Catch Up

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LG.15 Today


This is an excellent resource, set up in a magazine type format. Sometimes, I'm unable to update the "catch up" in time and cannot find a volunteer to fill in. The LG.15 Today group will usually have it covered. They also have articles that are very interesting in their blog.


Date February 16, 2007


Watch This!

In this video, a shady character is seen watching the trio in the house. Daniel calls Bree and Jonas to come and see. Jonas goes out and confronts the man, throwing a punch which is caught. Before the man can retaliate, Bree gets between the two, and the man withdraws. Jonas and Bree run back and the three decide to leave the house. Many people pointed out Jonas's "Gangster Shrug" as annoying! There were mixed feelings about this video, some were all for Jonas attacking the man whereas some others were against it saying he shouldn't "think with his fists".

Date March 4, 2007

Please Note: A volunteer wrote the "Catch Up" above. I have been ultra-busy for the past 3 wks. I hope very much to "Catch up" on the "Catch up," but let's please make this a community effort. Please feel free to insert your own updates, OK? If not, I'll update as soon as I'm able. Thanks, Marbella


Date: February 15, 2007, 11:00 p.m. EST


Valentine's Day Massacre

In this video, Jonas outlines the three courses of action the trio could take. None are in agreement at present about whether to run, stay, fight or surrender. Fans have been debating the three opinions of each character quite a bit. Many of us were intrigued by the references to "prohibition," and to "massacre," as these seemed to coincide with other aspects of the plot. No one had a problem with Jonas's hair in this video!


Date: February 13, 2007, 9:00 p.m. EST


Drinking Problems

These are just Marbella's thoughts, in summary. Of course,they do not represent the entire forum's opinion.

(1) Interesting family background on Daniel. Heartwarming the way he opened up that way. It makes sense that coming from an alcoholic family, he would try to drink his problems away.

(2) Jonas definitely encouraged it. He never went with him to drink, but he did encourage it. I realize Jonas fans are saying, "No Way," to this. So yeah, on the other hand, alcoholics DO tend to blame other people for their problems.

(3) Daniel is taking so much responsibility for his own actions and authentically expressing remorse that it does not seem he WOULD blame Jonas if it were not at least partially true.

(4) Getting out is RIGHT. I'm SURE the Order knows where they are by now.


Forgotten Purity, your friendly wielder of CrackPot Ideas, has some imput, as well.

1.) Consistently following my theory that the ad's following each episode are relevant to the plot, an ad for Absolut Vodka suspiciously followed this alcoholic episode.

2.) Marbella has a point that Jonas did nothing to help or prevent Daniel from drinking. But take into account that Jonas was really encouraging Daniel to have a life that didn't revolve solely around protecting Bree. Also, Jonas is rather naive having lived alone for the past couple of years, sheltered from society. Proof: Trusting Bree so quickly, believing undershirts are sexy, and encouraging Daniel to go drinking.

3.) I agree, Marbels. It's absolutely admirable and of utmost maturity that Daniel is taking so much responsibility for his actions. Kudos, my friend. Kudos.

4.) I'm slightly annoyed with Daniel, though, for even having a cell phone. Cell phones are incredibly easy to track, especially when you're resourceful as The Order. If they can bug a car, they can track a cell phone. Daniel isn't really to blame, but it's really silly that none of them have yet to consider this.


Date: February 13, 2007, 2:45 p.m. EST


Rescuing Daniel

Most of us were thrilled to see the old Bree back! She appeared confident. Tachyon seems to have become her role model now. She is sure she would like to be a "double agent," like Tachyon now. As always, click the above highlighted link for the transcript.

We had some really excellent fan videos submitted.

Voyboy's stands out this time. CobertNationGirl's Tachyon Tribute was good. I always enjoy Xenith's videos, and David Spock's was interesting because it reminds me of the show the "4100," with many people telling their storied about how they were affected by the Order. I wish I could mention all the videos, but it would take too long. The Return by dehteraew was awesome. No other words can describe it. I'm really enjoying HSA's dream sequences, also.


Date: February 12, 2007, 10:30 p.m. EST


The Human Ransom

This video was probably the most warmly received of all LG-15 videos to date. "Wow!" was often heard. Speculations ran rampant. Many screenshots were taken and analyzed. Reading the transcript may help to clear up some confusion.

