonkey21 color
<Bratty>	Gina could take a purse and put a hole or somthing in the front and put the camera in the purse
<laurensav>	go bk!
*	coolwill100 (i=4611ccae@gateway/web/ajax/ hat #lg15chat verlassen
<fettachelli>	mayeb she has second thoughts
<silentdre>	lol
<Traveler48>	meybe she gave u shots to make u trade negative blood
<SocksRock>	lil eric
<jerrbear>	its so crouded
<alyssaxlea>	i think you should see what she has to say, but be careful
<funkymonkey21>	sorryy
*	Broken_Kid has kicked funkymonkey21 from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
<living4mydyingwi>	no because david and jonas always win (almost)
*	mib_7npnbamz (i=447eb9de@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	I rell you what
<Traveler73>	Is Gina here??????? :'(
<mib_dq86lggu>	she probably didnt keep you to gain your trust!!!!
<Shiori>	If you go, take Daniel, not Jonas
<Thurgix>	I would just advise caution...a lot of caution
<Kemo>	no colours no bold
<drstrangelove17>	Maybe it's all just something she's gotten too deep into.
<SocksRock>	he is all about soda
<candyappleretto>	I think you should go, but take back up
<PinkTigger>	cause she's ur mommy and she loves u!
<gina2008>	good ida Bratty!
<charlette>	because they wanted you to trust her, like they already said, 
<SocksRock>	he drinks it all day
<SoundSoldier>	Go to her Gina, but HAVE PROTECTION.
<Chelseyrl>	alyssa, color
*	JenniPowell has kicked alyssaxlea from #lg15chat (JenniPowell)
<DisenchantedBabe>	Meet up with her, but in a protected environment with Jonas and Daniel right there
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<hopefulsemblance>	If she also wanted to save her daughter (Bree) she could have... I don't trust her
<Shiori>	Jonas gets things out of hand
<SocksRock>	he is like
<Traveler71>	                                Gina you hsould meet with your mom but keep backup incase you never know what could happen
<SocksRock>	soda soda soda
*	Renegade15 has kicked charlette from #lg15chat (Renegade15)
<SocksRock>	and i tell him
<SocksRock>	stop eric
<juliacat>	Gina I think you just need to be cautious about the whole thing.  You are never going to stop wondering unless you talk to her
<gina2008>	I may take th camera purse idea and record the meet... if I go
<SocksRock>	and he wont
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*	Traveler13 has disconnected ("Java user signed off")
<silentdre>	sodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*	Traveler89 has disconnected ("Java user signed off")
<DisenchantedBabe>	Meet Meet her under your condition
*	heyaja has kicked Traveler71 from #lg15chat (colors)
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<SickSlickMan>	definitely have back-up, if you go
<SocksRock>	he just keeps drinking it
<juliacat>	Just be very careful
<kmmanofakind>	Your really need to be Careful
<SocksRock>	all day long
<BroadwayChick>	This is going so fast!
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<fettachelli>	i think that makes sense
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*	Traveler06 is now known as alyssaxlea
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<BriarRose>	Thats a good idea
*	Traveler22 is now known as funkymonkey21
<SocksRock>	I think its gonna hurt his liver
<silentdre>	so uh...what're you wearing?
<NinjaLama>	jut be very careful!
<blade8r>	if your are planning on gonig make sure your safe.
*	heyaja sets channel mode +m #LG15chat
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<Broken_Kid>	ok, time out guys...
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<Broken_Kid>	let's let Gina say what she wants to tell us
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<Broken_Kid>	so we can actually read it
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<gina2008>	the thing reaally bothering me is... why did she just send me back?
<gina2008>	I mean, yeah, she got my blood but what does she want to do with it?
<gina2008>	and why would she give me the video?
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<gina2008>	that HAS TO mean something
<gina2008>	showing me and Bree together
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*	Traveler45 has disconnected (Success)
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<gina2008>	bt then again
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*	heyaja sets channel mode -m #LG15chat
<gina2008>	the weekend reminded me of Hart
<Broken_Kid>	ok, unmuting
<SickSlickMan>	maybe a sample of it could possibly be used for a scientific purpose for a better method
<cheddarcheese>	Maybe that means she wants to help you!!!!!!!!
<kmmanofakind>	she might need something else from you so they lured u into a false sense of security 
<Thurgix>	Just be cautious, you guys have trusted before and then gotten burned...
<xXRockstarKitten>	Maybe she did it to help you remember your past.
