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Parsing the Breeniverse
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Star white on blue.gif

This page is dedicated to cataloging unusual Expressions, Acronyms, Terms, Phrases or Things found in the Breeniverse.

Breeniversism Meaning First Used, Links
436 something which does not exist such as the original comment by Joe "This comment does not exist." first use, links needed (Joe on comments)
8 Minutes an anomaly in the experience of the passage of time by a number of commenters mysteriously absent from for several days, possibly caused by Joe's Universal Time Zone experiments, held within the 436 June 2007, Brooklynxman comments, also Inside 436? on LG15 Today
BDJ or BD&J Bree, Daniel, and Jonas. For intance, Nikki Bower uses this term in School's In Session! - NBR Investigates first use, links needed
Bonas Bree + Jonas courtship June 2007, alexsfruitcakemommy on comments
Breeniverse everything associated with the Lonelygirl15 story August 2006
Breeniversisms Unusual Expressions, Acronyms, Terms, Phrases or Things found in the Breeniverse. June 2007, QtheC on LG15 Today
cassieisdrinkingslurpees long strings of words without spaces beginning with "cassieis..." such as cassieiscommenting or cassieisdoingsomethingthatishardtoreadwithoutspaces March 2007, OpLadybug fan video on LG15 Today
CiW Cassieiswatching, a fan created ARG based on a friend Bree mentions in Swimming!. first use, links needed
De-slurpee the process of deprogramming Bree begun in Bedside Manner after her brainwashing by the Hymn of One June 2007, GF on LG15 Today
FFFFIIIIRRRRSSSSTTTT!!!! celebration of the competition to post the first comment on each new video October 2006, General Firstsayer
Grape nehi official beverage of the LG Defense force, often served with bundt cake December 2006 (or earlier), (see Grape nehi on LGPedia)
HoO Hymn of One, Bree's Religion as revealed in Losing My Religion. April 2007,
Lonelycrack the addictive quality of Lonelygirl15 as defined here. November 2006, NAXAN on comments
Meep non-specific word replacing anything else, expression of commenter's delight and free spirit December 2006, Rebelgoddess & WatchingOne on comments
Orange slurpee tool of the forces of evil, see Orange slurpee page for more info. November 2006
Necro comments page term for the forums on the Lonelygirl15 website first use, links needed
New Girl After Alex told Bree that the Order "has a new girl" in The Perfect Beach, a List of New Girl Candidates emerged. April 2007
Perkyocracy a strange form of government (or social experiment) of and by and for the Comment board users, wherein everyone is absolutely equal and there are no moderators and yet Perky is the supreme authority, even over the Creators. June 2007, QtheC in IRC chat
Scoobies Bree, Daniel, and Jonas and anyone that travels with them. first use, links needed
Spin art recreational activity of the Order, mentioned by Daniel in Miss Me?. February 2007
TAAG Teen Angst Adventure Gang aka Bree, Daniel, and Jonas. first use, links needed (Tachyon)
This place is deader than Bree's Dad. Joe's way of describing slow activity on the comment's page. first use, links needed
WHOA! reaction to tasting Hershey's Ice Breakers Sours Gum, Lonelygirl15's first product placement in Truckstop Reunion. March 2007