Theories About Characters

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This page is used to post your theories about characters, not including ARG characters such as Tachyon, CiW, etc. You can put anything from what the character's motives are, what they will do in the next video, or even what something from their first video meant.


Notable Characters


  • She is a moonchild.
  • Bree is not dead, but will not be returning.
  • Bree was pregnant when she died
  • Bree is hiding in the mountains near Sedona.
  • Bree went to Russian Siberia to find her biological parents.
  • Bree will return sometime in season 3.
  • The vlogs in which Bree completed the ceremony were altered by Daniel and Jonas to look like Bree died. Daniel and Jonas really did rescue Bree from the Order, and the ceremony.
  • Bree is a clone of Gina.
  • Bree was also Cassie.
  • Bree is alive, and now working with Tachyon.
  • Bree may be Kate/Emma's biological sister. (Bree has only one sister, Gina.)
  • Bree gave her self up to the Order, because she was dying of the the same disease as Gina. (Gina was never dying from a disease.)
  • Bree will appear in the season 2 finale of lg15.
  • Bree is hiding in the Bunker with Emma, and TAAG will find her there.


  • Daniel is working for the Order.
  • Daniel will fall in love with Sarah.
  • Daniel's paranoia will get him killed.
  • Daniel was in love with Bree.


  • She will be used by the Order to breed other trait positive girls.
  • She has an early bedtime because she has to build up strength for the ceremony.
  • She was abducted as a baby. (Dr. Griffin explains in Dr. Weirdo that as a rule, trait positive girls are abducted as babies)
  • She will do the ceremony and die like Bree.
  • She was adopted by Jonas's parents around age 9. (Jonas's parents disappeared 6 years ago and Emma is now around age 15)
  • She is hiding in the Bunker.
  • She is the girl that Lucy picked up the doll for in "Shop of Horrors!!!".
  • She has the power to kill any person who have trait-positive blood, especially the Elders.
  • Emma is dying of the same illness that Gina has. (While Jonas confirms that her illness is the same as Gina's, we find out that Gina is not dead in KIDNAPPED!)
  • Emma is Bree's biological sister.
  • She is dead, just like Dr. Hart.
  • She took Purple Monkey and the other stuffed friends with her when she left.
  • Following the events in I Love You All, Emma will no longer be a main character.


  • Gina is a plant by the Order.
  • Gina knows Cassie but doesn't know that she knew Bree
  • Gina was brainwashed to forget most of what she went through in the Hart Study.
  • Gina was drugged after she was abducted in Bree's Mom.
  • Dr Hart was trying to fake Gina's death by the video "Get Your Freak On", to protect her. This was also the purpose of the videos of Gina looking very sick.
  • Gina is not really dead.
  • Gina will become a main character in season 3.
  • Gina is Bree's biological sister.
  • The girl in KIDNAPPED! is not Gina.
  • Gina is Cassie because she knew Bree's mother and had been to the Avery's house before. (She revealed in her chat that she is not Cassie.)


  • Jennie is a member of the Hymn of One.
  • Jennie is a plant by the Order.
  • Jennie is manipulating Gina, to send Gina back to the Order.
  • Jennie will end up killing Edward Salinas.
  • Jennie will get wrapped up in the campaign, because it is the work she loves to do.


  • Jonas will become brainwashed by the Order.
  • Jonas will fall in love with Jennie.
  • Jonas will fall in love with Gina
  • Jonas does not trust TAAG and will do things on his own.
  • Jonas was killed by Virgil.
  • Jonas will die in the season 2 finale.
  • Jonas will find Bree when he is in London.
  • Jonas will get killed in London.


Proven Disproven
  • LaRezisto is the man in black outside of Daniel's house. He was responsible for Deep Throat and for Alex's betrayal of the Order. When Bree returned to the Hymn Of One unbrainwashed, LaRezisto contacted her and together, they devised a plan to send the email with code that would notify LR when Daniel had opened the message, showing that he was ready to find the other girls.
  • LaRezisto isn't a single person, it is a group similar to the Order, with members all over the world.


  • Lucy did not have knowledge of the Ceremony, and was therefore unable to answer Bree's questions about it.
  • After learning the truth about the Ceremony, Lucy is now trying to help TAAG.
  • Many Lucys exist, possibly as an attempt to keep watch over all the girls, and if one should go into another Lucy's area, the girl will feel comfortable, thinking that Lucy is their Lucy.
  • Lucy is somehow related to Kate.
  • Lucy is the true leader/head of the Hymn of One and the Order.
  • After the deaths of the Rogue Elder and William Porter, Lucy has been upgraded to Elder.
  • Lucy is OpAphid or working for them. (The characters Tachyon/OpAphid/Brother cannot legally be used by The Creators)
  • Lucy is a voodoo witch, and used her demonic powers to reanimate Gina.


