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EcholaliaRicochet's name is Hannah.
She's just trying to have fun...

Person information
Age 19
Birthday May 14(Taurus)
MySpace EcholaliaRicochet

LGPedia Interests

  • Lurking, and making up crazy theories in her head.
  • Pretending she is part of the story and making up crazy story tangents.
  • Once dated a guy who was Daniel's twin... If Daniel was starved and stretched out a little.
  • Finds Daniel irritating because he reminds her of said ex...
  • Doesn't actually dislike Daniel, just thinks he's evil.
  • Talks about herself in the third person because she thinks it sounds cooler.
  • Speaks a language that very few people have ever heard of!
0184-SarahHoldingLipstick-Cropped.jpg This user's lg15 crush is Sarah.
SpencerGreen.jpg This user's lg15 crush is Spencer.
LG This user has been following lonelygirl15 since October 2006.
Nikkibowerheadshot.jpg This user gets their news from The Nikki Bower Report.
LonelyCrack.JPG This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack.
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
Firefox.jpg This user contributes to LGPedia using Mozilla Firefox.
BreeCig.gif This user thinks that Bree has a dark side that has not yet been revealed.
Tachyon7.jpg This user wants to be just like Tachyon when they grow up.
OtherMonkeySmall.JPG This user loves The Other Monkey, even if Bree doesn't.