Is this an example of OpAphid's new Story Arc, Parallax?

There are multiple examples in this film of multiple perspectives woven together.


Date: February 9, 2007, 11:30 a.m. EST


Storm The Castle

  • Sadly, quite a lot of comments (and a very funny fan vid!) related to Jonas's hair in this video!

The OpAphid Hair Salon

by ColbertNationGirl:


  • Jonas lovers tended to love the idea Jonas had of "Storming The Castle." The most applauded quote was, "I'm glad someone is being proactive!"
  • Many other fans were surprised that Jonas would actually come out and say that he should "storm the castle," since they were hoping that Jonas and Bree would keep it a secret that they were going to sabotage the order. Other fans were shocked that he seemed to be about to force Bree to "go through it all alone." Another reaction was that Jonas still appears to be on drugs. Since a lot of main message board posts were about "Is Jonas on blow?" we all laughed when he zoomed into the camera, (apparently to show us that his pupil wasn't dilated) in The Unthinkable Happened video.
  • Ms.Kelly's video amazed me. I've had similar dreams for a long time of water and angels. I believe that somehow we are all somewhat connected in a psychic way within the Breeniverse.


  • Marbella has made several videos featuring water, since she states that it seems to be on her mind and in her dreams so much. The latest was:


Angels deeply affected her most recent video:



Date: February 5, 2007, 3:08 p.m. EST (start)


Me For Daniel

  • As always, click the link above for a transcript. The plot is moving along more quickly. Enthusiasm grows. Some fans speculate that Bree wants Lucy to email so that she can find the location and she and Jonas can go to save Daniel. Other fans believe that she really has reached a point of surrender. Either speculation makes sense. For Bree to be willing to give so much of herself shows a different side of her completely. Bree may be growing to the point where she wants to give of herself to others. However, many people are scared of the outcome, believing that Bree may be killed as a human sacrifice. Others speculate some of her blood will just be taken as a part of the ceremony. The "blood theories" emanate from the EPOGEN injections she was given when she lived at home.
  • More comments may be added later!


Date: February 5, 2007, 1:50 p.m. EST (start)2:15(end)


Miss Me? (click on the colored link to view the transcript!)

  • Fans literally went WILD over this video! We loved it. No complaints, really. The forum had over 2x the number of participants (at least from my estimation!) Many new people and also new registered members were greeted. "Eerie," and "Creepy," were words used to describe this video. Much concern for Daniel was expressed.
  • Theories about Why Daniel Made This Video:

(a) He was drugged. (b) He was forced, via torture. (c) He never said those words. OpAphid edited it for that appearance. (d) He was brainwashed. (e) All of the above!!

  • Many viewers pointed out that Daniel is using lots of "street slang," and that he sounds like a "gangsta." Most of us thought this was out of character, but someone brought up that when Daniel made P*Monkey talk, he used this "gangsta" type of conversational style.
  • Breaking the Code: Message Board members immediately picked up on the Braille-like code. Later, forum members reversed the order of these symbols and discovered a phone number. When they called the number 818-574-8347, they received a message from Daniel:"Hey this is Daniel, leave a message if you want to. but i'll only call back girls who agree to do the ceremony. [whisper] Bree Do the ceremony.

For more information, please see: [6]

  • Later, itscassie released a video, with the same tone, music and bright light atomsphere, stating, "Do the ceremony, Bree!"
  • OpAphid has a new story arc and has changed the "I in Ophid" forum to "Parallax," a new concept to guide future videos.

For definition, please see: [7]for the OpAphid forum discussion or [8] for the Wikipedia definition.

  • Marbella's video, Follow Me, was a response to "The Cowboy," but in this video, she merges images of Bree with OpAphid and with herself. This video fits even better with the new video storyline.
  • ApotheosisAZ and Flautapantera have become new moderators. Congratulations!
  • Josh stated that Daniel had the same beard and was wearing the same shirt that he had on before the VH-1 awards. Hmmm? This author has no way to confirm this statement, but it is interesting.