<Loser>	jonas daniel sarah and maybe their still after emma
<mib_dq86lggu>	taht
<mib_cipe6e5l>	its just a trick to get you to go with her
<Ethan_Fox>	I wanna know how they knew were TAAG lives
<swimgirl52>	maybe shes trying to help you remeber
<cheetosrhot>	maybe she knew you would appreciate the video, you want so much to remember your past and shewants to help you, she may love you, but that wont stop her from using you
<xo_suchuhblonde_>	well I mean you and Bree were sisters right. And Bree was her daughter... so obviously she has some emotional attachment
<Traveler60>	exactly, i say, dont trust her yet
<juliacat>	Do you think she could be trying to use your trait positive blood to find some other way to help the elders--without killing you?
<jerrbear>	she might have wanted to to trust her more
<mib_dq86lggu>	yeah sorry about heart and all
<Evergreen>	Gina, did you see Dr Hart?
<Traveler92>	wierddd
<gina2008>	just, being in a daze and not knwing whats happening
<mib_dq86lggu>	but
*	Renegade15 has kicked Traveler60 from #lg15chat (Renegade15)
*	mib_cipe6e5l is now known as coolwill100
<Traveler71>	she is trying to gain your trust
<Eirlys>	Maybe to get a message to the others that she's serious about taking you away....and showing you and Bree together could just be to throw you off and gain your trust.
<fettachelli>	thats the problem...
<Sammyantha>	exactly
<Traveler84>	she wanted to test to see if you were trait positive and didn't want to hold you captive and gave you the video so you'd trust her.  
<mib_dq86lggu>	i mean u dont even know if thats u in the video
<Kemo>	travler60 no bold
<Ethan_Fox>	Gina did you tell then were TAAG lives
*	mib_dmz7evu9 (i=42201e30@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<SteamboatMickey>	Bring someone with you! 
<fettachelli>	if it wasnt bad why did she drug you?
<GlacialRose>	maybe she gave you the video to keep you strung along emotionally...
<Traveler92>	they probably drugged u
<SocksRock>	lil eric
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*	Traveler67 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<SocksRock>	I tel lyou what
*	Traveler14 ( has joined #lg15chat
<PinkTigger>	What was your first memory of Dr. Hart?
<Traveler70>	gina , you know you kind of look like bree. lol
<SoundSoldier>	She's trying to tell you something, and if you go, with protection, then you could find out.   
<swimgirl52>	i think you should meet with her
<mib_dq86lggu>	it didnt really look like u..
<blade8r>	she sent you to your friends the safe ones
*	Traveler56 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<SocksRock>	he lieks shoes too
<Preposterous>	How did the weekend remind you of Hart, Gina?
<Traveler52>	don't go alone
<Quirkynesss>	Maybe she wants your blood to make other girls trait positive.
<Chrissymommy>	Well, I think that maybe she wants you to get to know her and prove that she has no intention of hurting you gina
<Abbie>	maybe she wants to warn you that you need to be careful because the order will looking for you if your taite positive
<DisenchantedBabe>	Meet her under your own conditions, jonas and daniel nearby, you guys have weapons, not her
<Loser>	the thing is we dont know if we can trust her
<Evergreen>	maybe DR HART succeeded in making you Trait Neg
<SocksRock>	lil eric wnats blinky shoes
*	Traveler50 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<jasmine>	i dont know but maybe she just wants you to trust her so that you'll do what she wants?
<Traveler25>	shes 7  minutes alte
<SocksRock>	blinky shoes I Tel lyou
<blade8r>	she is a part of the order.
<mib_dmz7evu9>	hello
<Quirkynesss>	A la KM.
<Traveler25>	late
<Traveler14>	hi
*	Traveler30 is now known as candyappleretto
<SocksRock>	but I said no
<Traveler25>	i think
*	Traveler20 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
<kmmanofakind>	Maybe they need a memory of yours!
<SocksRock>	no blinky shoes
<PinkTigger>	What was your first memory of Dr. Hart????
*	Traveler65 is now known as writtenlullabye
<september2star>	Gina, it seems that she was checking your blood. You have survied longer than any other trait + girl, naturally born that way or not 
<Bratty>	ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh i knw she could match your bood type with hers to see if your related
<swimgirl52>	she could have some answers to some of your questions
<SocksRock>	but he keepsasking
<gina2008>	it was scary, beig like a lab rat again
<Traveler52>	don't go alone
<DreamHaze>	They drugged you, Gina, and took your blood--that is hardly motherly.
<SocksRock>	and asking
*	Renegade15 has kicked PinkTigger from #lg15chat (Renegade15)
<KGabMI>	Like I said, just a thought.. but it seems like after they took your blood, Bree's mom went crazy... so I think the results were not what they wanted.
