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| number      = 484
| number      = 484
| image      = GrownUp.JPG
| image      = GrownUp.JPG
| caption    = I've finally found my eternal song... and am a piece of sh it
| caption    = I've finally found my eternal song...
| blogger    = Emma
| blogger    = Emma
| date        = 20080520
| date        = 20080520

Revision as of 23:27, 20 May 2008

Episode 484/3x074
Girl Grown Up

I've finally found my eternal song...

Blogger Emma
Date Posted May 20th, 2008
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [17430 forum discussion]
Length 5:29
Description It's so good to be back. And I'm ready to fight too.
Location(s) The rented house

Bunker #7

YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 emma jenny danielbeast jonastko hymn of one
Music "Handshake Smiles" Arthur Yoria
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Jonas Jackson Davis
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Gina Crystal Young
Elizabeth Avery Melissa Kite
Elizabeth Avery's murderer Unknown
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Operation Emma"
Next none
Previous by Emma "I Love You All"

Girl Grown Up is the four-hundred eighty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the seventy-fourth video of season three.


(Video starts with Emma setting up the camera. Her hand moves away from the lens and she is sitting on a white wicker couch. She moves away from the camera and sits with her legs pretzel style.)

Emma: (softly) Hey. (Puts her hands on her knees with her elbows up and smiles) Hey guys. (Puts her arms down) Um, it's been a while since I did this and the last time... (sucks teeth) Well, I promise I'm not gonna cry. (Laughs) I'm just really, really happy to be back. Being away was a lot harder than I thought. But in a way it was everything that I needed. So, (slaps knees) where should I start? Um, how bout yesterday?

(Footage rolls from Emma's arrival at the house where everybody is hugging her.)

Emma: (talking over the footage) I'm happy to have my friends back. I'm happy to have my family back. (Shot switches back to Emma on the couch) I wasn't sure I'd ever see them again. The journey back to L.A. was, um... Well, it wasn't easy. (Nods) But I could handle it. I couldn't have before I went away, but now I can look after myself.

(Footage rolls from Emma's journey.)

Emma: (talking over the footage) (Emma is seen hitchhiking along a busy intersection) No means of transportation. (Emma is writing a sign on a piece of cardboard that reads, "Will Play For Money, Please!!") No money. (Emma is shown walking along a bridge overpassing a parking lot looking around) And no safety. (Emma is shown under a tree with a map and the coordinates Jonas left for her) But I did have one thing to keep me going. (Emma points to a circled spot on a map that match Jonas' coordinates) Hope.

(Shot cuts back to Emma on the couch.)

Emma: Jonas is always looking out for me. (Holds up coordinates, looks at them lovingly, and puts them back down) I didn't want to call him unless it was a matter of life and death. (Throws crumpled coordinates on the ground) I mean, you never know when the Order is watching or listening. But when I saw the watcher I had to take the chance and dial his cell. I really had no choice. Anyway, (Emma begins twirling a pink flower between her fingers) I'm sure the real question you guys have is: Where have I been?

(Shot cuts to Emma sitting on the ground with her guitar laying flat on her lap)

Emma: Well, the Order found out where we were and they started closing in. That's when my mom and dad decided it was probably best to split us up. They created a diversion and I went underground and I was hiding in a bunker for about a month by myself. And they said that they were gonna contact me as soon as they felt it was safe. But I haven't heard from them since. I'm sure I will. (Shot zooms in) I hope I will.

(Emma begins playing a few chords on her guitar)

Emma: I know that Jonas was upset that I was alone. But it wasn't all bad. Really. I mean, I had books and I wrote music and I had my journal. Really, it was sort of amazing. The independence I gained and and the self-reliance. I liked it until last Friday when Bree's mom showed up. And Daniel wanted to know if I was the one that killed her. But all I can say is I have footage and from that day forward nothing will ever be the same.

(Footage from Emma's time in the bunker begins to play. Emma is talking into the camera.)

Emma: I heard something outside. I think someone is trying to get in. (Someone begins trying to open the door to the bunker. Emma films the door and moves the camera back to herself.) It can't be Jonas. If it were, he'd be shouting my name. I think it's somebody else. (The door begins to rattle even more.) Alright, maybe... maybe this is the last thing I get to record so if something happens to me... (Pounding gets more frequent and Emma whips her head to look at the door.)

Elizabeth: (Through the door. The camera is still focused on Emma.) Emma. Emma, I know that you're in there. (Emma films the door again) Please, listen to me. It's Elizabeth, Bree's mom. (Emma moves closer to the door.) I'm here to help you. Emma?

Emma: What are you doing here?

Elizabeth: I know you've been watching your brother's videos. You've seen how I've helped him and now I'm here to help you. (Emma moves away from the door and films herself as Elizabeth begins to pound on the door again.) You must believe me. I won't let the Order take another innocent life. I'm coming in now.

(Shot shows Elizabeth entering the bunker in her black Elder's robe.)

Elizabeth: (Closes the door behind her) Emma, we've got to get you out of here. Now. Please, come with me.

(Sunlight is shown on Elizabeth's face and Emma turns the camera towards the door. A person dressed in a black body suit with only a bar for the eyes cut out is standing there with a gun. The person fires one shot into Elizabeth's head. Emma turns the camera back towards Elizabeth and she falls backwards onto the floor. Emma begins to film herself, breathing heavily, escaping from the bunker.)

(Shot changes back to Emma sitting on the ground with her guitar.)

Emma: Well, I escaped through a trap door in the back. An emergency exit. But, I just can't seem to figure out who killed her. I mean, The Order? It would make sense why they weren't shooting at me because I'm trait positive. But if it was the Order then why would they kill the head of Verdus Pharmaceuticals? You know? It just doesn't add up.

(Shot changes to Emma with her back against a wall with windows)

Emma: I said nothing will ever be the same again. And that's because I learned something while I was away. That no matter what you do, you really need to stand up for yourself. Seriously, especially when you're parents are... gone. I can't hide in a bunker my whole life. Which is why I really wanna help fight the Order. And I know that right know you guys are probably saying, "Little Emma, right. What can she do?" Well, I'm not so little anymore. I want to find Lord Carruthers like Jonas set out to do. And I want to know who killed Elizabeth Avery. But first, we need to stop the Salinas campaign so he won't come after us. And I'm gonna do it.


  • This is the last video in which Elizabeth Avery is seen alive.