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(CATCH UP #6: trying to recover.. have copied this in word if probs)
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'''10:30 a.m.'''  
'''10:30 a.m.'''  
Okay.. I watched the video! Very funny! Nikki chose "Drew Avery" as the best name. It was submitted by "LovetoSkydive!"
Okay.. I watched the video! Very funny! Nikki chose "Drew Avery" as the best name. It was submitted by "Luv2Skydive!"
Hmm? Bree Avery?  
Hmm? Bree Avery?  

Revision as of 16:23, 26 January 2007

Newcomer Guide



Date: January 25, 2007, 9:20 a.m. EST (start) 10:00 a.m.(end)

The biggest news last night is that Nikki Bower's true identity was revealed as... Alli D. or Alli Danziger!

For those who do not know, Nikki Bower is the reporter who follows Bree and Daniel around!!

On January 25, famous blogger Milowent exposed her identity in a blogpost. There is much speculation that "Milowent," is actually Miles, one of the creators of the series!

For more information about this revelation, follow the following link: [[1]]

Speculation is now that she is a part of the Order? Why else would she be looking for Jonas' house on camera?

I'm about to look up and watch Nikki Bower's video. People are raving about that one, too!


10:30 a.m.

Okay.. I watched the video! Very funny! Nikki chose "Drew Avery" as the best name. It was submitted by "Luv2Skydive!"

Hmm? Bree Avery?

Keep in mind that this "naming" is unofficial until Bree comes forward with the "real" information!!

There is a PARODY video now up on You Tube. It's called "Winning Daniel Back." Please do not be confused by this "Epic Movie" label. This is part of the parody. People are talking about this video and laughing about it.


Total Comment Counts so far on this video:

Main Message Board: 837

Community Forum: 2033

Main forum: 190

Community Forum: 66% of all posts!


Date: January 24, 2007, times were accidentally deleted. I remember that it was 8 a.m. to 9 a.m, however!


Last night's LG-15 video was entitled,Foosball Battle

Most people expressed that they enjoyed this video, although there were a wide array of opinions expressed.

OpAphid has also come out with a new video:

Lost Something: Won't someone be so kind as to go and retrieve this for young Mr. Beast? [4]

NEW (General) Forum Topic: [[5]]

COMMUNITY FORUM ongoing OpAphid Discussion Topic: [[6]]

On this video topic so far:

General Message Board: 393

General Forum: 102

"Community Forum: 1109

  • The community forum is at 69% of all posts (consistent with the past three days, and showing steady increase.)

Marbella started two new polls in "Off the Cuff"

Bree's Brattiness: [[7]] 66% of those polled so far believe that Daniel should spank Bree.

Feelings About Foosball: [[8]]

Her Previous Poll: (on forum demographics) showed that 1 in every 3 LG-15 fans are OVER 30!!

Several cute polls are in this section, including one by VoyBoy. The "Google Scavenger Hunt" continues to be fun and popular!


Date: January 24, 2007, 1:20 p.m. EST (start) 2:00 p.m.(end)


Total Posts on Time To Grow Up (including yesterday's posts)

General Message Board: 572

General Forum: 272

"Community Forum: 1783

  • The community forum is at 68% of all posts (consistent with yesterday.)
  • I will not sum up the comments today, due to the fact that they are no different than yesterday. I will say that last night's "training exercise" for the Defense force went very well. Apo informs us we are ready for whenever the Order attacks. We had to call the exercise short, due to concerns voiced by Cmdr. Cloud.

The new Nikki Bower video has been praised both on the General Message Board and the "Community Forum." It's called, "Investigating Pins and Pints"



Date: January 23, 2007, 7:30 a.m. EST (start) 8:30 a.m.(end)


  • The newest video is Time To Grow Up. The link above will take you to the transcript.
  • Other ARG Videos: None that I'm aware of. I'm going to check Revver and YouTube.

POSTING SUMMARY: As of 8:20 a.m., there are: 8 posts in the Community Forum on this video topic, 23 posts in the General Video Forum, and 91 posts on the main message board.



From reading all posts on all forums, the consensus within ALL is a sense of ANGER and/or FRUSTRATION with Bree's character. People dislike her more and more. I've asked in the two video forums for people's theories regarding WHY the Creators seem to want us to dislike her right now. No response has been given. I wrote a message to Daniel in that forum, to let him know that Bree really needs a loving confrontation. Some have expressed "outrage" towards Bree. Others express extreme concern that she is about to put herself in danger, because she is so out of touch with reality.


