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Revision as of 09:38, 10 March 2007 by Chelseyrl (Talk | contribs)

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My name is Chelsey and I am relatively a new member but I've been following LG15 since November.
I live in Minnesota.
It's am unimportant place...
(Except for being home to Bob Dylan, Prince, Judy Garland... but that's just pop culture.)
I have a horrible compulsion to fix and edit every little mistake... even if it's my own and I have already edited 19 times.
OCD... bleh.
[Also, I tend to use ...'s waaaaaay too much.
So if you see a transcript that I edited/made that has too many ...'s, go ahead: EDIT THEM OUT.
I sure as hell can't think of anything better in place of them.]


Owen.jpg This user's favorite lg15 stuffed character is Owen.
BreeCig.gif This user thinks that Bree has a dark side that has not yet been revealed.
Nikkibowerheadshot.jpg This user gets their news from The Nikki Bower Report.
Cth "Uo yod, dopol ahp ecsy as gate htyhwswon kresus iht?"
Lonelybeast.jpg Lonelybeast taught this user about the Cornwallis Effect.
Renblod.jpg This user would rather drink eggnog than reindeer blood.
Tachyon7.jpg This user wants to be just like Tachyon when they grow up.
Jonas666.JPG This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.
lon This user's longitude is -93.04 .
LG This user has been following lonelygirl15 since November 2006.
PSW This user enjoys Proving Science Wrong!
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
This user loves userboxes.