<SocksRock>	and asking
<Chelseyrl>	omg >.<
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<SteamboatMickey>	                                                       Bring someone with you anyway!
<blade8r>	be safe! and don't get caught.. ove ranything
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<Traveler52>	DON"T GO ALONE
<Sammyantha>	Don't go and see what she does.
<SocksRock>	but I say no
<gina2008>	I never wanted to feel that way ever again
<SocksRock>	I tell him
<kmmanofakind>	They need a memory of urs
<DisenchantedBabe>	=( im sorry gina
<SocksRock>	no eric
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<SocksRock>	no blinky shoes
<motomike>	hey no caps cuys
<Kemo>	jerrbear no colour
<SocksRock>	but he keeps asking
*	mib_dmz7evu9 (i=42201e30@gateway/web/ajax/ hat #lg15chat verlassen
<Traveler14>	sup
<motomike>	guys*
<fettachelli>	then you shouldnt trust her
<alyssaxlea>	=[
<GlacialRose>	Then going back to her would be a bad idea...
<SocksRock>	no matter what
*	heyaja has kicked motomike from #lg15chat (colors)
<toniegirl>	if u go talke someone with u
<NinjaLama>	I'm so sorry, gina!
<Traveler52>	Wwhatever you do don't go along
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<Traveler52>	alone
<DisenchantedBabe>	Meet her under your conditions, so you can get through this, and be safe
<mib_dq86lggu>	then move on
<Traveler70>	wait, so gina was the one in that video from a while ago??
<KGabMI>	hi?
<thegoobcat>	She could be checking your trait + status.  To see if Dr. Hart maybe made you trait negative.
*	heyaja has kicked alyssaxlea from #lg15chat (colors)
<Traveler51>	                            Was Hart working with Verdus
<KaNicole>	i'm sorry you had to go through that again.
<Traveler71>	thats exactly why you shoulnd go
<SickSlickMan>	hang in there, luv, you're alright now :)
<jasmine>	i really dont know what to say
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<masonishappy>	Can you remember anything she did while you were captive? Did she say or do anything out of the ordinary? Can you remember her speaking in a different language? Like French, perhaps?
>PinkTrigger<	sorry, the line jumped >_<
*	Traveler03 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
<swimgirl52>	you shouldn't trust her
<JesskaFace>	but if you don't go, these questions will never ever ever be answered gina. it's got to be scary, and i'm sorry for what you went through
<SocksRock>	lil eric
<BriarRose>	Thats totaly understandable, and they might take you again if you go without help.
*	heyaja has kicked KaNicole from #lg15chat (bold)
<lioness23>	i think u should go see the place where u are gona meet her before u go alone
<Traveler39>	I wish I could say trust her but you never know.
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*	RoyTheBoy has kicked jasmine from #lg15chat (RoyTheBoy)
<SocksRock>	he sure is crazy
<Kemo>	no colours no bold
<Traveler52>	don;'t go alone
*	Traveler20 is now known as charlette
<gina2008>	thanks SlickSlick
<kmmanofakind>	Maybe they need a memory of yours thats why ur back
<SocksRock>	I tell him all the time
<drstrangelove17>	hmmm. maybe you should just do what you feel is right.
<Traveler52>	dont go alone
*	Broken_Kid has kicked Traveler51 from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
<laurensav>	im sorry you had to feel like a lab rat
<gina2008>	im tryng
<charlette>	ok now im mad 
<mib_dq86lggu>	if the order knows your weakness is your mom then tehy will use it against u!!!
<newsie>	Gina, its pkay, were here for you
<swimgirl52>	but you should here what she has to say
<SocksRock>	I say no soda and no blinky shoes
<SocksRock>	but he keeps asking
*	Jijendia ( hat #lg15chat verlassen ("Leaving")
*	Traveler61 is now known as PinkTigger
*	heyaja has kicked newsie from #lg15chat (colors)
<SickSlickMan>	well, gina
<Chrissymommy>	Yeah, I would definately take one of the guys with you and have them hide
<SocksRock>	and no matter what
<Ethan_Fox>	Gina I have a question for you... Are you Cassie???
*	Traveler77 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	Meet her under your conditions, so you can figure it out, and be safe
<september2star>	GINA- the video she gave you was to gain your trust. Something you should not be doing just yet
<TheHelper>	gina what ever you chose think about your safety first
<SickSlickMan>	what i suggest to you
<SocksRock>	he just wont stop
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*	heyaja has kicked Chrissymommy from #lg15chat (colors)
<caalan21>	i can't imagine that she would do that to you, knowing how it would make you feel if there wasn't some very important reason
*	Traveler77 is now known as alyssaxlea
<swimgirl52>	iit could help in the long run
<Loser>	you shouldnt have to feel like a lab rat again
<Preposterous>	But that's where you went - if that's really you in the video, then Bree's mom must have at some point given you up to the study, whether she knew or not.
