Miles Beckett

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Miles Beckett in a television interview.

Miles Beckett is one of the creators of the lonelygirl15 saga.

The Los Angeles Times [1]identified Beckett as a "Web-obsessed 28-year-old medical school drop-out." The New York Times [2] identified Beckett as a doctor turned filmmaker. Miles had attended medical school at UC-San Diego and was in a surgical program when he decided to leave.

After considering work as a consultant to transition out of medicine, Beckett instead decided to produce internet videos. His first production was the internet mini-series "West Wingers," which spoofed White House press conferences.

The idea of creating the lonelygirl15 saga was Beckett's. Beckett spent a lot of time on YouTube and noticed that the most popular original content was videobloggers. Beckett imagined creating a story around a videoblogger, and that people would not know if it was real or fake. He met Mesh Flinders at a karaoke-bar birthday party in April 2006. Flinders had been working on a character, a shy but precocious homeschooled teenage girl, who would eventually become Bree. When the two met, they decided to collaborate on the project together.

Beckett is the editor of the lonelygirl15 videos, sometimes along with Kevin Schlanser. When "The Creators" make posts at the lonelygirl15 forums, it is usually Miles writing. Flinders has credited Miles as the driving force behind the success of lonelygirl15.

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