The community forum had 970 posts total on Hungover Very few were actually about the video. A "training exercise" was held for the Defense force, led by Apo. Many cute images of seals were posted. We had many laughs.

Apo has scheduled our next "training exercise" for 10:30 p.m. CST. ALL DEFENSE FORCE MEMBERS WHO ARE ABLE MUST ATTEND. This will be a test of our reflexes.

The general video forum only had 154 total comments on the video, Hungover. The message board had 281 total. This was 1405 total comments to Hungover with 69% coming from the new Community Forum video topic.


Date: January 22, 2007, 11:00 a.m. EST (start) 12:00 NOON (end)


  • The newest video is Hungover. This video opens with a comedic picture of Daniel, after having his face drawn on by Jonas. The link above will take you to the transcript.
  • Other ARG Videos: None that I'm aware of. I'm going to check Revver and YouTube.

POSTING SUMMARY: As of noon, there are: 103 posts in the Community Forum on this video topic, 98 posts in the General Forum, and 147 posts on the main message board.



  • MAIN MESSAGE BOARD: It seems that when people clicked on "more comments," they ended up on the comments page for the last video, rather than the new one. Thankfully, this has been fixed now! Many are still referring to Bree as being a "brat." Dogger pointed out that without Daniel there willing to sacrifice for her while she acts like an ungrateful brat, there would also be no one to push and prod Bree to grow. People are LOVING the new Cassie vid. Leslie brought up the bright comment that their room was ransacked over a "plastic card," in a past OpAphid video. There is much discussion about whether or not Daniel is "over" Bree. The general zeitgeist is that people were disappointed overall with this video.
  • For those who like to keep up with a listing of "What We Know So Far," Moderator Trainer101 had such a list. This is "chock full" of wonderful clues, hints, puzzles solved, etc. It is an excellent resource that could save you hours of pondering!!Consider PMing him or responding to that topic if you have more to add. [[10]]
  • For comedic value, "What We Don't Know" has been started in the Community Forum (AKA P*Monkey's Playhouse.)[[11]]
  • So far, in the Playhouse [[12]]this morning, people have been "catching up" on how each member is doing personally this morning and the night before. The main comment re: the video has been that it offered us two important things: (a) a laugh (b) obvious foreshadowing that the lost fake ID card will be relevant to the plot later. No one else has seen any other real value in this video. Marbella holds her past idea as true that Bree intentionally made her last video to throw off the order. If Bree really IS being the brat she seems to be pretending to be, most people care far less about her. Marbella also believes that the "fake ID" is probably a "real ID," and that Daniel is actually older than he appears and that he has been living under an alias.
  • In the main video discussion room, [13] similar comments are being made. There is the initial laughing about Daniel's appearance, followed by "What's the point?" discussions. Someone described this vid as "underwhelming." Stardust711 provided links to what the terms "Grossman" and "Manning" mean. People have speculated that the numbers on the cards Jonas was holding from "Truth or Dare," 2-4-7, refer to the date of the superbowl. The official transcript for the vid mentions that this is the 2nd to worst hand to have in poker. They also all agree that the "Fake ID" is a very important point. GoodGollyisHolly has brought up that the Order or OpAphid probably has it already.


Date: January 21, 2007, 7:00 p.m. EST

  • The latest LG-15 video shown was Truth Or Dare and following this link will take you to the full transcript. American Idol Runner-Up Katharine McPhee guest starred!
  • The plan was for Katharine McPhee to appear in this show only. She was a lot of fun to have on the show!
  • Newcomers (please see Newcomer Guide)should be aware that this video contains footage of Daniel's bedroom BEFORE he went to Jonas' house. He said he came because he found the hidden camera in his room. Some have speculated that OpAphid WANTED Daniel to find the camera there, as if they were drawing him to Jonas' house. "Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly." -Albert Stroud

WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON IN THE FORUMS I HAVE VISITED: (Please note: Anyone and Everyone is WELCOME to add their comments about the forums they have recently visited,and any further details they deem important!)

  • In The Community Forum (AKA P*Monkey's Playhouse),[14] we've re-organized the LG-15 Defense force to add a Science Lab. Last night, a production of "Vampire Chicken Theater" was shown. We've discussed various aspects of the video and we have come to varied conclusions. Afterwards, we chase down the vampire chickens with KABOOM!
  • On the general message board, members seem to still be adjusting to the format change, and they are voicing their various feelings about it. A discussion about the origin of the Deacons posts was held mid-afternoon. I wasn't in there long today. I hope that those who were will fill us in more about the overall gist of conversation today.
  • Other Forums-We welcome your input!!

This has been your latest "Catchup" from the Marbella Burger!!
