They Beat Her!!!

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Revision as of 22:01, 17 October 2007 by (Talk) (ahahahhahahahahha...dude this is sick humor, but its funny-xwestsidex)

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Episode 323/2x067
They Beat Her!!!

Xwestsidex beat me...

Blogger Sarah
Date Posted October 16th, 2007
Forum [14548 forum discussion]
Length 4:39
Description I feel pretty bad, xwestsidex is pretty ruthless.
Location(s) The rented house
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 daniel beast jonastko sonia order hymn of one
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Sonia Raegan Payne
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Nice Try"
Next "They Belong With Us"
Previous by Sarah "Battle of the Sexes"

They Beat Her!!! is the three-hundred twenty-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixty-seventh video of season two. They Beat Her!!! is the three-hundred twenty-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixty-seventh video of season two.


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(TAAG and Sonia are crowded in the bathroom. Sonia is bruised and scratched up.)

Daniel: Say, that's fucked up. Turn your head a little. I wanna be sure to get this.

Sonia: Easy.

Sarah: Sorry!

(Sonia groans)

Daniel: Sonia was over at Xwestsidex's house, and he wanted to eat her fish taco, But--Well, you said you didn't want him to, right?

Sonia: No, I didn't.

Daniel: Good. Good.

(Camera zooms to the bathroom mirror showing Jonas watching Sarah care for Sonia's wounds.)

Jonas: Sonia, I-I hate to doubt you, but...Why did Xwestsidex do this to you?

Sonia: I dunno why.

Daniel: Well, how do we know you didn't wear skimpy clothing?

Sonia: I didnt wear skimpy clothing, all right?!!!.

Sarah: God, what did he do to you?

Jonas: I'm gonna get some band-aids.

(Jonas walks out. Scene changes. TAAG and Sonia are sitting on a couch.)

Sonia: Xwestsidex was there at first. And he was all like "ey lemme get some of that fish taco" and I was like "no, I don't feel comfortable."

Sarah: What did he say to that?

Sonia: He was like "BULLSHIT!" and how every girl wants their fish taco eaten by him and that I was being a prude little bitch.

Sarah: What?

Jonas: Yeah, well, shit happens!

(Sonia looks around at everyone. Scene changes. Everyone is outside. Sonia and Jonas are sitting on a white long outdoor chair. Daniel hands her a glass of water.)

Sonia: Oh! Thanks.

Jonas: Yeah, how you feeling? You sound better.

Sonia: Yeah.

Sarah: You don't really look better. But you sound better.

Sonia: I'm a little dizzy, but better.

Jonas: You feel like talking...a little more about it? I mean, 'cause if you don't we can just do it later.

Sonia: He...He started acting all sweet and gentle with me. Right?

Sarah: What do you mean?

Sonia: Like, told me I wasn't acting like myself.

Jonas: Hm.

Sonia: He wanted to know why I wasnt letting him eat my fish taco. And I told him that he was an asshole.

Sarah: And then he hit you?

Sonia: he was all like "what the fuck you just say bitch?! you better shut the fuck up before I woop your ass" and I started tellin him that he should learn how to treat a lady right and he was like "I TOL' YOU TO SHUT UP!!" and he started *sniff* *sob* hitting me *sob* hella times!

Daniel: What's he look like? Big guy?

Sonia: OMG yea, big guy. REALLY big guy. Big in the arms, big in the chest, big in the head, and big in the dick.

Daniel: WOW. I wonder how he does it?

Sonia: Yeah.

Sarah: And he just did that..or what else did he do?

Sonia: Well, he tried to stick his dick in me, but I wasnt wet, so that made him even more pissed off, so he slapped me with his dick and told me to suck it. But I was like "fuck no" so he flipped me over and stuck it in my ass with my shit as a lubricant. And then after he busted a nut on my face he made me lick my own shit off his dick. And then threw me out on the front lawn and said that he had more important things to worry about. Jonas: More important things...? Do-do you know what more important things he had to worry about?

Sonia: No. You know, I'm getting kind of dizzy. I'll go inside.

Sarah: Yeah. (to Jonas) Don't look so glum.

(Jonas throws up his hands and gets up. Scene changes to everyone inside the house.)

Jonas: So, I think you were going to tell us about these things Xwestsidex had to do?

Sonia: Well, Xwestsidex is part of a new project. I don't know what it is. He never was allowed to tell me about it. Except for the fact that "Jonpro was going to get his ass kicked"

Sarah: What do you mean, "was never allowed" to tell you about it?

Sonia: I dunno. he just doesnt let anyone know what he does, but he says it will change the world?

Sarah: "Change the world?" How?

Sonia: I dunno. I never pressed him. (Jonas breathes in. Rolls eyes and looks at the camera meaningfully.) But I think he got tired of the lack of humor in the LGpedia and decided to make it full of bad language, fish taco, and just something entertaining for the adult community. And he always talked about how the Admins are always screwing up everything he does.

Jonas: Okay...Uh, hey! Thank you. (Reaches out and grabs Sonia's wrist.) Um, thanks for talking to us. (looks at camera) Daniel. We got work to do. (Something. Unsure what he says.) Let's find Emma. (whispers)..damn that westside dude is a PIMP, man!

Daniel: Yeah, alright. Hey, Sarah. Just don't stop filming.

(Hands camera to Sarah. Jonas and Daniel leave.)

Sarah: Uh, okay.

Sonia: They kinda hate me, don't they?

Sarah: No. They don't hate you. They're just on this one track mind thing, because of Emma's

Sonia: Emma's sending a code?

(Sarah laughs nervously. Scene cuts to Sarah alone talking to the camera.)

Sarah: So, Sonia's in the bath. She was gonna find out about the code anyway, you know? I mean, everybody's talking about it on the forum. What do they think she is? Stupid? They probably do. After all, she's female. Anyway, after the guys left, I started talking to her some more. And, um, you know what? I think, uh, I think I found some information that, uh, can get us to Emma another way. It's nothing I can talk about yet, but I'm on a trail. God, I feel like Nancy Drew. Ridiculous, I know. But, anyway. Hopefully it will all work out. Oh, and about that birdhouse. You know, that was totally unfair because it isn't even finished yet. It's still not. But I have a lot more important things to worry about than some stupid birds. Anyway, keep you updated.


  • This video confirms that Xwestsidex has been eating fish taco