Claire Finbow

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Claire Finbow
KateModern: production co-ordinator
Portrays Sock Girl #2, Charlie's co-worker, JTV staff
Background information
Age undisclosed
MySpace celebritypa
Bebo cfinbow

Claire Finbow filmography
Videos with Claire Finbow as production co-ordinator

Claire Finbow was a production co-ordinator for the webseries KateModern. She got involved with the series after a friend forwarded her an e-mail about "crewing up" for KateModern, but hadn't heard of LG15 before then.

Claire has a BA (Hons) in American Studies with Media & Cultural Studies. She has previously worked for Pathe and Bafta/LA Marple for Granda Media.

A very ambitious person, Claire looks to successful people as inspiration for her own success one day. If she weren't working in entertainment, Claire says she'd like to work for an animal shelter.

KateModern Cast & Crew
Main Cast Alexandra Weaver · Tara Rushton · Ralf Little · Jai Rajani · Giles Alderson · Lucinda Rhodes Flaherty · Sam Donovan · Emma Pollard
Supporting Cast Pippa Duffy · Liam Reilly · Gene Foad · Valerie Cutko · Matthew Gammie · T'Nia Miller · Mike GLC · Phil Whelans · Ronan Summers
Creators Miles Beckett · Greg Goodfried
Crew Joanna Shields · Amanda Goodfried · Kelly Brett · Cristy Coors Beasley · Pete Gibbons · Louis Figgis · Claire Finbow · Elisabeth Pinto · Jonathan Almond · Amy Barnes · Lucy Chilton · Meryl Iona Edwards · Gavin Rowe · Luke Taylor · Yusuf Pirhasan · Sam Rowland · John Palmer · Zan Barberton · Matthew Hart · Luke Hyams · Tom Wright · Hazel Grian · Neil Mossey · Lawrence Tallis · Ricky Martin
Cameos Jamie Bell · The Days · Sister Mary And The Choirboys · Nick Grimshaw · Scouting for Girls · Other Cameos