Verdus Pharmaceuticals

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Verdas Pharmaceuticals is a company that recently announced a partnership with the Wyman Foundation and the Hymn of One via a press conference. In Connections, Jonas reveals the correct spelling is Verdas Pharmaceuticals.

What Do They Know?

The new partnership between Verdas Pharmaceuticals, the Wyman Foundation, and the Hymn of One.

A company representative was at the press conference, and when asked what had brought about the partnership, the speaker replied: "[W]hen the Wyman Foundation made us aware of the incredible work that the Hymn of One was doing in areas of prenatal care in our impoverished communities, we had to get involved. This is exactly the type of faith-based initiative that we at Verdas Pharmaceuticals feel has global impact." (What's Going on?).

These statements are highly misleading, and do not actually reflect the work of the Hymn of One. It is unclear whether this statement was made for the benefit of the audience present, or if Verdas Pharmaceuticals does not truly know what they have gotten themselves into.

What Will They Do?

The actual nature and intentions of this company remain yet unseen. However, from its name, we can assume that they work closely with drugs. It is possible that this company will make the drugs that the Hymn of One injects into trait positive girls to prepare them for the Ceremony. It is also possible that they will produce brainwashing drugs for the Hymn of One, as they have also used those a number of times.