*	Traveler27 is now known as Bockwurst[GER]
<SickSlickMan>	is, if possible
<PinkTigger>	What was your first memory of Dr. Hart????
<SocksRock>	he stole my wallet once
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<drstrangelove17>	do you trust her?
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<gina2008>	haa, no Ethan, I AM NOT Cassie
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<Traveler82>	where is gina?
<SocksRock>	its so hard being a a single dad
<blade8r>	i say don't go at all.
<Traveler73>	lmao
<AnarchyAmes>	lol 
<TheBeautifulMstk>	                                                                               Gina, buy a GPS
<alyssaxlea>	why the hell do u care if we have colors
<SickSlickMan>	they still have the serum spencer made to make the trait negative
-Broken_Kid/#LG15chat-	REMEMBER: NO COLORS!
<Traveler25>	newnickname
<TheHelper>	lol
*	Traveler00 is now known as jasmine
<blade8r>	its time you move one and do your own thing
<KGabMI>	Right in this room..
<lioness23>	lol funny
<Evergreen>	Gina, do you trust Yourself??
<toniegirl>	gina can a ask u something
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<lindholmka>	IF Ginas mom wanted to GAIN TRUST...why kidnap her so brutally?
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<mib_dq86lggu>	how do u know
*	Traveler03 is now known as KitKat
*	hollyxmas has disconnected ("Java user signed off")
<Traveler39>	I trust you will do the right thing. I believe in you Gina.
<Chelseyrl>	You've heard about Cassie, then?
<mib_dq86lggu>	i mean
<living4mydyingwi>	have Jonas teach you to use a gun...then take one with you
<jasmine>	srry about the colors
<gina2008>	of course I trust myself evergreen
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<WATERMELONHEAD>	maybe she gave you the video of you and bree because you came from the same blood
<GlacialRose>	She's potentially not even your real mom anyway... I mean... Look at the trait positive baby that Carl brought to that family...
<SickSlickMan>	it might not be a bad idea
<cheddarcheese>	                                                  Gina, do you like cheese?
<mib_dq86lggu>	u cant remember right
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<Traveler92>	who thought gina was cassie?!?! thats retarded... retard...
*	Traveler36 is now known as Chrissymommy
<SocksRock>	mmm cheese
<Traveler87>	The only way to know what happened this weekend is to go back and talk to her
<Evergreen>	Then follow your heart, GINA
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<PinkTigger>	                          What was your first memory of Dr. Hart?
<SocksRock>	lil eric likes cheese too
<xXRockstarKitten>	Trust your heart, Gina. If you trust her, go with her. If you don't, stay put. We believe in you. But if you do go, take Jennie. Reinforcements never hurt.
<JesskaFace>	take the guys and set them up in places where people can't see them. hide them really carefully and stuff. bring your camera and give them signals so they know if you're uncomfortable or not safe
<SickSlickMan>	to try using it, just for a little bit
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<alyssaxlea>	ginaaaaaaaaaa
<drstrangelove17>	haha, cheese.XD
<SocksRock>	he likes velvetta
<Quirkynesss>	You should be very cautious, Gina. If you do go, take all the precautions you can. You barely know Bree's mom!
<Traveler80>	who kicked me out?
<candyappleretto>	Gina.... Have you talked to Jonas and them about this problem?
<oddnluvnit>	make a list of pro's and con's
<Broken_Kid>	how do you feel about Bree's mom?
*	Traveler97 ( hat #lg15chat verlassen
<SocksRock>	abd cheddar
<littleapplegirl>	so, as of right now gina, od you think you're gonna go?
*	Traveler13 is now known as KaNicole
<caalan21>	what does the vid show
<SocksRock>	and swiss
<september2star>	SHe was not kidnapped exactly.... it all seemed planned from all points of view
<kmmanofakind>	Gina Could Something have happened in your past that they need!!!
<Traveler71>	dont go back
<DisenchantedBabe>	Again, meet her under your conditions, so you can figure it out and be safe.
<SocksRock>	and even american
<caalan21>	it shows that you were happy once
<NinjaLama>	gina, follow your instinct, just take precautions
<SickSlickMan>	if anything
<Traveler25>	nine minutes alte
<Preposterous>	I think Bree's mom is insecure about finding Gina again. Maybe she doesn't know -what- she wants to do.
