Greenie Loves You!
Last Update
23 April 2008
Web Site
This is just my happy little fan page.
Greenie is a junior in college at a private school in Kansas. She used to be involved in chat, using the names "GreenLaceBeauty" and "GreenieLovesYou"; in addition, she used to be a part of the first official LG15 couple.
She is 19 years old, loves Yousef, as well as Jackson Davis, and wishes Tachyon would come back. She really really misses Spencer, but can do without Taylor.
Greenie has a knew Emma was using code, but was way off on what the code was. She was also wrong about Emma's location.
This User is glad Emma's alive, but said "WTF?!" when Jonas's dad said Jonas wouldn't bother her again. He SAVED her life!
This user really hopes that this isn't the last we see of Emma. I really like her.
This user likes the fact that Tariq has moved on, but isn't a fan of Julia (the new girlfriend, not Jules).
This user loves Nancypants for her new Userbox!
This user about died when we found out the specialist's son was really, truly dead, and weren't left with some plot hole. This user also thought the "aaaah" *thud* sounded really fake.
This user thinks the extended videos are way too scripted, but was exicted to get the free copy of the album.
Greenie L'Cares about Bree, but couldn't get the userbox to work.
This user's favorite lg15 character is Daniel.
This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas.
This user's favorite KateModern character is Charlie.
This user's favorite lg15 stuffed character is Owen.
This user NEEDS their puppy.
This user keeps an eye out for Watchers, just in case.
This user's favorite pizza topping is Cheese.
This user has been up for 14 hours, and feels fine.
Yeah, my dad died...but all I can think about is aerobics!!!
This user's lg15 crush is Daniel.
This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.
This user's lg15 crush is Sarah.
This user could just "eat Spencer up."
This user l'cares about Bree.