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Episode 25/1x025

CSI: N1ckola

Date Posted March 6th, 2009
Forum forum discussion
Length 1:18
Description Szczegół ma znaczenie
Location(s) Bartek's apartment, Wrocław Bus Station, Airplane, An Alleyway
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Marcin Męczkowski
Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Greg Goodfried, Amanda Goodfried, and Kamil Przełęcki
Vidplay Jakub Kossakowski
Music Paris Music/Vivart
Ola Ania Narloch
Bartek Bartek Picher
Kama Marzena Kopczyńska
Daniel Paweł Parczewski
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Łączność"
Next "Poradzisz sobie beze mnie"

Inwigilacja is the twenty-fifth video in the N1ckola video series. Loosely translated, the video title means "Surveillance."


(Bartek is sitting at a table wearing rubber gloves. He puts Ola's phone card down on the table. He dusts it and the phone for fingerprints. He plays the security camera footage of Ola and Kama at the Bus Station. Bartek accesses Ola's address book and calls Kama. Cut to a computer screen with Ola's picture and an array of fingerprints. Cut to footage of Bartek and Ola on the plane.)

Bartek: Może mi pani pomóc?

(Cut briefly to Daniel carrying a cat carrier and running down an alleyway. Credits are then shown.)


(Bartek is sitting at a table wearing rubber gloves. He puts Ola's phone card down on the table. He dusts it and the phone for fingerprints. He plays the security camera footage of Ola and Kama at the Bus Station. Bartek accesses Ola's address book and calls Kama. Cut to a computer screen with Ola's picture and an array of fingerprints. Cut to footage of Bartek and Ola on the plane.)

Bartek: Can you help me?

(Cut briefly to Daniel carrying a cat carrier and running down an alleyway. Credits are then shown.)