Date: February 2, 2007, 10:00 a.m. EST (start)12:30(end)


The Cowboy came out at about 4 am EST last night. Just click on the name for the transcript. Many people seemed to find this video frustrating and/or confusing. Some fans really liked it. I didn't see any comments expressing excitement or love about the video, however. Our feelings right now seem to match Bree's. A combination of frustration, apathy, disappointment and feeling trapped seem to sum up the LG-15 fan experience at present. We are loyal, however. We trust that the plot WILL move along. Jonas has arisen more suspicion lately and his trustworthiness has been debated quite a lot lately. This was the "fishiest" video yet. I'm seeing mackerels swim before my eyes!!!


Date: January 31, 2007, 10:00 a.m. EST (start)12:30(end)

VIDEO: Tonight, 1/31/07, a new video was posted called, Sleepover and a transcript is available via clicking on the movie name.

  • The response to this video was mixed last night. Some would have preferred more plot movement. Others really liked the video.

The Vanishing:

Plot Outline: The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.


  • Summary of the Plot of Breakdown:

Jeff and Amy Taylor are moving to California and must drive across the country. When they find themselves stranded in the middle of a desert with hardly anyone or anything around, their trip comes to a sudden halt. Amy had taken a ride with a friendly trucker to a small diner to call for help, but after a long time, Jeff becomes worried. He finds that no one in the diner has seen or heard from his wife. When he finds the trucker who gave Amy the ride, the trucker swears he has never seen her. Now Jeff must attempt to find his wife, who has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. But who can he trust?]

*Note from Marbella: This is a VERY similar plot. This leads me to distrust Jonas more! I don't QUITE understand the "Three's Company" reference!

  • In the General Video Forum, Iris said he was going to take a taxi last night to investigate the Holiday Inn where Jonas and Bree were staying. He called there and INDEED, the hotel IS currently booked!
  • A very funny parody video was made by NickyNik on YouTube


  • Last night in the Community Forum, Marbella led the[Defense force] drill and each participant was graded on their performance on a test. Much fun was had by all. ApothesisAZ was pleased!
  • Count tallies for each forum are no longer being tallied. They are predicted to remain fairly consistent. They offer no more useful information.


Date: January 29, 2007, 1130 p.m. EST (start)12:30(end)

VIDEO: Tonight, 1/29/07, a new video was posted called, Looking For Daniel and a transcript is available via clicking on the movie name.

  • Overall, fans had an excited response to this video. It has been described as "creepy," "intriguing," and "one of the best vids so far." Marbella commented that it reminded her of the scene from Coppolla's version of Bram Stoker's Dracula, when they are traveling up the mountain!
  • Notable Symbols: In Brother's Video, Gemma V, first, we see a white van. Next, there is a white room with a briefcase. In the corner, for a brief second, one can see a cross. Looking For Daniel shows a Celtic cross. Celtic crosses are traditionally a symbol foreshadowing death. In Cassieiswatching's video, Revelation 3, she shows a young girl with a Celtic cross, standing beside the ocean. A viewer on YouTube commented that the scene was copied from the on-line video game Second Life. However, why would this have been posted, were it not relevant?
  • The White Van-This van first appears in the parking lot of Pins and Pints. There is a man standing outside of it, partially covering his face and wearing a straw hat. Some have thought he might be Brother or Bree's father. The van is also seen following them up the highway.
  • People have played around non-stop with Daniel's text message, "NO GOOD."
  • Fans are excited about the blackout for the last few seconds of the video. Joe (who regularly posts on the video comment board,) noticed that the video cuts out at 1-1-7! This is the opposite of 7-11! For those not aware of the significance of this, please refer to Orange Slurpee
  • Many theories have been generated about what is going on and what will happen next. It may interest readers that animal researcher and autistic woman, Temple Grandin, PhD, points out that within animals and humans, the pleasure circuit of the brain is tied to "the search," or "the hunt." The journey really is more pleasurable than the destination. Sadly, in this case, it will definitely bear true.
  • Theory #1: Daniel is with Brother, yet they are in danger, so he has to send the text message to Bree.
  • Theory #2: Jonas is systematically kidnapping Bree, following Daniel.
  • Theory #3: The white vans are from The Order. Please note: This is not known for sure. It is a THEORY!

Comment Counts from the last vid, Daniel's Missing!

Message Board: 628

Community Forum: 1462

Regular Video Forum: 292

TOTAL: 2382

(Community Forum posters made up 61% of all posts. However, intermingled with video discussion, we have regular LG-15 Defense Force training and "emoticon theater" presented!)


