A Change In My Life

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Episode 0028/1x028
A Change In My Life

I have to go on a diet

Blogger Bree
Date Posted September 3rd, 2006
URL old.LG15.com
Length 1:07
Description Today my parents told me some interesting news. I generally don't talk about my religion, but I wanted to share this with you guys.
Location(s) Bree's bedroom
YouTube Tags LG15 lonelygirl15 religion ceremony bar mitzvah confirmation parents honor lepton
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried
Producer(s) Miles Beckett
Director(s) Mesh Flinders
Vidplay Mesh Flinders
Story Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Greg Goodfried, and Amanda Goodfried
Editor(s) Miles Beckett
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Bree The Cookie Monster"
Next "Poor Pluto"

A Change In My Life is the twenty-eighth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. A Change In My Life is the twenty-eighth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


Bree: Okay, so most of you already know that I'm religious. The reason that I don't talk about my beliefs is...I take them very seriously...and I think that if I were to tell you about them that some of you would be very disrespectful. Not all of you, but...some of you. So, today I got some really cool news from my parents. I've been chosen to participate in a ceremony. The ceremony is a really big deal in my religion. They only happen once in a really long while, and it's very, very difficult to attend. My parents won't even be allowed to come. It's a big honor, and it's going to take a lot of preparation. There's a bunch of stuff that I'm gonna have to memorize...and I'm really bad at memorizing, so...that should be fun. There's also gonna be some special exercises that I have to learn, and I don't really know how they work but my mom said she would help me with them. I'll have to go on a diet. This I'm definitely not looking forward to. Other than that, it's basically like preparing for a Bar Mitzvah or a Confirmation. So...yeah!


  • Although Bree claims she just learned about the Ceremony "today", the previous video (which was made three days before) contains a hint as to the date of the Ceremony.