4 Girls, 2 Guys

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Episode 413/3x003
4 Girls, 2 Guys

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Blogger Daniel
Date Posted February 13th, 2008
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [16135 forum discussion]
Length 2:18
Description Too many girls.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 danielbeast jonastko emma jennie sarah
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Gina Crystal Young
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Up All Night"
Next none
Previous by Daniel "She Lost A Lot Of Blood"

4 Girls, 2 Guys is the four-hundred thirteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the third video of season three. 4 Girls, 2 Guys is the four-hundred thirteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the third video of season three.


Daniel: Hey. Everything's a mess up here. We're all surrounded-

Jennie: Jonas! (Daniel pans the camera to show Jennie yelling at a door.) You don't have any right to control Emma! Or me, or anybody else! (The camera zooms in on Gina, who looks bemused and irritated.) Oh, that's really mature. (Walks over to Daniel.) Why is he such a fucking child? (Walks out of the room.)

Daniel: Those two have been fighting like that all day. Jennie thinks that Emma should be able to call her dad whenever she wants to, and Jonas doesn't trust his parents at all. He won't even let Emma send them an email. I mean, Jonas's folks are Hymn of One, and they were giving her serum injections, but Jennie's right: they-

(Sarah grabs the camera and cuts off Daniel.)

Sarah: They're not fighting about Emma.

Daniel: What?

Sarah: Okay. Jennie's been a raging bitch to Jonas ever since we rescued Emma. Jennie and Jonas used to be all "BFF", and now Jonas spends all his time with Emma.

Daniel: Sarah, Emma's sick. Jennie's not crazy enough to be jealous.

Sarah: Oh, beastie-boy... (Pinches Daniel's cheek.) It's as clear as the button nose on Gina's face. Back me up, G-dog. (Gina seems irritated as she looks over at Sarah. She quickly goes back to reading her book.) Jennie's jizzle fo-shizzle.

Daniel: Get up!

Sarah: What?

Daniel: Get up! (Stands up.) Just- You know what?

Sarah: Daniel!

(Cut to Daniel outside the cabin.)

Daniel: Hey. Sorry about that. Look, I know everyone at LG15.com is talking about Gina. "Is she really Bree's sister?" And even if Gina and Bree really are sisters genetically, by blood, can they really be sisters if they were separated at birth?

Jonas isn't sure, and Sarah acts like she doesn't care... But I've got to be straight with you guys: I see Bree in Gina. Gina and I haven't really talked - she hasn't really talking to anybody except for Emma - but there's just something about her. From the way she crosses the room, or rolls her eyes, or... Anyway, Sarah freaked out when I told her. Guess why. It's nuts up here, folks; four girls, two guys stuck in a cabin. (Laughs.) Peace.


  • The coloring on the book Gina is reading hints that it may be a Nancy Drew novel.