Hymn of One

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Screenshot from hymnofone.org.

The Hymn of One is the religious front for a mysterious organization called the Order. However, the HoO is not truly a religion, but a cult, using brainwashing techniques such as having members recite "The Hymn of One is fun" repeatedly. They also allegedly advocate free will, but, like most cults, do not truly believe in it. This is evidenced in the way they pursued Bree to try and manipulate her into doing the Ceremony, even after she had decided against it.

The "religion" using a variety of recruitment methods, such as promotional videos, fliers, and seminars. They promote the idea that one can find eternal happiness by singing his eternal song. They also revere Aleister Crowley as an important figure in their system of beliefs, and quote him on their official website (http://www.hymnofone.org).

Most members of the Hymn of One are very naive, and don't know anything about the Order whatsoever. They are told that their duty is to protect trait positive girls from the time they are born until the time they complete the Ceremony, but have no knowledge of what the Ceremony actually is.

The Order of Denderah
Branches Hymn of One · Operation APHID · SHENtek
Covers Lullaby Project · Wyman Foundation · Verdus Pharmaceuticals · Hart Study · Bio-Therapy Report LLC · Sacred Spirit · St. Grinstead
People Aleister Crowley · Elders · Shadows · Deacons · Seekers · Helpers · Watchers · Thugs · Assassins
Locations Adak Island · An Order boat · An Order hospital · Alcombe Antiques · The Cowboy's Ranch · The Human Ransom Location · La Crete · Lucy's vacant building · The Lullaby Project · The Lullaby Project Center · The Order Facility · Order HQ · Pleasant Manor · Porter's hospital · Precious Blood bunker · Recruitment Centers · Sacred Spirit · Salinas Campaign Headquarters · S.S. Hathor's Song · St. Grinstead · Topanga Canyon · Verdus Pharmaceuticals · Wickenburg · Zavalla
The Ceremony Trait positive · Free will · Injections · Enochian · Iron pills