Dude Back Off

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Episode 0225/1x225
Dude Back Off

Do I look like Mrs. Cleaver to you?

Blogger Sarah
Date Posted July 4th, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Length 1:45
Description Being clingy gets you nowhere. It's about FUN.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko sarah soccerstar
Music "Something Must Be Wrong" by Arthur Yoria
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "My Dad Died Too"
Next none
Previous by Sarah "The Mad Scientist"

Dude Back Off is the two-hundred twenty-fifth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. Dude Back Off is the two hundred twenty-fifth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Sarah is sitting on the bed with her legs crossed in a yoga position. She has candles lit, and Daniel's puppy is lying beside her.)

Sarah: I am free and happy. I am free and happy. I am free and happy.

(Sarah gets close to the camera.)

Sarah: I am free and happy because I am locked in my room, away from all clingy and needy guys. You wanna hear my internal freak song?

(Cuts back to Sarah in the yoga position.)

Sarah: I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver. I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver. I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver.

(Cuts to Sarah in the living room, pushing a vaccuum cleaner. Cuts to her in an apron folding laundry. Cuts back to her pushing the vaccumm. Cuts to Sarah checking something in the oven. Cuts back to Sarah sitting in her bedroom.)

Sarah: Who is Mrs. Cleaver?

(Cuts to Sarah back in the yoga position.)

Sarah: Do you see me dude? The reality of "us"? It's not all happy faces and sappy love songs and sunshine and ponies.

(Sarah gets close to the camera.)

Sarah: Why do you guys always get so serious? I mean, really. It's a big turn-off. Come on Daniel, think about my life. I just graduated high school, I left home, I don't even know what I'm doing with my future. Except for the fact that I'm chasing around Bree, the cult girl. I mean, come on. What did you think would happen? You're a bud. Be a bud. Let's just kick back and chill. Chill being the key word. And who knows, maybe I'll let you paint my toes again sometime soon.

(Sarah wiggles her toes for the camera.)
