Cut To The Chase

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Redearth88: Prologue Video 0030
Cut To The Chase

Cut To The Chase.jpg
I need you to trust me, Rachel.

Blogger Linc
Date Posted July 29th, 2007
Description 15OVER15:

We were spotted, but I think we're okay for the moment. However, I don't want to risk being followed again... It's hard to form a strategy when I don't even know who we're up against. Also, it's becoming difficult to keep secrets from Rachel--especially when I need her to trust me.

I think it's time to rendezvous. Get in touch with me ASAP.



PS. Do I have you to thank for the assist back there?

YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko sarah opaphid tachyon linc lofisyndicate redearth rachel warspy

Music 15over15 Theme Song

"What Time Is It?" by Glenn Rubenstein

Linc Logan Rapp
Rachel Sara E. R. Fletcher
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Tide To Revenge Afire"
Next "Worth The Wait?"
Previous by Linc "Inside The Clinic"
Cut To The Chase is the thirtieth video in the Redearth88 video series.


(Scenes of Linc and Rachel running away from a white van, while 15over15 music plays. Suddenly Tachyon's theme song plays and a person (presumably Brother) reaches their hand out of another car with a gun aimed at the white car.)
