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Hot Date xxKissKissxx
Character information
Age Unknown
Portrayed by Carly Jones
List of Mallory's blogs
Videos with Mallory

Mallory O'Neill is Daniel's new girlfriend. He first mentions her in his video Drunken Yodeling. He states in that video that they've only been dating for a week but that they get along fine.


When Daniel and Mallory go on a date, Mallory describes her life. She doesn't really remember her birth. In preschool, she liked finger painting and is sad that they had to stop that. In third grade, Garett Lovett tried to kiss her, and she found it disgusting. In sixth grade, Garett did kiss her, and she found it amazing. Her freshman year in high school was her best year of her life, when her mother left her father. Her junior year, her heart got broken, though it wasn't by Garett. She is now in junior college.

It was first revealed that Mallory was aware of the Daniel's resistance activities in Secrets Revealed. In this video, Sarah attempted to sit Mallory down and expose all of Daniels lies to her. Mallory revealed that she already knew of Daniel's activities and had for some time but that Daniel had just recently told her himself. She told Sarah that she wanted to see how serious Daniel was about their relationship and that she understood everything. Although at first, Mallory was not involved in actively fighting the Order, and simply posted videos asking viewers to help Daniel finish his school project, Mallory made her first move toward being part of the resistance by flirting with Chris to get information about HoO activity. Daniel obviously wasn't happy about this, reproaching her even while they were staking out Chris. By the time Daniel, Jonas and Sarah left to free Emma, however, he seemed to have forgiven her, and when Daniel had lost his place in film class again, Mallory, once more, saved the day.

Relationship with TAAG


Until recently, Mallory and Daniel's relationship had not been under much duress. Their relationship first became strained when he found out Sarah had tricked Mallory into coming with her to find Chris and subsequently flirting with him to get information. Daniel was against Sarah and Mallory's methods of getting information, and Mallory accused Daniel of being sexist. Daniel later stated he would not be getting over this confrontation anytime soon. No more was said about Chris for some time, and Mallory and Daniel's relationship remained solid, leading Mallory to help Daniel get back into film class.


Mallory had become somewhat of a fixture in their new house, which had not bothered Daniel or Jonas. Sarah, however, was not as welcoming. Despite this, and Sarah's attempt to expose Daniel's activities, Mallory remained, for the most part, kind toward Sarah and had seemingly begun to win her over by early October.

Etymology of Mallory

Mallory comes from an English surname which meant "unfortunate" in Norman French.


  • Mallory's personality and life story repeat patterns found in other characters, such as being a sweet girl like Bree, and having separated parents like Taylor and Sarah.
  • In A Woman's Touch, Mallory said that she is Presbyterian. This makes her the first character since Bree to openly state her religious affiliations, aside from members of the Hymn of One.

lonelygirl15 Characters
Main Characters Bree · Daniel · Jonas · Sarah · Taylor · Emma · Jennie · Gina
Supporting Characters Gemma · OpAphid · Tachyon · Alex · Carl · Spencer · Mallory · Dr. Hart
Recurring Characters Lucy · Nikki B · Virgil · Elizabeth Avery · Bree's Watcher · Brother · Sonia · Jules · The Whartons · Claire · Edward Salinas
Full Character List