Introducing the Lifesblood Labs Strandbox

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Revision as of 05:40, 13 September 2008 by Phisho (Talk | contribs) (transcript (My first!) and notes stolen straight from the last video. If someone could create a page for the Strandbox, that'd be great, I went ahead and linked to it.)

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Episode -1
Introducing the Lifesblood Labs Strandbox

Mmmmm... Blood.

Blogger LifesBlood Labs
Date Posted September 12th, 2008
Description Introducing the next revolution in medical science presented by the fine people of Lifesblood Labs.
Location(s) LifesBlood Labs
YouTube Tags Lifesblood Labs Dr. Leonard Alderman Phlebotomy Strandbox

Leonard Alderman Unknown
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Introducing the Lifesblood Labs Strandbox is the ninth prologue video of LG15: The Resistance.


(Logo of LifesBlood Labs spins on the screen, and then the name of the company fades in under it. The video cuts to Leonard Alderman sitting at a desk.)

Dr. Alderman: Dialysis is daunting for any patient (Dr. Leonard J Alderman fades in at the bottom of the screen.) and every treatment has its share of case-specific complications. (The text disappears.) Yet, despite the ubiquitous nature of these challenges, no single solution has been offered to try and solve the problem…until now. (Cuts to an illustrated rendering of a device as the camera zooms in.) This is the first prototype of the Lifesblood Labs Strandbox (Cuts to a close-up of the illustration as the camera pans up and to the left.), a perfectly safe and secure dialysis device (Cuts to another close-up of the illustration while the camera zooms out.) for use with long-term patients and emergency procedures. (Cuts to Dr. Alderman at his desk.) While the basic concept is based upon nineteenth-century technology, it also draws from the best of the twenty-first century. Dedicated microprocessors appropriately locate the best veins and arteries, thus eliminating the need for a dangerous and painful arteriovenous fistula. The Strandbox automatically guides the needles into the arm, thus guaranteeing less collapsed veins, minimal long-term effects, and less pain for the patient. (Cuts to a closer shot of Dr. Alderman, still at his desk.) This technology assures that the process of dialysis, no matter how intensive, is made comforting, quick, and painless. Best of all, less accidents and long-term injuries, (Cuts to Dr. Alderman, up from his chair, walking around the rim of the desk.) and that’s something we can all celebrate. The Strandbox is just another way that Lifesblood Labs is showing its dedication to the well-being of every man, woman, and child on earth. (Cuts to a close-up of Dr. Alderman) Lifesblood Labs, the rest of your life begins now.

(Cuts to a reversed opening sequence.)


  • This video was filmed at EQAL's offices.
  • This video was not posted on