Kira Lobenstein

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Kira Lobenstein
Portrays Kira
Portrays in UGC Princess
Background information
Age 39
Birthday June 6th, 1985
MySpace lyriclyinclined

Kira Lobenstein filmography

Kira Lobenstein portrays Kira in lonelygirl15, and Princess Goldberg in its parody LonelyJew15. She is a long time fan of Lonelygirl15 who has been watching since School Work in Summer... BLECHH!!! first came out. After watching Date With P. Monkey, she realized that the video was filmed where she worked, and called into the Creators's radio show, Mixed Media to let them know. The Creators, excited that they had found a fan who lived nearby, visited Kira at the Chili's in Encino, California. However, on the day that Miles Beckett, Amanda Goodfried, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried arrived, Kira was not at work. The next day, Alli Danziger and Amanda Goodfried re-visited and asked if she wanted to be in a Nikki Bower video. Kira eagerly accepted and shortly thereafter, shot The Ceremony Girl?! - NBR Investigates outside of Chili's.

A few weeks later, Kira received another visit from the LG15 crew, this time including Becki Kregoski, Alexandra Dreyfus, Yousef Abu-Taleb, Jackson Davis, Miles Beckett, and Greg Goodfried. The video Aiding and Abetting was shot outside of Chili's during this visit.

lonelygirl15 Cast & Crew
Main Cast Jessica Lee Rose · Yousef Abu-Taleb · Jackson Davis · Alexandra Dreyfus · Becki Kregoski · Katherine Pawlak · Melanie Merkosky · Crystal Young
Supporting Cast Jessi Williams · Jackie Jandrell · Alli Danziger · Bitsie Tulloch · Craig Coyne · Raegan Payne · Shannon Solomon · Maxwell Glick · Peter James · Tammy Klein · Carly Jones · Joe Rubin · Shelby Kocee · Sean Vincent Biggins · Melissa Kite · Jos Viramontes
Creators Miles Beckett · Mesh Flinders · Greg Goodfried · Amanda Goodfried
Crew Glenn Rubenstein · Yumiko Aoyagi · Gregg Moscot · Mari Devincenzi · Jenni Powell · Ian Schwartz · Tom Pettit · Blair Singer · Jim Campolongo · Ross Berger · Jake Coburn · Dwayne Smith · Vanessa Roveto · Mary Feuer · Jonathan Robert Kaplan · Jan Libby · Ben Kruger · Marcello Daciano · Jennifer Roth · Kevin Schlanser · Justin Thompson · Brad Haley · Matt Vanselow · Colin Hargraves · Seth Jacobs · Darren Boling · Joshua Hale Fialkov · Grant Steinfeld · Todd Janiak · Broken Kid · ElizKM86
Other Cast Eddie Asher · Katharine McPhee · Kenneth Goodfried · Frank Zajaczkowski · Something For Rockets · Jerry Wright · Kira Lobenstein · Greg Gallows · Daniel Weiss · Emily Evergreen · Jennifer Thompson · Other Cameos
LonelyJew15 Cast & Crew
Main Cast Jenni Powell · Daniel Weiss · Jerry Wright · Kira Lobenstein
Supporting Cast Adam Daroff · PJ Scott-Blankenship · Emily Maya Mills · Maya Kramer · Mike Frankson · Amanda Goodfried · Greg Gallows · Frederic Suarès · Colton Dunn · Alex Humphrey · Alex Arthurs · Aimee Blankenship · Nicole Miller · Courtney York · Cameos
KellerModern Cast Andie Bolt · Anna Vocino · Jenni Powell · Adam Daroff · PJ Scott-Blankenship · Mike Frankson
RutEarth29 Cast Christa Castle · Alex Arthurs · PJ Scott-Blankenship · Bryan Rushford · Kelsea Dicks · Mike Frankson