Jest w porządku...

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Episode 23/1x023
Jest w porządku...

You're not going to get naked again are you?

Date Posted March 4th, 2009
Forum forum discussion
Length 2:59
Description Gdzie jest Kama?
Location(s) Kama, Natan, & Justyna's apartment, An Alleyway
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Marcin Męczkowski
Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Greg Goodfried, Amanda Goodfried, and Kamil Przełęcki
Vidplay Jakub Kossakowski
Story Maura Ładosz
Ola Ania Narloch
Natan Mateusz Mikołajczyk
Daniel Paweł Parczewski
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Underworld"
Next "Łączność"

Jest w porządku... is the twenty-third video in the N1ckola video series. Loosely translated, the video title means "Everything's fine..." or "Everything's in order..."


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(All lines in this transcript were either originally in English or have been translated into English. N1ckola intro is shown. Ola wakes up. She looks over towards Kama's bed only to find it empty. She puts on the robe sitting on the bed and walks into the kitchen, where Natan is standing in his robe and Underwear sipping coffee. Ola stops and stares, and Natan puts his coffee down and ties up his robe. Ola walks to the counter.)

Natan: Sorry. I thought nobody was home.

Ola: (Getting a glass out of the cabinet.) It's okay, but can you turn the volume down? (Natan turns the volume down on the stereo and picks up his coffee. Ola fills her glass with water.) So, that's already like a tradition. Seeing you like that.

Natan: No, you know, when the girls go to their jobs in the morning then-

Ola: And what about you? You don't have a job?

Natan: No. Since I'm a heir now I can just... chill. (Ola gives him a strange look.) Actually I have a job. I take messages for people. I make appointments with clients at different hours. Never for the morning, though I hate waking up early.

Ola: And you have fun in the morning? (Quietly to herself.) Like in preschool...

Natan: No, that's not for fun, it's serious. I'm practicing for a tournament, you know? (Walks across the room to reveal that they are talking about a monopoly game.) I'm a little late though, because I signed up too late. But I'm on the waiting list, so maybe I'll get in.

(Natan sits down and Ola follows him into the living room.)

Ola: Ah, a big kid! Reminds me of someone.

Natan: (Confused.) What?

Ola: (Looking increasingly uncomfortable.) Did you see Kama today?

Natan: I did, I did, but I thought you left together.

Ola: And why would I go with her to her work?

Natan: Not to work. You're from Wałbrzych too, right?

Ola: Yeah, but what's the point?

Natan: That Kama went to Wałbrzych. (Ola stares blankly. The phone rings, and Natan gets up to answer it.) Excuse me. (Answers the phone.) Hello? Yes, yes, the apartment is in good hands. Everything's alright, you know - "In Order."

(Ola looks up quickly at Natan. Cut to Daniel in the alley.)

Daniel: Alright... Alright...

(Cut back to the apartment. Natan walks into another room and Ola looks down warily. Cut briefly to Ola chewing gun and looking at the television. Credits are then shown.)
