Crime Report

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Revision as of 04:32, 5 August 2007 by (Talk) (Removed wire tapping. The Internet connection was open. It would only be a crime if he cracked the encryption on a locked network.)

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It has been noted that the characters in the Breeniverse, particularly Daniel, have a somewhat callous disregard for the law. Committing crimes is not necessarily wise, but posting them on the internet smacks of sheer stupidity. Not only do we have canon crime within the Breeniverse but we also have fan crime.

For the purposes of this table, it is assumed that the entire series takes place in California, although this is never explicitly stated.

Daniel's fake id.
  • Burglary — In the video Following The Helper, Daniel breaks into Lucy's apartment. Burglary is usually considered a felony, even though Daniel stole nothing from Lucy's apartment. In the video Ransacked! whoever ransacks Bree's room, presumably OpAphid, also commits burglary. Daniel commits burglary once again when he enters Bree's house in the video Back At Bree's. In On The Road Again, Jonas breaks into his Aunt Alex's house. In Let's Play Doctor, Daniel steals confidential files from a hospital.
  • Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
  • Curfew violations — Bree was sentenced to house arrest after her parents discovered she had snuck out to go to a party.
  • Driving without a license — In Learning To Drive Daniel takes Bree out driving in his car, even though she has never driven before and presumably has no license or learners permit. Driving without a license is a misdemeanor in California, and may be punished with probation, time in jail and $1,000 in fines. The car may be impounded.
  • Evading arrest — In Let's Play Doctor Daniel runs away from a security guard who is chasing after him.
  • Grand larceny — In the video Breaking And Entering, Daniel not only commits burglary by breaking into the warehouse, but he also removes a box of EPOGEN. Since EPOGEN is a fairly expensive drug, an entire box could be worth a large amount of money.
  • Grand theft auto — In Bree's Gone, Jonas reveals that Bree has stolen his car.
  • Hoboing — When Daniel hitches a ride on a freight train before the video Back Home he has committed the trademark offense of the hobo. Hoboing is a form of trespassing.
  • Homicide — In The Unthinkable Happened members of the Order apparently shoot Bree's dad. That same day, Dr. Isaac Gilman was killed in a mysterious car crash; most likely another hit by the Order. In Gemma (Part V), Brother appears to assassinate Gemma. Interestingly, it may be Brother who commits the worse crime. Since his dislike of Gemma is motivated by her religious affiliation; the murder may also be a hate crime.
  • Identity document forgery — In Hungover, Daniel reveals that he was in possession of a forged identity document which he used to illegally consume alcohol.
  • Impersonating a Doctor— In Let's Play Doctor, Daniel dresses up as a doctor. This is illegal when you're willfully trying to mislead people into thinking that you are a doctor. Daniel does the same in The Mad Scientist.
  • Stalking — In Who Is This?, Where Are They Going? and The Ceremony, Daniel pursues and videotapes Bree and Lucy even after Bree asks him to stop. However, since Daniel never threatened harm, it's likely that Bree could only request a restraining order.
  • Statutory Rape — In both The Morning After and Bree And I Hooked Up, Jonas and Daniel respectively imply that they had sexual intercourse with Bree. Because Bree is underage, if either of these claims were true, then it would legally be a crime. Espescially in the case of the former, in which Bree was hypnotized and therefore not under full control of her body, it would be an even worse crime because it was nonconsensual and/or forced.
  • Trespassing — In Lying Bastards, Daniel sneaks onto Alex's property and videotapes her talking on the phone.
  • Underage drinking — (see: inebriated) In Truth Or Dare, Daniel consumes alcohol even though he is under the age of 21. Both Daniel and Jonas drink at the party in Uncle Dan. In Vegas, Baby!, the pair appear intoxicated together for the first time. Finally, Spring Break Sucks features the pair intoxicated together again but it could be argued that since they are in Mexico, they aren't really breaking the law.
  • Illegal bearing of firearms: In the perfect beach Jonas brandishes a gun while in Mexico. Even though he may legally own and bear a gun in the US, in Mexico the buying/selling and bearing of firearms is illegal. It is only allowed to have at home with a special permit (which is extremely hard to get).