Please Help

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Episode 307/2x051
Please Help

0307 MalloryAsks4Help.jpg
This is considered a "group" project. Technically, it's not cheating.

Blogger Mallory
Date Posted October 3rd, 2007
Forum 14337|3=lg15}}
Length 1:13
Description As I'm sure you can all imagine, Daniel's ninja film didn't go over so well with his professor. We need your help to make a better version by Friday morning. Pretty please. :)
Location(s) The rented house
YouTube Tags lg15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko bree emma train serum trait positive negative
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Director(s) Marcello Daciano
Camera Kevin Schlanser
Vidplay Mary Feuer
Story Mary Feuer, Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Greg Goodfried, Marcello Daciano, and Jan Libby
Editor(s) Kevin Schlanser
Music Supervisor Seth Jacobs
Mallory Carly Jones
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "That Arrogant Jerk!"
Next "Home Sweet Home?"
Previous by Mallory "Secrets Revealed"
Next by Mallory "Ninja Video by ElizKM86"

Please Help is the three-hundred seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fifty-first video of season two.


(The camera moves towards Sarah's room. At the doorway, we can see that Sarah is laughing at something on her laptop.)

Mallory: So, are you still watching it?

Daniel as Ben on Laptop: Ah! Ninjas?

Mallory as Cheerleader on Laptop: Ninjas??

(Sarah continues laughing.)

Mallory: Um, I guess that's a yes.

(The camera moves to the next room as Sarah continues laughing.)

Mallory: Mr. Banks is ready to fail him on the spot. And since Daniel wasn't there, I had to beg him not to. He said that Daniel needs to commit to film-making, or just quit wasting his time. I guess I can kinda see where he's coming from. But, I convinced Mr. Banks to give Daniel a second chance. So, he's going to let him re-edit his film--but he only has until Friday. Look, Daniel and Jonas are out playing spies. So, there's no way they're going to be back in time to re-edit this film. Luckily, this is considered a "group" project. So...I was hoping, that maybe you guys can help? I'm going to post the original video on, and you guys can create your own re-edits of Daniel's film. I'll post all the guide lines for the assignment in the forum. And Sarah and I will pick out the best video to turn in to Mr. Banks on Friday. Also, we'll be posting the winning video on the lonelygirl15 account. I just wanna say thanks in advance for helping us out. Daniel and I really appreciate it.


  • This video confirms that Jonas has stopped sulking, and that Daniel and Jonas have picked up the search for Emma.
  • It appears that Sarah and Mallory are on better terms than the previous episodes.
  • The forum post with the link to the original footage is here.
  • This video was uploaded to the soccerstar4ever YouTube account.
  • A large number of responses/remixes has been made to this video, many of them embedded on LG15 Today.