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*Sarah says she is dating multiple guys to make Daniel jealous.
*Sarah says she is dating multiple guys to make Daniel jealous.
*Sarah has more than a 'passing interest' in Emma
*Sarah has more than a 'passing interest' in Emma
*She hasn't really been injecting Emma eith the serum, just a decoy.
===Bree's Mom===
===Bree's Mom===

Revision as of 04:54, 17 September 2007

This page is used to post your theories about characters, not including ARG characters such as Tachyon, CiW, etc. You can put anything from what the character's motives are, what they will do in the next video, or even what something from their first video meant.



  • Her full name is Bree Avery because her father's name is Drew Avery. (proven)
  • She is a moonchild.
  • Bree isn't actually dead.
  • Bree is not dead, but will not be returning.
  • The Order didn't kill Bree, they made it look like she died so Daniel and Jonas would stop chasing her.
  • After doing the ceremony, Bree loses her past memories and becomes Jen K, a college student.
  • Bree may be Kate's biological sister.
  • Bree was pregnant when she died


  • Daniel is working for the order.
  • Daniel is in love with Bree. (proven)
  • Daniel will fall in love with Sarah.

The Order

  • The Elders are the only ones who have information about the Order.
  • The Order preformed Bree's ceremony incorrectly, and she was not actually supposed to die.
  • Though members of the Order are also members of the Hymn Of One, they are two separate factions.
  • When the Order attempted to kidnap Emma, they were supposed to kill Jonas as well.
  • They didn't use the Ceremony to lure Emma in because they feared she might have seen the lg15 videos.


  • Jonas will become depressed after losing Bree and kill himself. (disproven)
  • Jonas will tell Emma about his adventures with Bree and Daniel and they will fight the Order.
  • Jonas will become brainwashed by the Order.


  • Taylor is a plant by the Order.
  • Taylor is not biologically related to Sarah.
  • She is a Watcher. (disproven)
  • She will use her knowledge of computer hacking to help take down the Order.
  • Taylor is with the Order and trying to distract Spencer Gilman.


  • Sarah is a plant by the Order.
  • Sarah is jealous of Bree. (proven)
  • Sarah is not related to Taylor by blood.
  • Sarah, as a plant by the Order, is present to distract Daniel from the task of locating Bree.
  • Sarah loves Daniel. (proven)
  • She is trait positive and the creepy guy is working with the person who kidnapped Bree, Daniel, and Jonas.
  • Sarah's emotional distress (at the beginning of Season 2) is because she is pregnant. (Disproven)
  • Sarah is using the serum on herself. (disproven)
  • Sarah has destroyed the serum. (disproven)
  • Sarah says she is dating multiple guys to make Daniel jealous.
  • Sarah has more than a 'passing interest' in Emma
  • She hasn't really been injecting Emma eith the serum, just a decoy.

Bree's Mom

Drew Avery

  • He was never part of the Order.
  • He was really working for the Resistance.
  • He is still alive.
  • He died because he tried to make Bree trait negative (as did Isaac Gilman). (proven)


  • She is torn between her loyalty to her religion and her loyalty to her nephew.
  • Alex has done the Ceremony. (disproven)
  • She is still with the Order and gave Daniel a fake blood sample.
  • After helping the BDJ obtain the blood sample,she was imprisoned or executed for betraying the Order.
  • She is Deep Throat/the one who put the messages in Bree's videos. (proven)
  • Alex and Lucy are biological sisters

Jonas' Parents

  • They are in hiding.
  • They are being brainwashed by the Order. (proven)
  • They will be found by Alex and help the Resistance.
  • They are Bree's real parents. (That would be pretty disgusting given the circumstances)
  • They are dead. (disproven)
  • They are the couple that appear in Remember Them? (proven)
  • Jonas' mom is the nurse that helped perform Bree's ceremony.
  • The family Jonas visited in A Family Affair are not his real parents.


  • Jules is not the new girl. (proven)
  • Jules was a plant by the Order to get Bree. (proven)
  • Jules is putting the messages in Bree's blogs. (disproven)
  • While Jonas is with Taylor, Julia will come and help them contact Spencer Gilman. (disproven)
  • Jules is dead.


