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There is an ongoing discussion about the expansion and deletion of pages concerning these series. Please contribute here.
Anne Jenni Powell
Peter Daniel Weiss
Jerry Jerry Wright
Margot Emily Maya Mills
Kitty Amanda Goodfried
Greggerz Greg Gallows
OpAdolf PJ Scott-Blankenship
Miep Maya Kramer
110139 / Hubby Mike Frankson
Princess Kira Lobenstein
Frederic Surfthetsu
Dominic Littlecheckerbox
Production Crew
Head Writer/Producer Jenni Powell
Director/Editor Adam Daroff
OpAdolf ARG/Writer PJ Scott-Blankenship

LonelyJew15 is a webisodic parody series of Lonelygirl15. The basic story can be summed up by asking the question, "What if Anne Frank had a webcam?" The series follows Anne Frank as she blogs to her new internet friends about what it's like living in her attic hide-away.

In the meantime, a sinister organization called OpAdolf is trying to find her, especially her teddy bear and best friend, Bethany.

Cast of characters

Anne Frank: (Played by Jenni Powell) A sixteen year-old girl hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II.

Bethany: Anne's best friend. She is a teddy bear with the power to send people through time.

Peter Van Daan: (Played by Daniel Weiss) A seventeen year-old boy. His family is also in hiding with Anne. They have a tumultuous friendship.

Margot Frank: (Played by Emily Maya Mills) Anne's old sister. They used to share a room but no longer do. This, and the fact that Anne began spending a lot of time with Peter, puts a great strain on the two girls' relationship.

Miep Gies: (Played by Maya Kramer) Anne's "Helper". She brings supplies to Anne and her fellows in hiding. She decides to take Anne out of the attic for a period of time...with almost disastrous results, after which she vanishes.

OpAdolf: (Played by PJ Scott-Blankenship) An evil organization run by Adolf Hitler that does various experiments and lays the ground work for Hitler's new regime "The New Order". OpAdolf stumbled across Margot's blogspot earlier this year and as such was alerted to Anne's special friend, Bethany. When Margot threw Bethany out of the attic in a jealous wrage, OpAdolf kidnapped Bethany; only to be defeated by Blitzyon, Margot, and Anne.

Blitzyon: A mysterious secret agent in the resistance against the Nazis, she's working to help stop OpAdolf and reveal all of the organization's secrets.

110139 / Hubby: (played by Mike Frankson) Blitzyon's partner and, apparently, fiance. He has been trying to find her since she's went on the run but hasn't been successful as of late.

Jerry: (Played by Jerry Wright) A vlogger from modern-day who has taken a particular interest in Anne's story.

Kitty: (Played by Amanda Goodfried) The newest character in the series, she's Jerry's best friend and is a world-wide traveler.

Greggerz: (played by Greg Gallows) An old friend of Anne's that somehow obtained a camera, he vlogs and gives Anne advice through her difficult time.

Princess: (played by Kira Lobenstein) Kitty's sister of little words, an emo by nature and very handy with a bottle of hair dye.

Mouschi: (Played by Tia (Daniel Weiss's cat)) Peter Van Daan's cat. Anne is jealous of Mouschi because she had to leave her cat behind.

Scary Nazis: (Played by Adam Daroff) Upon leaving the attic, Miep and Anne run into a Nazi, which Miep quickly "takes care of". When Jerry and Anne return to OpAdolf Headquarters to "shoot Hitler in the face" they instead dispense with a series of eerily similar looking Nazis.

LonelyFrenchman15 (Played by Frederic and Dominic) This series gives advice to Anne, and by the second video of the series/LA Woman in LJ15, the LF15 series became canon. Frederic and Dominic are brothers who care for Anne's wellbeing.



Watch the series

Historical reference

800 times Peter van Daan - the official Anne Frank House website