lonelygirl15 Season Finale 3 of 12 - 10 am

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Episode 0247/1x247
lonelygirl15 Season Finale 3 of 12 - 10 am

So, we kinda crashed into that Watcher...

Blogger 12 in 12
Date Posted August 3rd, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Length 3:19
Description Holy sh%t! We REALLY need your help!
Location(s) Santa Monica
YouTube Tags bree daniel danielbeast girl lg15 lonely lonelygirl15
Music "Sexy" by Ima Robot [1]
Jonas Jackson Davis
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Taylor Becki Kregoski
Spencer Maxwell Glick
Watcher Greg Goodfried
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lonelygirl15 Season Finale 3 of 12 - 10 am is the two-hundred forty-seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. lonelygirl15 Season Finale 3 of 12 - 10 am is the two hundred forty seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


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(Everyone is in the car; the camera is on Jonas. A Watcher is following them.)

Jonas: Taylor get down!

Taylor: I'm getting down! I'm sorry!

Jonas: Everybody relax!

Daniel: Head downtown, man!

Sarah: Are you--are you guys sure that that's him?

Jonas: I think it is!

Sarah: Oh, sh...

Jonas: Just hang on, everybody, I'm gonna get us out of this. ... Is he still there?

Daniel: I can't see!

Sarah: Yeah, he's still there!!

Jonas: I can't get rid of this guy.

Daniel: Where are you going?! Do you know where you're going?

Jonas: I don't know where I'm going, I'm heading downtown!

Sarah: Okay, you know what, freaking out is not gonna help the situation, so can we calm down?

Jonas: Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Sarah: Just go, go, go.

Daniel: WOAH!

Taylor: We're not losing him, he's right there!


Daniel: Holy shit!

Jonas: Just hold on.

Daniel: You're doing good, man, keep it going, keep it going!

Sarah: He's getting really close!

(Watcher's car rams into the back of Jonas's car.)

Jonas: Hang on everyone!


Jonas: Hang on!

(The group starts running from the crash.)

Sarah: I'm okay.

Daniel: Go! Spencer, hurry up man! Hurry up!

Jonas: Where we gonna go?

Taylor: I don't know!

Jonas: Hurry, come on, let's go!

(The group continues running. The camera goes up to the sky and shows a helicopter slowly passing by. It then cuts back to the runners, this time in front of them.)

Sarah: Wait, wait!

Daniel: Come on, go! Go, go, go!

(The camera turns and in front of them is Spencer, waving them inside a warehouse.)

Spencer: Alright, here! Everyone get in, get in!

(The group runs into the warehouse and stops when they reach the middle.)

Sarah: Where we gonna go?

Jonas: I don't know, we should definately--

Sarah: Where do we hide?

Taylor: Where do we go?

Sarah: We gotta hide!

Jonas: I don't know, follow me, come on, let's go!

(The group proceeds to run behind a couple of boxes where they catch their breath.)

Jonas: Here, let's stop. (turns to Spencer) The computer in there?

Spencer: Yeah, it should be fine. It's in its padded carrier.

(Daniel turns the camera on himself and speaks to it.)

Daniel: We crashed the car. Right when we left the coffee shop someone started chasing us.

(He turns the camera back.)

Taylor: --yeah that's great. Are you sure?

Spencer: (inaudible)

Jonas: He's here!

(The camera turns and sees the Watcher's car starting to pull in.)

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