Alternate Reality Game

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Some fans initially suspected that lonelygirl15 was an Alternate Reality Game, a type of game that overlaps the game world with reality, by utilizing real world media, such as YouTube, phone calls, or blogs, to deliver an interactive media experience with players. The people who run an ARG are often referred to as "puppet masters".

For a while, OpAphid was the official ARG of Lonelygirl15. However, this is no longer the case. Other popular fan-created ARGs include The Homeschoolers Aggregate, Facility J, and Redearth88.


ARG Rules

  1. Maintain the attitude that 'this is not a game!'
  2. Work Together! Collaboration is the key to solving any puzzle!
  3. Stay in character!

Common Terms

  • IG: In Game
  • OOG: Out Of Game
  • IC: In Character
  • OOC: Out Of Character
  • Puppet Master (PM): Person (people) behind the scenes
  • Shill: Someone in association with the PM, who plays as the biggest fan, etc
  • Drop: A clue, dropped off, in which players find and share in order to move along the story

External links