  • Gemma was really not part of the Order. They found her and forced her to help them.
  • She lied about living in London to protect herself from the Order.
  • Everything she says in her blogs is true.
  • Gemma is still alive.
  • Gemma is Tachyon, and pretended to expose herself as part of the Order so that the Order would not suspect her.
  • Gemma is broadcasting herself, post-OpAphid, through the YouTube account GemmaReturns.


  • Lucy is OpAphid or working for them.
  • Lucy did the Ceremony. (Proven Incorrect)
  • Lucy did not have knowledge of the Ceremony, and was therefore unable to answer Bree's questions about it.
  • After learning the truth about the Ceremony, Lucy is now trying to help DJE.

The Mistress

  • The Mistress is a member of the Resistance.
  • The Mistress knows Bree.
  • The Mistress is Bree's biological mother.
  • The Mistress is in the Order and killed Isaac Gilman.
  • Rebecca is the Mistress.
  • The Mistress is Jonas's biological mother.(disproven)


  • Rebecca is the girl in the photograph with Lucy seen in the video Uncle Dan.
  • Rebecca sings the Hymn of One.
  • Rebecca staged the party to get information on Bree for OpAphid.

The Party Guests

Bree's Biological Parents

  • Bree's biological parents are Jonas's parents.
  • They died and the Order took Bree.
  • After Bree was taken from them, they began working for the Resistance.
  • They are the couple that appear in Remember Them?, this would also mean that Bree and Jonas are biological brother and sister.

Isaac Gilman

  • Isaac Gilman was Bree's real father.
  • He faked his death after hearing Bree's dad was dead.
  • He is the specialist who faked his death in Kate Modern.

Spencer Gilman

  • Spencer is Bree's brother.
  • Spencer is a plant by the order.
  • Spencer will finish the task that Bree left for Daniel and Jonas: save the other ceremony girls.
  • Spencer will see KateModern and attempt to break back into the Wyman Foundation and steal Kate's blood sample and save her from the ceremony.
  • Spencer will no longer appear.
  • Spencer's role will become more significant in the second season. Since he was able to make the serum, he will have to see Daniel and Jonas again so they can make the Ceremony girls trait negative.
  • Spencer and Taylor will eventually end up together

Nikki Bower

  • She will find where Bree is being kept and be brainwashed by the HoO. (disproven)
  • Alternatively, OpAphid will kill her. (disproven, the creators (including Nikki Bower creator, Amanda Goodfried) cannot legally use OpAphid in their storyline)
  • She is LaRezisto.

The Watchers

  • The Watchers are protecting BDJ, not trying to kidnap them.


  • Shadows and Watchers are against each other within the HoO.


  • LaRezisto will contact Daniel and Jonas and together they will get over their feelings for Bree and save the other girls. (partially proven, he has contacted Jonas)
  • LaRezisto is Sophie. (disproven)
  • LaRezisto is actually the Order.
  • LaRezisto is Scott.
  • LaRezisto is Bree coming back from the dead.
  • LaRezisto is Nikki B.
  • LaRezisto is/are Jonas's parents trying to goad him into saving more girls. (disproven)
  • LaRezisto is working against TAAG.
  • LaRezisto is the man in black outside of Daniels house. He was responsible for Deepthroat and for Alex's betrayal of the Order. When Bree returned to the Hymn Of One unbrainwashed, LaRezisto contacted her and together, they devised a plan to send the email with code that would notify LR when Daniel had opened the message, showing that he was ready to find the other girls.
  • LaRezisto is Deep Throat/Alex.
  • LaRezisto is Bree's adoptive father, and he didn't die from the gun shot.
  • LaRezisto is Spencer.
  • LaRezisto is Lucy.
  • LaRezisto is Purple Monkey(disproven)


  • Scott will convince Sarah to rejoin TAAG to save Emma.
  • Scott is the Gross Guy.


  • Emma is trait positive. (proven)
  • She is not Jonas's parent's biological daughter and therefore, not Jonas' biological sister. (proven)
  • She is oblivious to her parent's Hymn of One activities.
  • Jonas and Daniel will save her from doing the ceremony.
  • She has an early bedtime because she has to build up strength for the ceremony.
  • She has the power to kill any person who have trait-positive blood, especially the Elders.
  • She was abducted as a baby (Dr. Griffin explains in Dr. Weirdo that as a rule, trait positive girls are abducted as babies).
  • She was adopted by Jonas's parents around age 9 (Jonas's parents disappeared 6 years ago and Emma is now around age 15).


