EcholaliaRicochet's name is Hannah.
She's just trying to have fun...
LGPedia Interests
- Lurking, and making up crazy theories in her head.
- Pretending she is part of the story and making up crazy story tangents.
- Once dated a guy who was Daniel's twin... If Daniel was starved and stretched out a little.
- Finds Daniel irritating because he reminds her of said ex...
- Doesn't actually dislike Daniel, just thinks he's evil.
- Talks about herself in the third person because she thinks it sounds cooler.
- Speaks a language that very few people have ever heard of!
This user's lg15 crush is Sarah.
This user has been following lonelygirl15 since October 2006.
This user thinks that Bree has a dark side that has not yet been revealed.