Date: January 28, 2007, 2:20 p.m. EST (start) 3:03 p.m.(end)

VIDEO: Yesterday, 1/27/07, a new video was posted called, Daniel's Missing! and a transcript is available via clicking on the movie name.

  • Fans had a lukewarm response to this video, complaining about its "predictability" and "Bree's half-hearted apology." Speculation is (of course!) that OpAphid has Daniel. Also, ApotheosisAZ has hypothesized that Tachyon may have showed up in time to save Daniel. Brother is another possibility. Of course, Daniel could have ended up with "some girl," which would disappoint most viewers. Oh, and just about everyone has agreed that the most boring and disappointing outcome would be for Daniel to just show up, stating that nothing happened.
  • HyeMew states: So Bree calls the highway patrol when Daniel goes missing, yet she's too afraid to call the police when she's living in alleys or say... when her dad is MURDERED because "the police are in on it"? Bit of an inconsistency there! Marbella notes: Is Daniel DEAD? Could another death happen so quickly in this series?
  • Major Theories:

Some fans have wondered if there is "significance" to the globe in the background. Several fans became excited that it may be "Fiji," but someone better versed in geography pointed out they were referring to the wrong ocean, and South Africa was more likely. No one knows for sure whether this has relevance, whatsoever. It IS significant that Bree appears to be in DANIEL's room. Why would Daniel have the globe turned like that? Coincidence? Marbella's question: Why would Daniel be so stupid? Does he WANT to meet the order?

  • Other Possibilities:

(1) Daniel is trying to "teach Bree a lesson."

(2) Daniel has been kidnapped because Bree is who they really want. They are hoping she will care for him enough to give herself up.

  • On this page: Screenshots from the Truth Or Dare video vs. this one. Also, a map of Fiji vs. what we see on the globe.


  • Two identical videos were posted to Revver, numbered 615 and 666.


  • The HSA Video by Ms.Kelly is HYSTERICAL!! Thank you, Ms.Kelly! I really appreciate your making this video. It is time that Bree's ingratitude was pointed out!!


  • It's Cassie: Well done as usual! This time it seemed to be a lot more like an LG-15 "canon" vid, due to her reactions as she looked at the contents in the bag. She strongly suspects Jonas's house as unsafe!!


  • NOTABLE and FUNNY: GemmasFlatmate Pointed this out: Remember how OpAphid referred to Daniel and Jonas as the "Wonder Twins?"

[14] Take a look!! They are both wearing PURPLE!!!

  • Last (but hopefully, certainly not least!) Marbella has blown up the statue in Daniel's bedroom where Bree made the video. She has possibly identified who the statue represents.


  • From now into the future, comment counts from the previous video will only be completed after a new video is released.


Date: January 26, 2007, 2:40 p.m. EST (start) 3:45 p.m.(end)

VIDEO: Yesterday, 1/25/07, a new video was posted called, For The Ladies and a transcript is available via clicking on the movie name.

  • A very good synopsis of the story so far through the last set of videos (by Aideen) may be found here:


  • Much controversy surrounds OpAphid's retreival of Daniel's ID. Is there a group known as "Geocache" making fake drops and trying to throw off the order?

Watch this video by SAlexander:


  • ApotheosisAZ: "The ID picked up by ladron121 that I provided a link to here yesterday was confirmed by Op as the drop."

Here is that link:


  • The funniest thing about this ID is the name, Wyatt Donnelly. This is the same name as the "geeky guy" from the movie Pretty and Pink!
  • Other Shocking News: Bree's Account on MySpace Disappears!!


  • Lizard made a hilarious video:

[20] Whatever one's politics are, one can appreciate Lizard's great work!!

  • Some fantastic fan videos may be found on the main page of the LG-15 website.

Ice Princess: A Bedtime Story by Luminous2 is astounding!

  • Silly News:

ApotheosisAZ and Marbella are officially an E-Couple!

ApotheosisAZ is planning drill training for Defense force members tomorrow. Marbella may produce another "emoticon show." Times are to be arranged.

This is Lizard's cool new emoticon (The Defense force battles Orange) [21]

Main Message Board: 239

Community Forum: 401

Main forum: 137

TOTAL: 1417

Main Message Board: 1265

Community Forum: 2494

Main forum: 146

TOTAL: 3905

(From both totals, the community forum is posting 54% of all!)


