Paranoid Past

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Episode 4/1x004
Paranoid Past

Yeah... Chas is a drunk. So don't listen to her.

Blogger Mitch
Date Posted March 11th, 2009
Length 2:19
Description I really didn't want it to come to this...
Location(s) Sydney
YouTube Tags LG15 The Last lonelygirl15 Australia Order Hymn of One Paranoid Past katemodern bree Chas Mitch Jayde Cooper
Production Credits
Producer(s) Samantha Carr, Emily Rose Robinson, Andrew Strouthos, and Catherine Williams
Director(s) Andrew Strouthos
Assistant Director(s) Dominic O'Connell
Visual Effects by Dominic O'Connell
Story Samantha Carr, Emily Rose Robinson, Andrew Strouthos, and Catherine Williams
Editor(s) Andrew Strouthos
Mitch Tom Mesker
Spy Unknown
Jayde Emily Rose Robinson
Mrs. Cooper (voice) Vincenza Robinson
Server Unknown
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Call Me Toni"
Next "Urgency"

Paranoid Past is the fourth video in the LG15: The Last video series.


(Blank Screen)

Mitch: Yep. Yeah, Yeah, Okay. Okay. Look, I've got to go. Okay (Image appears. Mitch is in a phone booth and is hanging up. Turns to camera.) Hey. Hey Toni I don't think it's the best time to contact us right now. But I've got something important to tell you. Um. Chas has had a few... problems in the past. So... (Cut to a shot of traffic. Cut to a pan of a sign that reads "City via Sydney Harbour - Bridge Cahill Walk" Cut to footage of the bridge. Cut to Mitch walking down a street.) When I met Chas a couple of years ago she was really messed up. All she wanted to be was a Nurse and bad HSC results made her turn to alcohol and drugs. (Cut to shot of the city skyscrapers. Cut to a shot of the AMP building. Cut to a shot of the Sydney Operahouse. Cut to Mitch eating a hotdog.) Well, she's clean now but all this trait positive stuff has got her bloody paranoid. She's even destroyed her mobile phone. (Cut to shots of the shore, the harbor, then the bridge. Cut to a shot of a tunnel, then cut to Mitch walking in the tunnel.) So really I'm just asking you guys out there to please help me try and convince her she's really, really just overreacting. (Cut to a shot of a storefront overhang. Cut to a shot of a train going through a terminal from different angles. Cut to Mitch walking down a street.) Any thoughts at all will help. Please just send them to my email. Cheers. (Cut to shots of street signs and lights. Cut to a shot of the entrance ramp of the bridge, then an external shot of the bridge. Fade out. Computer noises are heard.)

(Cut to Order control room. A phone conversation is being heard, while footage of Jayde from LG15: The Last - Pilot is shown along with pictures of her and her mother. Someone can be seen watching the monitors.)

Jayde: No mom. Listen to me. I'm meeting them next week.

Mrs. Cooper: Just don't worry about me. Your time is running out.

Jayde: I know. I know. It'll be fine. You've taught me well.

Mrs. Cooper: Be careful. I don't want you to end up like Chloe.

Jayde: So, there are only four girls left now.

Mrs. Cooper: I'll try and buy you some time.

Jayde: I miss you.

Mrs. Cooper: I know.

(Busy signal is heard. Cut to Black.)


  • During the phone conversation, a letter can be seen on the computer monitor. It is addressed "16th January 2009"
Friendly Society Private Hospital said:
Dear Miss Jayde Cooper,
Re: Meeting on 20th March 2009 to discuss mother's treatment.
We regret to inform you of your mother's ill health which is rapidly deteriorating. Unfortunately there is nothing else we can do. However, we can recommend you to a specialist who may be able to assist with your mother's situation. We have arranged a meeting for you with Dr. Reynolds at the Adventist Hospital on the 20th March 2009.
Your mother's condition is described below. She has Lymph node cancer. This is also known as lymphoma. It is predominately found in men and very rare in women. Unfortunately we regret to inform you of this but--