Talk:She's Telling The Truth

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Revision as of 22:31, 15 October 2007 by (Talk)

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I think she is being tortured and there are two reasons for this. The first being the most obvious one is her looking like a POW. Secondly is the pounding of her fist to the palm and later following it with a tap to the face as to say, "Claire punch me and I can't say it because she is behind the camera with a Watcher who is pointing a gun at me...*HELP*".

sorry, still thinking baseball signals ???????

emma taps her knees could it be morse code??

Wait a sec...could the tapping..the showing of her fingers..could that count be for a phone number? I just got 408..which is an area code for San Jose..maybe we should take another look at these motions, not read into sign language, but perhaps, numbers? -Nobackspacebutton

i disagree with the note regarding sign language. i have 'spoken' sign language all my life and i cannot recognize anything. i think we want to imagine that emma is telling us something so much that we're filling in codes. it is important to look at her gestures because i am sure she is trying to tell us something but i don't like the sign language talk. - platy oct 12

  • I've re-added the note regarding sign language, but noted that there's some dispute as to whether Emma's actually using ASL. Also put in the specific times at which Emma may or may not have made each of the disputed signs. Msclguru 11:01, 15 October 2007 (CDT)
  • what if it's some sort of sloppy sign language? I take Japanese, and am pretty fluent at their written alphabets, so when I want to write down something that I don't want others to see, I use the Japanese symbols to spell out english words. Assumming it to be pure japanese would give you gibberish, but only I would know that it's Japanese writting for english words. Anyone get my drift? (**for any nihongonohanaseru-jin :REALLY wishes she had japanese font on this computer:, it'd be like making EVERYTHING katakana, 'cept usually in hiragana**)--Nieriel.Manwathiel


agent173 October 13th, 2007 at 11:39 pm Okay, someone suggested this before, but it makes a lot of sense to me So, when we first meet Emma, they play charades, so, when she points towards the sky, that’s ‘first word’, then she does some gesturing. Then, she says “scout’s honor” and holds up to fingers, or, ’second word’. Then, she gesticulates some more. ==

Anyway, I think it makes sense. Sorry if y’all’ve already come to a conclusion on the matter. =)