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Blogger Jonas
Date Posted September 24th, 2008
10:19AM PDT
Adjacent Blogs
Directly after "Sexy Librarian Strikes Again!"
Directly before "Abduction!"

Scribbles is a text blog posted by Jonas directly after the video Sexy Librarian Strikes Again!, and directly before the video Abduction!.


Flight landed early this morning. Bumpy ride. But I got here safe and sound. I hate flying.

You know what I hate more though? Dead ends. Run arounds.

I went to the "auction house," following all of Hymn of None's directions. And... you guessed it. No auction. Nothing. Just a gutted warehouse. Completely abandoned. Broken windows. Graffitied walls. Scratched, cement floors covered in dirt.

At first I was pissed (how could I not be?). Then cautious. Once I calmed down I decided to scope the place out. Eventually I found it...

A Crowley Collection flyer. Same one we've all seen. Only this one had some writing on the back. It was a poem, or, I don't know, two pieces of a poem.

It's definitely a message. Maybe a clue. Pointing me somewhere. Some new destination. I can't be sure. That's why I need your help. I'm posting the poem because I can't do any research right now. I'm going to keep moving around. Never safe to stay in one place.

Anyway, here's what the first part said:

For those who would endeavor
to acquire that which was His:
Respects must be paid, to those
who embody what He believed.

And here's the second:

The daughter who lived for 6 years, then died.
The bride who died, then lived for 6 years.
Yet neither has left us.
Kneel at their feet and find answers.

Can any of you help me figure out what or who these things are about?


Update 1

Based on some of your research, I hopped the L (and then a cab) and went over to Graceland Cemetery. I was looking for the headstone of that Inez Clarke girl -- the daughter who lived for six years.

Sure enough, on the back of it was another Crowley Collection flyer. This one was different too... in a another way. No poem. Just a set of numbers. Five numbers:


While you guys try to make sense of that, I'm gonna check out two other cemeteries -- Mount Carmel (for that Italian Bride) and Rosehill (for the Pearce dude).

I'll let you know if I find anything else...

(Thanks to Veela-Valoom, Toad, Reedabook, SouthSideHope, CharChar Binks, and Shanon).

Update 2

Got nothing at Rosehill. Mount Carmel was another story. Thanks to you guys, I found another Crowley Collection flyer -- taped to the back of that Italian Bride's headstone. It had five more digits on it.

It was definitely a phone number. I dialed and got an answering machine for Willow Woods. The answering machine gave me their address and I'm heading there now...

Will post again if I find anything.

(Thanks to Jazz and EsotericTheory for the area code hookup).