The Gallery - 6pm 22nd September 2007

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Episode 0066/1x066
The Gallery - 6pm 22nd September 2007

I'm hoping to meet this young lady.

Blogger Sophie
Date Posted September 23rd, 2007
Length 04:02
Description No one could have prepared me for what happened at Kate's art show. Charlie says it was Dudley. What do you think?
Location(s) Second Space Gallery
Sophie Pippa Duffy
Reporter Unknown
Dave Unknown
Charlie Tara Rushton
Kate Alexandra Weaver
Michelle Clore Michelle Clore
Bodyguard 1 Greg Goodfried
Bodyguard 2 Unknown
Shooter Unknown
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Previous "Dudley did it!"
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Previous by Sophie "The Story So Far..."

The Gallery - 6pm 22nd September 2007 is the sixty-sixth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. The Gallery - 6pm 22nd September 2007 is the sixty-sixth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Camera pans over the various art at the exhibition.)

Sophie: Come and look at this. (She beckons)

(Camera pans over more art, then to the door where a reporter and a cameraman (Dave) walk in.)

Dave: Okay, yeah, whenever you're ready.

Reporter: Few artists are more reclusive or iconic than Michelle Clore. World famous, of course, for her circle pictures. She's very rarely seen in public.

(Michelle and a bodyguard walk in the door.)

Reporter: Um, Michelle Clore has arrived, with her bodyguards, which is indicitive of her iconic status.

(Michelle walks up to one of her pictures and straightens it out on the wall.)

Reporter: It's a very reverent atmosphere here at the Second Space Gallery as Michelle Clore examines her own work. She is now looking at the work of some of the other artists. (To Michelle Clore) Are you interested in seeing any of the artists in particular, this evening?

Michelle: I'm always interested in what young people are doing creatively. I'm hoping to meet this young lady, (Points at Kate's video) Kate. I'm really interested in her dream interpretations. I've got to go and hear this audio installation. (She leaves.)

Reporter: Well, mostly we'll get Michelle Clore's reaction when she comes back, and see what she thinks of the art tonight. And hopefully we'll be able to speak to the artist who seems to be Michelle Clore's favorite.

(Camera pans to Kate, who walks in the door with Charlie. Sophie, who is standing nearby, gets excited to see Kate walk in.)

Reporter: A young lady who simply calls herself, "Kate."

Charlie: (to reporter's camera) Hey, is this going to be on the news tonight? You've got to get my friend on, Kate. She makes these art videos. They're a bit weird, I mean, I don't get them, but that's art, right? Me? I just make animations.

(Camera pans to Kate, who is standing nervously. Michelle Clore walks in the door, along with her bodyguard.)

Reporter: Oh, here's Michelle Clore again.

Michelle: It's really good to see you Kate. Glad that you've been busy making some really fine work.

Kate: Thank you. It's a real honor to meet you.

Michelle: A lot of people are very interested in you, young lady. You've caused quite a buzz.

(Camera pans to the shooter, as he turns around and fires a shot into the air.)

Shooter: We will bring down the Order!!

(Shooter flees, followed by Bodyguard 1.)

People: Get down! Get down!!

Kate: Oh my god. Charlie!! Charlie!! Oh my god!! Are you alright?

(Camera pans to Kate, who is noticably distressed.)

Charlie: (Runs up and hugs Kate.) Kate?

Michelle: Thank you. I think you just saved my life.

Kate: What did he mean about the Order?

(Michelle grabs Kate's hands.)

Michelle: Let me show you.

(Kate yanks her hands away from Michelle.)

Charlie: Kate? Kate?

Kate: Don't touch me!

Charlie: Who are you?

Kate: Charlie, we've got to go. We've got to go!

(The girls run out of the exhibition.)

Sophie: What was that all about?

(Bodyguard 1 rushes back in.)

Bodyguard 1: He's gone, I lost him!

Michelle: Get me out of here.

Bodyguard 1: Everyone, it's too dangerous. Thanks for coming to the show.

Voice 3: Wait, wait, wait. What's all that about? I heard somebody screaming!

(Everybody leaves, leaving Michelle standing there looking terrified. Cuts to outside, where the reporter is interviewing Sophie.)

Sophie: There was some guy, with a gun. And he shot at Michelle Clore. And um, Kate, I think she like... she stopped him sho... she saved Michelle Clore's life. And he shouted out... did you hear what he shouted?

Male: Uh, "The Order."

Reporter: I'm sorry, what did he say?

Male: He said something about the Order. That Kate's been talking about it for a while.

Sophie: But then, Michelle took Kate's hands, and was thanking her for saving her life, and Kate, I don't know, she jumped away from her like she'd burned her or something. I don't know, it was really weird, the whole thing. Is everyone okay?

People: Yeah, sure, we're fine.

Reporter: Well, we've got it all on tape. Did you get that, Dave?

Dave: Yeah, the whole thing.

Sophie: Can I ask a favor? Um, can I have a copy of your tape?

Reporter: Um, is that okay with you Dave?

Dave: Sure.

Reporter: That'd be fine. Does anyone else... did anyone see who the gunman was?

Male 2: No, I didn't see him. It was too quick.

Reporter: Well, this isn't what we were expecting at Michelle Clore's art exhibition. A shot was fired, suddenly we find ourselves in the middle of some awful event. A man ran across the road, he was chased after by Michelle Clore's bodyguard, but apparently, he didn't catch up with him. Um, everyone has just been thrown out of the gallery. We've just been asked to leave. That's all... that's all we know for now. Okay, let's just go.
