Alli Danziger

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Alli Danziger
Alli D 01.jpg
Portrays Nikki Bower
Background information
Age 45
Birthday July 23rd, 1979
MySpace alli_m_d

Alli Danziger filmography
Story credits for Alli Danziger

Alli D. or Alli Danziger is the actress who plays Nikki Bower, the reporter who follows TAAG. On January 25th, 2007, popular blogger Milowent exposed her identity in a blogpost. On August 31st, 2008, Alli married Matt Siegel. At this time, her professional name still appears to be Danziger, but she may also be known as Alli Siegel.


Danziger is an L.A. based actress, represented by Creative Management Entertainment Group. She has appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the Best Damn Sports Show and several short films. As a child, she was in the musical Newsies, perhaps sparking her interest in reporting. She graduated from the Dramatic Arts and Directing Program from the University of California Santa Barbara.

The character of Nikki Bower appears to be adapted from actual hosting that Alli has done for several internet shows. A montage of her hosting has been posted to the YouTube account AlliDanzigerReport[1]. "Nikki B." appears to be modeled loosely after her actual nickname "Alli D."

The Hunt for Nikki B.

Early suspicions

Nikki B. discovers the Watcher symbol weeks before Gemma.

Ever since Nikki Bower posted her first video on Nov. 1, 2006, fans speculated on her relationship to lonelygirl15. Although Nikki appeared to be just another fan, she seemed to have inside information. She was able to find numerous locations at which lonelygirl15 episodes were shot. She produced a box with the symbol of the Watchers several weeks before Gemma identified the same symbol in the video A Watcher. Nikki claimed she got some of her information from anonymous tips.

Many assumed that Nikki Bower was a fan who was in frequent e-mail contact with the Creators of lonelygirl15, and thus they occasionally tipped her with locations and information. In fact, the actress behind Nikki Bower is a childhood friend of Greg Goodfried's. At first, it was unknown whether or not she was to be considered a canon character, or if she was simply a friend of the Creators making videos, but Nikki can now be considered canon due to her inclusion in the Season One Finale episode, lonelygirl15 Season Finale 5 of 12 - 12 pm.

A familiar face in the crowd.


The story of Nikki Bower began to unravel when a photo surfaced of Nikki Bower at Greg Goodfried and Amanda Goodfried's wedding. By scouring through public MySpace profiles, fans uncovered pictures of the Nikki Bower actress in the MySpace profile of several friends of the Creators (including Greg's sister Lisa Goodfried), eventually leading to the private profile of Alli D.

Fans discovered the name of several of Alli D.'s friends on MySpace and searched to see if any of them had ever worked with an Alli D. The name Alli Danziger was discovered and subsequent google searches uncovered her profile at the Creative Management Entertainment Group, along with pictures and video unmistakably identifying her as the actress behind Nikki Bower.

External links

lonelygirl15 Cast & Crew
Main Cast Jessica Lee Rose · Yousef Abu-Taleb · Jackson Davis · Alexandra Dreyfus · Becki Kregoski · Katherine Pawlak · Melanie Merkosky · Crystal Young
Supporting Cast Jessi Williams · Jackie Jandrell · Alli Danziger · Bitsie Tulloch · Craig Coyne · Raegan Payne · Shannon Solomon · Maxwell Glick · Peter James · Tammy Klein · Carly Jones · Joe Rubin · Shelby Kocee · Sean Vincent Biggins · Melissa Kite · Jos Viramontes
Creators Miles Beckett · Mesh Flinders · Greg Goodfried · Amanda Goodfried
Crew Glenn Rubenstein · Yumiko Aoyagi · Gregg Moscot · Mari Devincenzi · Jenni Powell · Ian Schwartz · Tom Pettit · Blair Singer · Jim Campolongo · Ross Berger · Jake Coburn · Dwayne Smith · Vanessa Roveto · Mary Feuer · Jonathan Robert Kaplan · Jan Libby · Ben Kruger · Marcello Daciano · Jennifer Roth · Kevin Schlanser · Justin Thompson · Brad Haley · Matt Vanselow · Colin Hargraves · Seth Jacobs · Darren Boling · Joshua Hale Fialkov · Grant Steinfeld · Todd Janiak · Broken Kid · ElizKM86
Other Cast Eddie Asher · Katharine McPhee · Kenneth Goodfried · Frank Zajaczkowski · Something For Rockets · Jerry Wright · Kira Lobenstein · Greg Gallows · Daniel Weiss · Emily Evergreen · Jennifer Thompson · Other Cameos