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<blade8r>	trust that who been there since the beggining. Dr hart and the group
<Darkslyfox>	Chelseyrl - she saw the videos from the time Bree was here
<Bratty>	Do you want to go Gina
<Traveler25>	late
<PinkTigger>	I�2019m sorry, this is probably a bit overwhelming with all these people in here.
<gina2008>	i just want some answers
<SocksRock>	I told him that cheese isnt good for you 
<laurensav>	do you remember bree?
<caalan21>	that you and bree were happy once
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<DisenchantedBabe>	Don't get hurt or kinddapped.
<jasmine>	how could you possible believe that Gina is Cassie?! Thats insane!
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<Traveler39>	Have you told anyone else about this meeting?
<Chrissymommy>	Yeah, gina have you talked to the others about this yet?
*	mib_a3y3zyuv is now known as coolwill100
<SickSlickMan>	i dunno if it'll work
<xo_suchuhblonde_>	If you don't go and meet her, then you will never know what she wanted. 
<funkymonkey21>	You are very smart Gina... i know you will make the right decision with the help of Jonas, Daniel, and the others
<Traveler82>	ahahaha gina do u like blueberyy muffins?
<SocksRock>	if you eat so much of it
*	Traveler60 is now known as hollyxmas
<writtenlullabye>	The only thing to do might be to trust Bree's mom. If not, you might never get information that you need. 
<mib_dq86lggu>	uhm your heart is an organ that pumps your bloood
<Chelseyrl>	Gina, is it possible for you to go and have one of the guys be a lookout?
<Traveler48>	were they trying to replicate your blood maybe?
<gina2008>	thats wat my intincts are telling me
<Traveler73>	Gina do you ever feel that Bree is secretly alive? :'( I miss Bree...
<SocksRock>	will give him a complex when he grows up
*	Traveler39 is now known as techno_kid
<JesskaFace>	seeing your mother will give you those answers!!!!!!!!!
<tasder>	have dan and jonas on standby if u go! and make sure they bring guns!
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<BriarRose>	I think you should go see her, but dont just go off on a whim. Look at what happened last time.
<fettachelli>	i still think that you should go
<SickSlickMan>	gina, one thing i could suggest
<Traveler45>	hi
<Shiori>	Take DB with you, Gina
<funkymonkey21>	and us of course!
<SickSlickMan>	carl
*	Broken_Kid has kicked Chrissymommy from #lg15chat (Broken_Kid)
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<kmmanofakind>	They answers lie in ur PAST
<SocksRock>	the last thing I need is him all obsessed with cheese
<DreamHaze>	Gina, scout out the area a day before you meet her, set up cameras, whatever you need to stay -safe-!
<BroadwayChick>	Gina, I think you should meet her.
<NinjaLama>	meet your mom under your conditions
<mib_dq86lggu>	trust it if you must....
<drstrangelove17>	We don't have the answers. We have helpful suggestions.
<SocksRock>	but he loves it
*	Traveler45 is now known as kennnyyyy
<DisenchantedBabe>	Do not trust Carl.
<JesskaFace>	your mom must love you!
<Abbie>	and maybe meeting Brees mom will give you thoes answers
<SocksRock>	he just eats and eats
<Evergreen>	We're not going to have your answers, Gina
<drstrangelove17>	And I think we're always wrong.
<Quirkynesss>	Bring Daniel or Jonas with you then, and have them hide behind a bush or something :D
<TheHelper>	ok but take percautions 
<SteamboatMickey>	                                               Everyone should just kidnap Brees mom instead 
<Thurgix>	We all want answers, and you deserve them...but caution is the way to go
<juliacat>	Gina I think you need answers.  You just need to do it carefully and make sure you protect yourself
<SickSlickMan>	the guy's been hanging around your house for, what, a week now, two?
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<JenniPowell>	Traveler92: be respectful
<JenniPowell>	and change your nick
<Broken_Kid>	ok, muted again
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<Broken_Kid>	Go ahead Gina
<gina2008>	if I go, should I bring the group with me?
<gina2008>	i dont know, it might put them in danger too
<gina2008>	thanks BrokenKid
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<Broken_Kid>	that's a good question. Let's open that back up and see what people say...
<gina2008>	if I were take anyone, who would it be?
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*	heyaja sets channel mode -m #LG15chat
<swimgirl52>	mmm
<Ethan_Fox>	Jonas
<DreamHaze>	Gina, you definitely should bring them with you. You guys are a team, and to leave them behind would be unfair. You need to stay safe too, and there is strength in numbers.
