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You Think What? Are You From Outer Space?-- The Genesis of the Lonelygirl15 and Moonchild Connection

The usage of the Moonchild term in relation to the Lonelygirl15 story stems from a lot of loosely based conjecture on the part of a number of forum posters and a series of events that were occurring at the time leading up to the ceremony. There was no solid link to the LG15 series and the Moonchild concept. In With the coming of Crowleymas(October 12th), the anticipated date for the ceremony and anti-climatic nature of the day resulting from a faked ceremony, the Moonchild theory has grown even farther from "reality" than the Moon itself is from the Earth. The Moonchild concept has however, made its way into Lonelygirl15 Fanfiction and response videos.

What is a Moonchild?

The concept of the Moonchild<ref>Wikipedia article on Moonchild</ref> was created by Aleister Crowley in his book bearing that name. The Moonchild is a humanculous that is in essence an ethereal being which would play a role in bringing about a Ammargaedon and a resulting new age of Horus. There has been much speculation, much of it documented in the Lonelygirl15 forums, with regards to Bree, her religion, and her role within it. One of the often mentioned theories revolved around Bree and the Moonchild concept. There have been two pervasive main themes withing these theories. The first was that it would be attempted during the Ceremony to impregnate Bree with a Moonchild type being. The second theory was that Bree was herself a Moonchild. One element fueling this came from Bree mentioning that the other kids called her "stargirl". While not identical the usage of other celestial bodies linked with the term for a female child drew some further conjecture that Bree was a special child, maybe an ethereally concieved being, a Moonchild type of entity. Recently, it has been confirmed that Bree was indeed a special child within the order. She was identified as a potential candidate for the ceremony as a baby and placed with a hand picked family to be raised as their own as were many other children across the globe. Apparently only a very select few of these children are ever deemed adequately suited for the ceremony. Bree was one of these chosen children. While still a stretch, this new revelation does crack the door ever so slightly for Bree to have some role in a moonchild scenario.

Fans of the Moonchild

There have been some fan videos composed around the concept of the Moonchild/and or the Babalon Working .

Moonchild - ModelMotion

