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Charlie's Workout Temper Temper
Character information
Age 24
Forum Posts SteveBelieves
YouTube KateModernLG15
Bebo SteveBelieves
Portrayed by Giles Alderson
List of Steve's blogs
Videos with Steve

Steven Roberts is a twenty-four year old, part time student from London. He's introduced as a mysterious friend of Kate's of whom she met at the library while searching for information on amnesia. He's an active member of the Hymn of One.

Truth and Secrets

Steve meets Kate at the library and claims to suffer from memory problems as well. He offers to help Kate regain her memories. However, Charlie thinks Steve's a creep and Tariq thinks he's lying just to put a move on Kate. Kate, on the other hand, can't understand why her friends don't like him.

During Charlie's party, Tariq sneaks into Steve's backpack and finds Hymn of One pamphlets inside. Tariq confronts Steve about this, but Steve claims he's not trying to push his religion on Kate and the matter is seperate from his wanting to help her. Steve is later seen running from Kate's doctor's murder scene. When Kate confronts Steve about it, he claims he had nothing to do with it. She doesn't believe him and knocks him out, gagging and tieing him to a chair. When Kate interrogates him, he admits he never had amnesia, instead, someone in the Hymn of One sent him to protect her. He used the amnesia to get her to trust him. When Kate accuses him of killing the doctor, he tells her he believes there's an unknown evil involved, although no one seems to believe him. Steve later threatens to press charges against Kate, but is talked down by Gavin. He says he still wants to help Kate despite everything.

Helping Charlie

In early October 2007, Charlie caught up with Steve to ask him for help in finding Kate. He tells her the Hymn of One had nothing to do with Kate's disappearance and he can't help Charlie because he's being promoted within the Hymn of One that day. He goes inside the meeting hall, leaving Charlie outside.

Steve later watches one of Charlie's videos and notices she's sick. He goes to her flat, bringing homemade soup. He tells her he can't get Kate off his mind, and he wants to help Charlie find her while also proving the Hymn of One had nothing to do with it. Although, later, Steve finds Michelle Clore's name on the Hymn of One registry and decides to expose her to protect the Hymn of One's name.

Steve leads Charlie and Tariq to the Watcher's van. He explains after he started looking into Michelle Clore, the van started following him. Tariq confronts the Watcher and steals the van. Steve takes over driving, with Charlie in the passenger side and Tariq in the back, trying to figure out what to do.

Three day later, they stop in the woods and try to make camp. But, instead, Steve and Tariq fight with each other. During the night, Steve takes off with the laptop and papers found in the van, shocked and angered by the fact he found the Watcher's picture linked to a Hymn of One symbol . When Charlie and Tariq confront him, he throws down the papers and laptop in anger and storms off. Later on, Steve sneaks to a convenience store. He buys some cigarettes, explaining that he quit when he entered the Hymn of One, but he's having a little trouble hearing his eternal song at that moment. On his way back to camp, he's attacked by Dudley and his father, Dr. Griffin.

After returning home, he tries to stop Kate from meeting with Charlie due to the fact the Doctor and his son are there. Even still, he's unable to stop Charlie from injecting Kate with the trait negative serum. Steve comforts Charlie when Kate runs away, leaving her behind. Later, Steve posts a blog saying he's going going back to the Hymn of One.

Finding Kate

Steve starts to text Charlie messages, and the two meet. He explains he was in the Hymn of One still so he could properly investigate. He then surprises Charlie by showing that he's kidnapped Kate away from Michelle Clore. He plays a video, taken by him, of Michelle Clore talking to an unknown person about Kate's trait positive levels. When Kate takes off again, Steve and Charlie go to Michelle Clore's house to find her. Michelle Clore warns Steve that eavesdropping wasn't a good idea. "You never know what could end up on your conscience."

Steve and Charlie briefly catch up with Kate again, but she manages to sneak off and run away. The next day, she posts a video explaining that she has found her purpose in life - to save other trait positive girls, and begs Charlie and Steve to discontinue their search for her. The two relunctantly agree to do so.

Trail of the Killer

After Kate's death, Steve visits Charlie's flat, not knowing where else to go. While there, he hears a radio broadcast about the Hymn of One and its alleged connected to the murder. Steve runs off to find an explanation. When Charlie confronts him about this later, he feverishly denies that the Hymn of One had anything to do with Kate's death. Police oficers show up, and although he tries to run, he is arrested for suspicion of Kate's murder. He's released soon after, as there was no evidence against him.

Steve shows up at Kate's memorial, but ends up getting into a fight with Tariq, who also accuses him of killing Kate. A few days later, he approaches Charlie and asks her for her help investigating the murder, as he fears that the police "don't seem that interested in the case anymore." After a suggestion from Charlie, he decides to go to the last place Kate was seen alive, the cafe from her last blog. He goes in and negotiates the release of the surveillance tape of that day. While watching it, he notices Patricia Neilson talking to Kate before the two leave the cafe. He goes to find Patricia for answers.

When Patricia contacts Charlie, she says she'll meet with her, but not to bring Steve and Tariq. After watching the video, Steve and Tariq find Charlie while she's talking to Patricia. They get into a fight with one of the waiters, allowing Patricia to sneak away in the commotion.

Following the revelation of Patricia's information, Steve insists that the FTO are out to give the Hymn of One a bad name. He later meets up with his idol and author of Finding the One, Rupert Van Helden. Together with Rupert, Steve visits the FTO's headquarters, and exposes the organization as being fronted by Jeffrey, Dr. William Griffin's nephew.

Losing his Religion

In his next blog he is seen drinking and smoking again, angry that all he had was gone. Steve lashes out at Michelle Clore for accusing him of Kate's murder, angerly stating "Don't blame them; dump it on the screw-up". He was then approached by Terrence, now calling himself Terry, who talks about how the Hymn of One helped him and asks if Steve has ever heard of the religion.

Steve shows up at Charlie's doorstep in the middle of the night a few days later, banging on the door and asking for Charlie to talk with him. He declares he really did love Kate and has no one else to talk to who felt the same. Charlie, frightened at the situation, refuses to open the door.


  • Steve states on his Bebo page that, when he was younger, he would sleepwalk often.
  • He also states he had recurring nightmares but he has since learned to deal with them.


Follow this link for theories about Steve.

KateModern Characters
Main Characters Kate · Charlie · Gavin · Tariq · Steve · Julia · Lee · Lauren
Recurring Characters Sophie · Dudley · Kate's Watcher · Dr. Griffin · Michelle · Terrence · Patricia · Clore's Shadow · Justin · Meryl · Rupert · Toe
Full Character List