<smoochyxxx>	Daniel
<kmmanofakind>	Bring the Group the more the better Buddy system
<Traveler29>	Jonas
<Quirkynesss>	You're better working as a team then by yourself, Gina. Together we stand, divided we fall.
<cheddarcheese>	                               Bring them with you! Theyve been through this millions of times. Together it's safer.
<Libra>	Gina, take Daniel!
<Chelseyrl>	I believe you should at least bring one of the guys, Gina. Probably Daniel.
<SocksRock>	Whats the point of an interactive chat if we cant talk?
<jasmine>	you should totally bring the group with you cuz there is no way that Jonas or anyone would let you go again
<AnarchyAmes>	Take Jonas
<laurensav>	bring them with you! dont go alone! bring all of them!
<Evergreen>	If you think they will be in danger, then YOU will be in danger GINA!
<jabefalc>	DB
<RoyTheBoy>	Take everyone
<xXRockstarKitten>	Whatever you do, Gina, I reccomend you DON'T take the guys. Just Jennie, MAYBE Sarah. The guys tend to...make things overly dramatic.
<Loser>	jonas de
<drstrangelove17>	hmmm. danger... I think it would be safer to bring people.
<living4mydyingwi>	Jonas
<Traveler46>	u should do wat sarah did and do the camera thing with the purse and sneake it in
<Traveler07>	Jennie
<fettachelli>	jonas
<KasloTULaw>	I would say bring people who wouldn't cause needless drama or angst, like I would bring Jen only 
<Thurgix>	Definitely! At least one of the guys anyway...DB's a good choice
<writtenlullabye>	Jennie
<Traveler01>	take jennie
<mib_dq86lggu>	jonas 
<TheHelper>	take Jonas
<Sammyantha>	Johas
<coolwill100>	take jonas
<thegoobcat>	Bring Jonas
<mamaenem>	If you go, wear a GPS module and let them track you.  If you do not return in a reasonable amount of time, they can come get you.
<caalan21>	and leave Jennie at home
<Traveler48>	jeny
<Shiori>	DB
>#LG15chat<	please stop the leading spaces
<SocksRock>	yay
<BriarRose>	Daniel and Jonas.
*	Traveler67 is now known as Chrissymommy
<DisenchantedBabe>	Jonas
<Traveler71>	it wont put them in danger 
<Libra>	Daniel!!!!!
<SocksRock>	gina
<blade8r>	bring the group. they are your base. and they will go to ends deep for you. that's what friends are for. and you are important enough for that. i say take all of them
<Traveler70>	you should take jonas!
<Traveler84>	Bring the boys
<SocksRock>	gina
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<SickSlickMan>	my god
<drstrangelove17>	but, not daniel.
<masonishappy>	But not, u know, too distant.
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<KaNicole>	the boys.
<hopefulsemblance>	Take Beast... He knew Bree's mom firsthand
<SocksRock>	do you liek cheese
<Traveler92>	...DANIEL AND JONAS
<tasder>	do not bring carl!Bring Beast and Jonas
<Chrissymommy>	Please quit kicking me
<alyssaxlea>	yeah bring jonas with you 
<Traveler87>	Don't bring the group with you...if Bree's mom sees them she won't tell you anything
<Libra>	Daniel knows her!
<Kormek>	Take Jennie.
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<SocksRock>	eric does
<LUladybug>	I'd take Daniel, he's less impulsive.
<lindholmka>	WHAT Jonas messes up every time!!
<Traveler70>	but daniel might get jealous
<Traveler29>	Jonas
<TheHelper>	or Jennie
<Traveler70>	lol
*	Renegade15 has kicked KaNicole from #lg15chat (Renegade15)
<PinkTigger>	                                                                there is safety in number! 
*	RoyTheBoy has kicked Traveler70 from #lg15chat (no colors)
<SocksRock>	eric loooves cheese
<GlacialRose>	Well, Sarah might get in the way as much as she tries to help...
<mib_dq86lggu>	not jennie
<Traveler78>	Let them come, but keep them in the car away from the meeting.
<swimgirl52>	take either jonas or daniel
<BroadwayChick>	I think Daniel
<laurensav>	bring everyone!
<kennnyyyy>	i say 30 cent
<Traveler29>	Jonas
<gina2008>	the thing is - she said to cme alone
<xo_suchuhblonde_>	Sarah or Jenny
<masonishappy>	Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........NOT JONAS.
<tmf16>	jonas
<SocksRock>	mmm cheese
<caravelle436>	i would take daniel since he kinda knows miss avery
<cheddarcheese>	               Bring them with you! Theyve been through this millions of times. Together it's safer.
