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The Order of Denderah
Branches Hymn of One · Operation APHID · SHENtek
Covers Lullaby Project · Wyman Foundation · Verdus Pharmaceuticals · Hart Study · Bio-Therapy Report LLC · Sacred Spirit · St. Grinstead
People Aleister Crowley · Elders · Shadows · Deacons · Seekers · Helpers · Watchers · Thugs · Assassins
Locations Adak Island · An Order boat · An Order hospital · Alcombe Antiques · The Cowboy's Ranch · The Human Ransom Location · La Crete · Lucy's vacant building · The Lullaby Project · The Lullaby Project Center · The Order Facility · Order HQ · Pleasant Manor · Porter's hospital · Precious Blood bunker · Recruitment Centers · Sacred Spirit · Salinas Campaign Headquarters · S.S. Hathor's Song · St. Grinstead · Topanga Canyon · Verdus Pharmaceuticals · Wickenburg · Zavalla
The Ceremony Trait positive · Free will · Injections · Enochian · Iron pills

Crystal clear trashcan full.png
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Reason: Random factoid that has absolutely no relevance to anything

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Blurry Baphomet?

Fans initially speculated that the picture on Bree's wall in The Danielbeast was of a Baphomet. The picture in later videos is different and has been confirmed to be of Aleister Crowley.

Wikipedia describes Baphomet as: " an idol or image of uncertain provenance, depicting a being of heretical worship. The name first came to public consciousness during the suppression of the Knights Templar

It is clear from the screen capture at the right that this picture contains a face. They have a beard and moustache. When contrasted with a clear picture of Baphomet, it becomes dubious that this picture was actually of a Baphomet.

Baphomet was supposedly the diety that the knights templar worshipped. The reality of this deity is suspect because the Knights Templar who confessed to worship of the "deity" only did so under toture. Many of them later recanted. The rendition of Baphomet we have today was actually drawn by Eliphas Levi.