  • The flickr account is Mallory's.
  • Mallory will see the lg15 videos and help Daniel save the other girls.
  • Mallory is a plant by the order.
  • Mallory is trait positive.
  • Mallory and Daniel will break up because of Daniel helping the other girls.

Purple Monkey

  • Purple Monkey is AWESOME! (proven)
  • Purple Monkey is trait positive, and he will give himself up to protect TAAG.
  • Purple Monkey is LaRezisto
  • Purple Monkey is a reversible puppet.
  • Purple Monkey can kill people when he touches them.



  • Kate lied about her name to protect herself from someone, possibly the Order. The order is the connection to lg15.
  • Kate was a Ceremony girl. (disproven)
  • Kate is Cassie.
  • Kate is Tachyon. (disproven: the characters Tachyon/OpAphid/Brother cannot legally be used by The Creators)
  • Kate is Trait Positive. (proven)
  • Kate is the New Girl that Alex mentioned.
  • Kate is Lucy. (disproven)
  • Kate will join the HoO and Gavin, Tariq, and Charlie will try to save her.
  • The same people that kidnapped Jonas, Daniel & Bree in Las Vegas and wiped their memories did the same to Kate (disproven)
  • Kate is a parallel character to Bree.
  • Kate and Bree are twins. (Disproven: Kate is in her late twenties while at the time of her death Bree was only 17)
  • Kate may be Bree's biological sister.
  • Before becoming Kate, she stayed in a mental institution. (disproven though she stayed in a hospital for a month because of her dreams.)
  • The people that wiped Jonas's parents' memories did the same to Kate.
  • She is a compulsive/knowing liar and lied about making up the alias Kate.
  • Kate is possibly suffering from DID resulting in her loss of memories


  • Charlie's parents are members of the Order.
  • Charlie is Tariq's ex-girlfriend.
  • Charlie is dating Gavin. (proven)
  • Charlie is Gemma's ex-flatmate
  • Charlie is Gemma's sister
  • Charlie was once pregnant and lost the baby through miscarriage, abortion, or adoption.
  • Charlie is a parallel character to Daniel and Taylor.
  • Charlie's sister and niece are dead (possibly killed by the Order) and that's why she misses them so much.(disproven:Charlie put one message in her video "Tell Kim I Love Her",to tell her niece that Cherlie loves her .)
  • Charlie is a parallel character to Sarah.
  • Charlie is working for the HoO or, possibly, the Order.
  • Charlie is Bree's biological sister. They are both from Australia.


  • Gavin and Tariq are good friends, but he barely knows Kate.(disproven)
  • Gavin will see the lg15 videos and ask Jonas for a loan. (disproven)
  • Gavin is a member of the HofO or the Order.
  • Gavin is a member of the Resistance.
  • Gavin is a parallel character to Jonas, which could mean that Jonas also has connections to the Order.
  • Gavin kidnapped Kate.


  • Tariq has watched lonelygirl15, and has heard of the Order. He will be the connection between Kate, Charlie, Gavin, himself, and Daniel, Sarah, Taylor, Jonas, and Spencer (and possibly Bree). (disproven: he watched the videos, but only after finding the HoO pamphlet.)
  • The Order will kidnap Tariq because he researched the Hymn of One after finding the pamphlet.
  • Tariq is a parallel character to Daniel.


  • Steve is a member of the Order
  • He's a Watcher. (disproven)
  • He is Carl (disproven).
  • Steve is a parallel character to Alex.
  • He will use his inside knowledge to help Kate and her friends.

Aunt Joan

  • Aunt Joan is related to Jonas.
  • Aunt Joan is the girl from the 1943 abduction.


  • Sophie is working with Nikki Bower.


  • Dudley and Spencer are half brothers.
  • Dudley and Spencer are parallel characters.
  • The Mistress is his mother.
  • He is LaRezisto.

See Also

Unanswered Questions