<Quirkynesss>	I would bring Daniel or Jennie. They seem to care for your best interests the most!
<cheetosrhot>	i think they should be close, but maybe not with you. if you were to take anyone i would take daniel- hes not as emotional and we know we can trust him!
<toniegirl>	take both of the boys
<jasmine>	id take sarah
<SocksRock>	eric loooves
<mib_dq86lggu>	no offense
<TheBeautifulMstk>	                                                                           gps gps
<littleapplegirl>	take a gps...but if you have to take someon take Daniel: heres why: jonas is a hothead and beats ppl up to quick
<kennnyyyy>	50**
<Traveler29>	JOnas
*	heyaja has kicked kennnyyyy from #lg15chat (colors)
<SocksRock>	love loves it
<SocksRock>	I tell him
<caalan21>	DB and jonas will do anything to take care of you
<SocksRock>	stop eating it
<Becky15>	Take Jenny
<tasder>	do not bring carl!Bring Beast and Jonas
<BriarRose>	Have them hide
<Loser>	you think shell come alone?
<SocksRock>	but he wont
<Sammyantha>	She kidnapped you
<SickSlickMan>	i know she did, gina, but the risk is really big
<Traveler35>	Jenny
<Traveler84>	they can watch you from a distance
<fettachelli>	she doesnt have to see them...
<drstrangelove17>	daniel might get mad at her and flip out.
<lindholmka>	Jenny
<BroadwayChick>	Daniel! He knows Elizabeth!
<GlacialRose>	Jonas for sure...
<SocksRock>	its crazy
*	Traveler73 is now known as name
<Chrissymommy>	And yes, I would take one of the guys
<Traveler78>	Let them come, but keep them in the car away from the meeting.
<alyssaxlea>	but let jonas hide somewhere to make sure you are safe
<living4mydyingwi>	too bad
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*	heyaja has kicked Becky15 from #lg15chat (colors)
<Traveler29>	........................JONAS
<Traveler55>	Jonas tends to be hot headed in situations
<lindholmka>	Jenny for sure
<SocksRock>	he just eats and eats
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*	Traveler51 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	and eats
<masonishappy>	Have DB.
<xXRockstarKitten>	Jennie difinitely. Sarah maybe.
<Abbie>	have them hide out and video tape the whole meet
<SteamboatMickey>	                                                  Take DAniel, He's strong, and he could help you kidnape Brees mom!
<Traveler69>	                       Why would she say come alone 
<laurensav>	you should bring sayid!
<DisenchantedBabe>	Dont go alone
<JesskaFace>	but if you bring them, and make a plan. take the guys. and take sarah and jennie. take everyone. keep them well hidden, and put a camera in your bag.
<coolwill100>	hide them somewhere, with a camera
<fatestepsin>	so then have them hide somewhere close by
<SocksRock>	and aone time
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*	Traveler80 is now known as motomike
<kmmanofakind>	if she really wants to talk to you she will understand its for ur safety
<KitKat>	Take Jennie or Daniel
<Traveler46>	secretly bring a camra
<PinkTigger>	          bring the Camera!!!
<writtenlullabye>	If you want to bring anyone, bring Jennie or Sarah, they aren't as emotional.
<lindholmka>	She seems the most honest
<techno_kid>	well tell her that if you can't bring anyone then you won't go.
<TheHelper>	have them in hiding but do not go alone\
*	Traveler51 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<DisenchantedBabe>	it isn't worth your safety
<candyappleretto>	But you have to meet her under your conditions
<SocksRock>	I caught him
<fettachelli>	have them hide a safe distance away
<charlette>	have them hide somewhere
<Traveler78>	Let them come, but keep them in the car away from the meeting.
<thegoobcat>	It would be best to bring everyone, but if you only bring one person bring Jonas
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<voyboy>	I dont think thats a good idea. I really dont. 
<Amander>	Going alone isn't safe. You should bring Daniel and Jonas.
<living4mydyingwi>	she doesnt have people wanting to kill her and kidnapping her
<SocksRock>	eating i out of the bo
<SoundSoldier>	Bring them! But, Keep them at a distance.
<coolwill100>	yeah
<NinjaLama>	I think you shouldn't go alone...but not veryone. Mabie Jonas or Daniel, just not both. They'll butt heads.
<Preposterous>	The boys would get too angry and might interfere and put you both in danger. Take Jenny.
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<Traveler46>	secretly bring a camra
<Traveler78>	Let them come, but keep them in the car away from the meeting.
<writtenlullabye>	They don't know Bree's mom. Feelings won't get in the way.
