My Day at the Movies - NBR 5

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NBR Episode NBR5
My Day at the Movies - NBR 5

Interesting news this week.

Blogger Nikki Bower
Date Posted November 25th, 2006
Description I tracked down the theater and went to see if there's anything suspicious.
YouTube Tags nikkibowerreport lonelygirl15 danielbeast gemmers19 movie hookah opaphid journalism
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Previous "Watchers Everywhere - NBR 4"
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My Day at the Movies - NBR 5 is the fifth video in the Nikki Bower Report series. This was posted in response to Thanksgiving. Nikki finds the movie theater that Bree visited in the Date With P. Monkey video and looks around for clues.


(Seated in car, driving slowly and talking to camera.)

Nikki: Hey guys! Nikki B here. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I had a good time with my family and friends and I ate so much I almost split my pants! Decided to take a little break from friends and family and go to the movies. (Moves shoulders up and down in excitement).

(Standing outside a cinema.)

Nikki: So we're here at the movie theatre where Bree came with her friend P. Monkey.

(Fast footage of Nikki walking past a wall of film posters.)

(Nikki stands looking over people beneath her, and a fountain. Over the other side, there is a building with someone in the balcony. Nikki waves.)

Nikki: (Close to the camera, pointing at her hands.) I'm trying to use the sign language to see if she's a watcher but (Looks back) Oh, no, she turned her back..but I think, I think her hand is clear, no sign.

(Camera cuts to a new scene as Nikki is walking.)

Nikki: Nothing in the plants! (Leans over to look at plants, which camera also does.) Just some gum.

(Camera changes to a new angle.)

Nikki: You have to always be careful when your going around corners, cos you don't know who you're really going to bump into like-(Two men walk down the stairs and camera turns to them.) Hello!

(Men mumble)

Nikki: Hi, have you seen anything unusual happen (Camera follows Nikki and the boys) happening in this uh, centre today?

Men: No..

Nikki: Like anyone looking, really creepy and like following people?

Man: No. we just got here.

Other Man: Well - you're followin people. (laughs)

Nikki: Oh...What? Oh. Not me! (Boys laugh) I'm trying to solve the crime! (later) Something looks reaally, really curious about about this place right here - pan, pan. (camera pans to show a large sort of tent with a sign that says "The Spot" and Arabic lettering below) Hmm, "The Spot"? And possibly some [Enochian]? Let's check it out. (walking around the tent) Look at these people, look at these people. Uh-huh, uh-huh. They're drugging them, and then... branding them with... Watcher birthmarks. (grins) (later) so that just turned out to be a hookah lounge. No real Watchers there.

