The Order

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Revision as of 11:50, 14 November 2006 by (Talk) (Well, how about this from the creators: "Please know that it is not our intention to malign or discredit the Thelema religion. The religion we have created for this series is entirely fictional.")

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In Learning Egyptian, Gemmers19 claims that Bree's religion is not a religion at all but a Secret Society.

According to Wikipedia: "The Order (also called the Silent Brotherhood and Aryan Resistance Movement) was a neo-Nazi organization active in the United States between 1983 and 1984. The Order described themselves as a “white nationalist revolutionary group”‘." It is not yet clear if this is same group as that referred to in the LG15 storyline.

Wikipedia also talks about Order (Deus Ex) which is "a fictional transdenominational religious group set in the computer and video game Deus Ex: Invisible War."

Another possible meaning would be Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which Aleister Crowley once belonged to. However, "the Order" is most likely just a shorthand way of saying "The Order of Denderah" as is a common practice amongst order members, regardless of the order they belong to.

Yet other possibilities are The Order Of The Blood, The Order of the Big Bang and the Rosicrucian Order.

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