<fettachelli>	with a camera
<SocksRock>	he's so ccrazy
<PinkTigger>	                                                                                    Bring the Camera!
<Traveler84>	bring a camera
<blade8r>	ALL of them
*	Traveler26 is now known as KaNicole
<SickSlickMan>	jonas would be my best bet
<caalan21>	have them come and watch from a distance, with the car running to come in and save you if needed
<Chelseyrl>	Gina, I would definitely have one of the guys lookout for you. 
<techno_kid>	if she really wants you to go then she will say okay.
<coolwill100>	its abviously a trick
<gina2008>	if I go, I feel like I have to bring a camera
<Thurgix>	DB would be the best choice for backup in this situation I think
<blade8r>	take em all
<BroadwayChick>	Daniel Knows EA!
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<KasloTULaw>	Daniel and Jonas may go off with Bree issues, while Sarah in general causes drama
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<Traveler86>	Bring mudkips. I heard you like mudkips.
<fettachelli>	yes!
<SocksRock>	crazy crazy crazy
<writtenlullabye>	They are more likely to stay hidden untill needed.
<BriarRose>	YES
<SickSlickMan>	he's handy with a gun, at least
<Evergreen>	Jenny knows the most about Verdus. Take her!
<swimgirl52>	yeah, daniel does sort of know her
<techno_kid>	you should bring a camera.
<lindholmka>	uh YEA!
<Loser>	you should
<name>	lol
<gina2008>	that way I have you guys with me at least :)
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<coolwill100>	definately
<GlacialRose>	For sure...
<PinkTigger>	:)
<kmmanofakind>	You should bring a camera
<Traveler55>	Of course bring a camera!!
<JesskaFace>	Gina?! do you want to know these answers?? i'm sure you really want to know about your mom. right?
<Traveler71>	bring a cammre
<xXRockstarKitten>	It's a good idea, Gina.
<smoochyxxx>	It depends where you have to meet her, she may never know if you decide to bring one as they may be able to hide close by
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<funkymonkey21>	yes bring the camera definitely
<mib_dq86lggu>	maybe u can kep a microchip on you
<caalan21>	and have the guys with cameras too
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<hollyxmas>	don't go with Jennie
<mib_f820gk1p>	yes bring a camera
<SocksRock>	gina gina
<oddnluvnit>	if your taken, so is the camera...
<lioness23>	                                               ya bring a camera
<swimgirl52>	so he might be more helpful
<Traveler29>	you should bring a cammera
<SocksRock>	gina
<TheBeautifulMstk>	                                                                bring the camera and a GPS :-)
<Traveler87>	If she said go alone, go alone, and take the camera for safety
<techno_kid>	mhm!
<littleapplegirl>	    yeah akea camera bu tak a gps tooo
<fettachelli>	:)
<SickSlickMan>	definitely
<SocksRock>	go gina
<caalan21>	awww
<Libra>	awww gina you are so cute
<Amander>	Yes, definitely bring a camera.
<Traveler46>	no doubt
<SoundSoldier>	Do bring a camera!
<SocksRock>	go gina
<laurensav>	bring everyone!!!!
*	Traveler95 is now known as lala_loveee
<DreamHaze>	Gina, there is safety in numbers, and you need to stay safe just as they do--go with Jonas, and Daniel, and Sarah (if she'll come). Maybe even bring Carl, if you trust him.
<Traveler92>	YEAH
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<Traveler71>	and ahve backup
<xo_suchuhblonde_>	Take Jenny... she seems to be the most grounded and rational. 
<Bratty>	They could follow you but not get seen or the cmera could get hhocked up to a tv or somthing and they can be close in a car
<motomike>	gina how can you keep up reading this?
<SteamboatMickey>	                                                 Take Daniel, and kidnap Brees mom, reverse the role on the order!
<SocksRock>	its ur birthday
<Kormek>	Gina, bring a camera.
*	name is now known as Davo
<SocksRock>	go gina
<masonishappy>	I'm thinking take DanielBeast. 
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<TheHelper>	thats good
<JesskaFace>	you'll always have us with you. :)
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<DisenchantedBabe>	It isnt safe to be alone
<drstrangelove17>	haha, wowww.
<jasmine>	its a possibility that Elizabeth is actually a good person and she's trying to send a message to you Gina
<Quirkynesss>	Bring Daniel, Gina. He cares about you.
<Traveler71>	and a gps
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<Abbie>	that way youll be safe and if they try to pull anything Daniel and Jonas will be there near you
<Traveler29>	.
<SocksRock>	do the robot gina