Date: January 25, 2007, 9:20 a.m. EST (start) 10:00 a.m.(end)

The biggest news last night is that Nikki Bower's true identity was revealed as... Alli D. or Alli Danziger!

For those who do not know, Nikki Bower is the reporter who follows Bree and Daniel around!!

On January 25, famous blogger Milowent exposed her identity in a blogpost. There is much speculation that "Milowent," is actually Miles, one of the creators of the series!

For more information about this revelation, follow the following link: [[22]]

Speculation is now that she is a part of the Order? Why else would she be looking for Jonas's house on camera?

I'm about to look up and watch Nikki Bower's video. People are raving about that one, too!


10:30 a.m.

Okay.. I watched the video! Very funny! Nikki chose "Drew Avery" as the best name. It was submitted by "Luv2Skydive!"

Hmm? Bree Avery?

Keep in mind that this "naming" is unofficial until Bree comes forward with the "real" information!!

There is a PARODY video now up on You Tube. It's called "Winning Daniel Back." Please do not be confused by this "Epic Movie" label. This is part of the parody. People are talking about this video and laughing about it.


Total Comment Counts so far on this video:

Main Message Board: 837

Community Forum: 2033

Main forum: 190

Community Forum: 66% of all posts!


Date: January 24, 2007, times were accidentally deleted. I remember that it was 8 a.m. to 9 a.m, however!


Last night's LG-15 video was entitled,Foosball Battle

Most people expressed that they enjoyed this video, although there were a wide array of opinions expressed.

OpAphid has also come out with a new video:

Lost Something: Won't someone be so kind as to go and retrieve this for young Mr. Beast? [25]

NEW (General) Forum Topic: [[26]]

COMMUNITY FORUM ongoing OpAphid Discussion Topic: [[27]]

On this video topic so far:

General Message Board: 393

General Forum: 102

"Community Forum: 1109

  • The community forum is at 69% of all posts (consistent with the past three days, and showing steady increase.)

Marbella started two new polls in "Off the Cuff"

Bree's Brattiness: [[28]] 66% of those polled so far believe that Daniel should spank Bree.

Feelings About Foosball: [[29]]

Her Previous Poll: (on forum demographics) showed that 1 in every 3 LG-15 fans are OVER 30!!

Several cute polls are in this section, including one by VoyBoy. The "Google Scavenger Hunt" continues to be fun and popular!


Date: January 24, 2007, 1:20 p.m. EST (start) 2:00 p.m.(end)


Total Posts on Time To Grow Up (including yesterday's posts)

General Message Board: 572

General Forum: 272

"Community Forum: 1783

  • The community forum is at 68% of all posts (consistent with yesterday.)
  • I will not sum up the comments today, due to the fact that they are no different than yesterday. I will say that last night's "training exercise" for the Defense force went very well. Apo informs us we are ready for whenever the Order attacks. We had to call the exercise short, due to concerns voiced by Cmdr. Cloud.

The new Nikki Bower video has been praised both on the General Message Board and the "Community Forum." It's called, "Investigating Pins and Pints"



Date: January 23, 2007, 7:30 a.m. EST (start) 8:30 a.m.(end)


  • The newest video is Time To Grow Up. The link above will take you to the transcript.
  • Other ARG Videos: None that I'm aware of. I'm going to check Revver and YouTube.

POSTING SUMMARY: As of 8:20 a.m., there are: 8 posts in the Community Forum on this video topic, 23 posts in the General Video Forum, and 91 posts on the main message board.



From reading all posts on all forums, the consensus within ALL is a sense of ANGER and/or FRUSTRATION with Bree's character. People dislike her more and more. I've asked in the two video forums for people's theories regarding WHY the Creators seem to want us to dislike her right now. No response has been given. I wrote a message to Daniel in that forum, to let him know that Bree really needs a loving confrontation. Some have expressed "outrage" towards Bree. Others express extreme concern that she is about to put herself in danger, because she is so out of touch with reality.


The community forum had 970 posts total on Hungover Very few were actually about the video. A "training exercise" was held for the Defense force, led by Apo. Many cute images of seals were posted. We had many laughs.

Apo has scheduled our next "training exercise" for 10:30 p.m. CST. ALL DEFENSE FORCE MEMBERS WHO ARE ABLE MUST ATTEND. This will be a test of our reflexes.

