Skittle Yourself

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Episode 269/2x114
Skittle Yourself

Sponsorship and product placement turn me on!!!

Blogger Charlie
Date Posted May 26th, 2008
Forum 758|3=lg15}}
Length 3:07
Description I’ve got a new assistant, you may recognise him... Help us out – send in your ideas at!!
Location(s) Charlie's office
YouTube Tags KateModern LG15 lonelygirl15 Charlie
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Co-Executive Producer(s) Joanna Shields and Amanda Goodfried
On-Set Producer Louis Figgis
Line Producer Kelly Brett
Production Co-Ordinator Claire Finbow
Interactive Co-ordinator(s) Jonathan Almond
Production Runner(s) Meryl Iona Edwards
Director(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Head Writer Luke Hyams
Vidplay Neil Mossey
Story Luke Hyams, Neil Mossey, and Lawrence Tallis
Editor(s) John Palmer
Charlie Tara Rushton
Meryl Meryl Iona Edwards
Niall Justin Martin
Balthazar Louis Figgis
Jeremy Yusuf Pirhasan
Lee Sam Donovan
Charlie's boss Alexander Brown
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Back on Brick Lane"
Next "Bump in the Night"
Previous by Charlie "The Hen Night"
Directly after "KateModern S2 Week 19 Recap"

Skittle Yourself is the two-hundred sixty-ninth webisode in the KateModern video series. It is also the one-hundred fourteenth video of season two.


Text: KateModern contains products which have been included within the show on behalf of Skittles.

Charlie: Okay, so it's Monday. Last week was a little hard. Uh, Gav's being looked after now; he's getting the proper care he needs. I don't know if they've got computers in there, Gav, but, if you can see this, we're all thinking of you.

(Cut to Charlie working out with various objects in her office.)

Charlie: One! Two! Three! Four! (Charlie spins around in her chair and gets dizzy.) Oh! This is serious!

(Cut to Charlie back at her desk.)

Charlie: And I've also had some pretty exciting news this week.

(Cut to a newspaper with Charlie's picture on it and a headline reading "CHARLIE WINS DEAL". Applause is heard. A record scratches as the video cuts back to Charlie.)

It turns out we've secured the Skittles campaign!

(Cut to Charlie working out. Cut back to Charlie at her desk.)

So we have to come out with lots of exciting ideas that we can use. Everything and anything I know about Skittles to pitch to the client. I can't say that my workload or my stress levels have increased, but I am completely glad that we interviewed for a new assistant this morning.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Meryl.)

Charlie: And why do you want this job?

Meryl: I just love, um, PR.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Niall.)

Charlie: You don't stay at jobs for very long, do you?

Niall: They just get a bit funny with me.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Jeremy and Balthazar.)

Charlie: Actually, guys, I'm really sorry, but we're only interviewing for one position.

(Jeremy and Balthazar look at each other. Cut to a Charlie interviewing Meryl.)

Meryl: You know when it's kind of there, but you kind of can't remember it, and everything's like, all... it's so fuzzy, and you just... oh, man.

Charlie: Yeah.

Meryl: Mmhmm.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Niall.)

Niall: Are you still doing that video thing? (Looks at the camera.)

(Cut to Lee entering Charlie's office on his knees.)

Lee: Please. Right, I am not begging you. I'm not begging you.

(Cut to Meryl crying.)

Charlie: It's- it's okay. Do you want a-? We can take a break.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Niall.)

Niall: You know 95% of the internet's porn? (Sticks his finger in his mouth and looks seductively at the camera.)

Charlie: I-If you don't mind... That's really unnecessary.

(Cut to Lee bowing to Charlie on the floor.)

Lee: I am begging you. I am begging you.

(Cut to a Charlie interviewing Meryl.)

Meryl: I-I just got to go to the bathroom. (Leaves, crying.)

(Cut to Lee hugging Charlie's legs.)

Lee: Please let me be your assistant! Please, please, please, please, please, please, please. Please?

(Charlie looks nervously at the camera. Cut to Charlie at her desk.)

Charlie: At least he didn't call me "roomie". Anyway, if all goes well, I'll reveal who my new mystery assistant is by the end of this week.

(Lee enters carrying packets of skittles.)

Lee: Hiya, roomie! (Giggles.) I mean "boss"! (Giggles and sets down the skittles, knocking them all over Charlie's desk.) Oh! Oh no. Sorry. (Giggles.) It's the best job in the world, this, isn't it?

(Lee giggles and leaves.)

Charlie: At least he can pay his half of the rent now.

(Lee reenters.)

Lee: Right.

Charlie: That's if he makes it past the probationary period.

Lee: I- I have got this brilliant new idea for the Skittles campaign, 'cause you know Bebo's already got its own page for Skittles. Hmm. Why don't we ask all of our friends at Bebo whether they can create videos, animations, and pictures, or to just write comments on our wall about what we should do, and, in that way, we can all together create a way to make Skittles come to life! (Puts his hand in the air.)

Charlie: That's actually a really good idea.

Lee: Yeah, don't leave me hanging!

(Lee points to his hand and Charlie gives him a high-five.)

Charlie: Are you onto it?

Lee: I am on it.

(Charlie's boss enters.)

Charlie's boss: Have you got an idea for those Skittles yet?

Lee: Yeah, yeah, I am on it. (Walks out.)

Charlie: Yeah, I'm onto it.

Charlie's boss: He's a bit odd, your assistant, isn't he?

Charlie: Yeah. (Charlie's boss leaves.) At least he doesn't look like he's eight years old, like my boss. Anyway, guys, it's up to you out there to get as many ideas as you can up on our Skittles page. (A smile made of Skittles and the Skittles page URL appear on-screen.) I'm counting on you. (Pops a skittle in her mouth before turning off the camera.)
