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Codename: Double L from her video "Beware"

Codename: Double L (AKA TheLadyLazarus) is a very mysterious character connected to the GuillotineCalamity (aka Sister) ARG Arc on YouTube. The contributor of this charater introduced LL by useing lines from the poem "Lady Lazarus" by Sylvia Plath in the first ten videos.

What is known about Codename: Double L

As of yet, there is not very much information out there on LadyLazarus (AKA "LL" or Double L.) There are more questions than answers concerning this character. One of the biggest questions is whether "Lady" Lazarus is in fact a lady.... Recent discussions on the CTK Forums have led players to believe that LL is actually a man. Of course it hasn't helped that we never really see LL's face as it is usually covered by a strange mask. The change of the name from TheLadyLazarus to Double L have made it easier to create the ambiguity of gender.

Another big question is DoubleL's relation to Sister. There are some players who swear that DoubleL has been a truly evil character from the beginning. While it is true that her first set of videos were definitely not of a jovial nature, her more recent actions do not reciprocate such intentions.

As of late, Double L seems to be quite friendly with GuillotineCalamity. In her newfound blog a message warning Sister of her grandfather, W was decrypted. Oddly enough, this wasn't the first time DoubleL has sent Sister a message of warning concerning W. Though, for the sake of argument, this may also be seen as DoubleL taunting Sister about being chased.

Double L and Sister.... Friends or foes?

In all "TheLadyLazarus", "LL", "Double L", or whatever you want to call him/her is an incredibly complicated character, and will continue to be so until he/she chooses to reveal more about themself. I have a feeling that there will be an end to this, soon...

Video titles

The titles of LL's videos are a bit peculiar. Especially the first ten. When compiled together and put in reverse order they make the sentence "If Looks Could Kill Then I Would Make Myself Blind".

All of TheLadyLazarus' videos can be found on YouTube.

Video Clues and URLs

The second TinyPic URL photo that raised some questions, seeing as it has LL's mask over Lg15's face

TheLadyLazarus has some clues in her videos, as well as secret URLS and possible hints. Her video The Message (in response to GC's video The Inviation [Part 2]) gives answers to most of the questions GC's 2-part video raised (i.e the backwards writing that spelled "They're all dead They just don't know it yet"). Her latest videos (see Rebirth Of Cassie?) both give TinyPic URLs that lead to mixed images, together spelling "HELL HATH NO". Most expect there will be 3 "Cassie"s to finish the phrase "Hell hath no fury" (answer to Gc's last knock knock joke).

The First Ten Videos

LL supposedly at the park from the LG15/cassieiswatching/opAphid videos

"If Looks Could Kill Then I Would Make Myself Blind" (respectively)

  • Blind December 12, 2006
  • Myself December 12, 2006
  • Make December 18, 2006
  • Would December 18, 2006
  • I December 18, 2006
  • Then December 18, 2006
  • Kill December 18, 2006
  • Could December 22, 2006
  • Looks December 23, 2006
  • If December 29, 2006
  • Lady Lazarus December 31, 2006 (This video seems to be a summary of the first ten, utilizing the entire poem "Lady Lazarus" by Sylvia Plath.

Enemies on Notice/Warnings?

Rebirth of Cassie?

The "Cassie" in LL's latest videos

It has been speculated that Part III (pending) will be the last in this "Cassie" tribute and/or hash.

Other Links

Codename: TripleKnot - an ARG support forum which focuses heavily on the LL and GuillotineCalamity ARGs.

Codename: Double L Blog that had been "announced" through her YouTube page. Seems to be a recepticle for secret messages. As of yet, the sole entry has been broken down and discussed here.

ProjectStatic A YouTube user who claims to be B, a character mentioned in LL's blog.