The general video forum only had 154 total comments on the video, Hungover. The message board had 281 total. This was 1405 total comments to Hungover with 69% coming from the new Community Forum video topic.


Date: January 22, 2007, 11:00 a.m. EST (start) 12:00 NOON (end)


  • The newest video is Hungover. This video opens with a comedic picture of Daniel, after having his face drawn on by Jonas. The link above will take you to the transcript.
  • Other ARG Videos: None that I'm aware of. I'm going to check Revver and YouTube.

POSTING SUMMARY: As of noon, there are: 103 posts in the Community Forum on this video topic, 98 posts in the General Forum, and 147 posts on the main message board.



  • MAIN MESSAGE BOARD: It seems that when people clicked on "more comments," they ended up on the comments page for the last video, rather than the new one. Thankfully, this has been fixed now! Many are still referring to Bree as being a "brat." Dogger pointed out that without Daniel there willing to sacrifice for her while she acts like an ungrateful brat, there would also be no one to push and prod Bree to grow. People are LOVING the new Cassie vid. Leslie brought up the bright comment that their room was ransacked over a "plastic card," in a past OpAphid video. There is much discussion about whether or not Daniel is "over" Bree. The general zeitgeist is that people were disappointed overall with this video.
  • For those who like to keep up with a listing of "What We Know So Far," Moderator Trainer101 had such a list. This is "chock full" of wonderful clues, hints, puzzles solved, etc. It is an excellent resource that could save you hours of pondering!!Consider PMing him or responding to that topic if you have more to add. [[31]]
  • For comedic value, "What We Don't Know" has been started in the Community Forum (AKA P*Monkey's Playhouse.)[[32]]
  • So far, in the Playhouse [[33]]this morning, people have been "catching up" on how each member is doing personally this morning and the night before. The main comment re: the video has been that it offered us two important things: (a) a laugh (b) obvious foreshadowing that the lost fake ID card will be relevant to the plot later. No one else has seen any other real value in this video. Marbella holds her past idea as true that Bree intentionally made her last video to throw off the order. If Bree really IS being the brat she seems to be pretending to be, most people care far less about her. Marbella also believes that the "fake ID" is probably a "real ID," and that Daniel is actually older than he appears and that he has been living under an alias.
  • In the main video discussion room, [34] similar comments are being made. There is the initial laughing about Daniel's appearance, followed by "What's the point?" discussions. Someone described this vid as "underwhelming." Stardust711 provided links to what the terms "Grossman" and "Manning" mean. People have speculated that the numbers on the cards Jonas was holding from "Truth or Dare," 2-4-7, refer to the date of the superbowl. The official transcript for the vid mentions that this is the second to worst hand to have in poker. They also all agree that the "Fake ID" is a very important point. GoodGollyisHolly has brought up that the Order or OpAphid probably has it already.


Date: January 21, 2007, 7:00 p.m. EST

  • The latest LG-15 video shown was Truth Or Dare and following this link will take you to the full transcript. American Idol Runner-Up Katharine McPhee guest starred!
  • The plan was for Katharine McPhee to appear in this show only. She was a lot of fun to have on the show!
  • Newcomers (please see Newcomer Guide)should be aware that this video contains footage of Daniel's bedroom BEFORE he went to Jonas' house. He said he came because he found the hidden camera in his room. Some have speculated that OpAphid WANTED Daniel to find the camera there, as if they were drawing him to Jonas' house. "Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly." -Albert Stroud

WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON IN THE FORUMS I HAVE VISITED: (Please note: Anyone and Everyone is WELCOME to add their comments about the forums they have recently visited,and any further details they deem important!)

  • In The Community Forum (AKA P*Monkey's Playhouse),[35] we've re-organized the LG-15 Defense force to add a Science Lab. Last night, a production of "Vampire Chicken Theater" was shown. We've discussed various aspects of the video and we have come to varied conclusions. Afterwards, we chase down the vampire chickens with KABOOM!
  • On the general message board, members seem to still be adjusting to the format change, and they are voicing their various feelings about it. A discussion about the origin of the Deacons posts was held mid-afternoon. I wasn't in there long today. I hope that those who were will fill us in more about the overall gist of conversation today.
  • Other Forums-We welcome your input!!

This has been your latest "Catchup" from the Marbella Burger!!
