The Trains

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Episode 130/1x130
The Trains

No one can hurt me under my blanket of safety.

Blogger Gavin
Date Posted December 4th, 2007
Forum [435 forum discussion]
Length 1:44
Description Don’t watch my video, it’s private. Only Kate is allowed to watch. But no-one else. Especially not the Order.
Location(s) Gavin and Charlie's flat
YouTube Tags KateModern LG15 lonelygirl15 Gavin
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Co-Executive Producer(s) Joanna Shields and Amanda Goodfried
Associate Producer(s) Cristy Coors Beasley
Series Producer(s) Pete Gibbons
Line Producer Kelly Brett
Production Co-Ordinator Claire Finbow
Interactive Co-ordinator(s) Jonathan Almond
Production Runner(s) Meryl Iona Edwards
Director(s) Gavin Rowe (BigBalls Films)
Head Writer Luke Hyams
Vidplay Hazel Grian
Story Miles Beckett, Luke Hyams, and Hazel Grian
Editor(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Gavin Ralf Little
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "The Confession"
Next "From Above"
Previous by Gavin "The List"
Next by Gavin "I'm not a lonelygirl.. am I?"

The Trains is the one-hundred thirtieth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. The Trains is the one-hundred thirtieth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Gavin is on the floor in his flat, talking into the camera. He is wearing a suit jacket and tie, with no shirt.)

Gavin: So the tale goes on. Spiraling ever downwards and dragging us all down with it. For instance, how can a perfectly reasonable man - a doctor - William Griffin, end up broke and living like a tramp hating himself, like a lunatic, surrounded by newspaper cuttings? Hmm?

(A train rumbles by. Gavin gets up, revealing he is wearing no trousers, and runs to the balcony door.)

Gavin: (Yelling outside.) Keep sending the trains! You keep sending them! I don't care! I can take the noise! I can take anything!

(Gavin slams the door and comes back to the camera.)

Gavin: Charlie's really got herself in it this time. (Cut to Gavin standing by the balcony doors.) No, she's alright. She got back alright last night. She said she's not gonna get involved in it any more. (Cut to Gavin back at the camera.) Of course she's gonna get involved. She's gonna go running around looking for all those new trait positive girls - and you're gonna chase after her like a little puppy dog. (Cut to Gavin standing by the balcony doors.) No, I-I-I'm not stupid. I just... I care about her, that's all. (Cut to Gavin back at the camera.) Yeah, you care about her. You really like her. You want to hold her and save her and protect her from the Order. (Laughs. Cut to Gavin standing by the balcony doors.) No! I'm not... I'm... Leave me alone! (Walks away. Gavin hides under his blanket and turns in circles, barking. He comes over to the camera and shows his face, panting. Cut to Gavin back at the camera.) They're not gonna get to her through me. They can't get to me because I don't care about anybody; I have no weaknesses. Do you hear me? Huh? I have no weaknesses. (Laughs. Gavin looks off camera and hurriedly turns it off.)


  • Gavin's psychosis seems readily apparent in this video.
  • Gavin's actions makes it apparent he is conflicted between trying to help Charlie and throwing her to the proverbial sharks.
  • Gavin's psychosis is similar to that of "Tyler Durden" in the movie Fight Club