  • Mallory is a plant by the Order.
  • Mallory is dead
  • Mallory is trait positive.
  • Mallory is using the film school to distract Daniel from fighting the Order.
  • Mallory, angry and hurt after Daniel broke up with her, went to give info to the Order.
  • Mallory will no longer appear on the show.
Proven Disproven
  • Mallory will see the lg15 videos and help Daniel save the other girls. (She has seen the videos, but continues to not want Daniel to go & fight)
  • Mallory and Daniel will break up because of Daniel helping the other girls.
  • Mallory will break up with Daniel because of Sarah.
  • Mallory will die in the lg15 Season Two Finale.

The Order

  • The Elders are the only ones who have information about the Order.
  • When the Order attempted to kidnap Emma, they were supposed to kill Jonas as well.
  • They didn't use the Ceremony to lure Emma in because they feared she might have seen the lg15 videos.
  • Though members of the Order are also members of the Hymn Of One, they are two separate factions.
  • The Order performed Bree's ceremony incorrectly, and she was not actually supposed to die.

The Shadows


The Watchers

  • The Watchers are protecting BDJ, not trying to kidnap them.


  • Sarah is a plant by the Order.
  • Sarah is not related to Taylor by blood.
  • Sarah texted the Watchers in the Season 1 Finale.
  • She is trait positive and Gross Guy is working with the person who kidnapped Bree, Daniel, and Jonas.
  • Sarah has more than a 'passing interest' in Emma.
  • Sarah loves Jonas.
  • Sarah and Daniel will get back together.
  • Sarah will kill Carl.
  • Carl is pretending to love Sarah as a plot to hold her hostage, and get Gina back into the Order's possession.
  • Sarah and Taylor's home town, Zavalla, Texas is, or was, a major Order stronghold.
  • Sarah loves Daniel.
  • Sarah and Carl will get back together.
  • Sarah will become brainwashed by the Order
  • Sarah's emotional distress (at the beginning of Season 2) is because she is pregnant. (This could be theoretically true, but the baby could not have been carried to term as Sarah never shows any signs of pregnancy, so it is most likely not.)
  • She is pregnant, and the crash diet of Lullaby Project food will cause major problems. (Speculation toward Sarah's pregnancy are from her time with Gross Guy; if she had gotten pregnant at the time, hiding her pregnancy would be very difficult several months afterward.)
  • Sarah is lying about running off with Carl.
  • Sarah is pregnant as a result of "hooking up" with Carl in Mexico.

Spencer Gilman

  • Spencer is a plant by the Order.
  • Spencer will finish the task that Bree left for Daniel and Jonas: save the other ceremony girls.
  • Spencer and Taylor will eventually end up together.
  • Spencer will appear in KateModern.
  • Spencer will no longer appear on Lonelygirl15. (Tentative, since this can only be disproven.)
  • Spencer's role will become more significant in the second season. Since he was able to make the serum, he will have to see Daniel and Jonas again so they can make the Ceremony girls trait negative.
  • Spencer will see KateModern and attempt to break back into the Wyman Foundation and steal Kate's blood sample and save her from the ceremony.
  • Spencer is Bree's brother.


  • Taylor is a plant by the Order.
  • Taylor is not biologically related to Sarah.
  • She will use her knowledge of computer hacking to help take down the Order.
  • She will become more active once her school year ends.
  • She will have a significant role in Season 3.
  • She is a Watcher.
  • Taylor will return to California to help Jonas and Daniel get Sarah back.
  • Taylor is with the Order and trying to distract Spencer Gilman. (Unlikely. She wasn't attempting to distract him during Season 1, and he's no longer around.)
  • Taylor is dead.


  • Virgil is Emma's biological father.
  • Virgil was the one who shot the shadow when BDJ were kidnapped in Las Vegas
  • Virgil was the one who was watching over Daniel after he read the email left by Bree.
  • Virgil is not returning.

Minor Characters


  • She is still with the Order and gave Daniel a fake blood sample.
  • After helping the BDJ obtain the blood sample, she was imprisoned or executed for betraying the Order.
  • Alex and Lucy are biological sisters.
  • She will appear in the season 3 finale of lg15
  • Will appear in the season 2 finale of lg15

Bree's Parents

Bree's Biological Parents

  • They are still in Siberia.
  • They will appear in the third season of lg15.
  • After Bree was taken from them, they began working for the Resistance (Bree was sold, not stolen)

Bree's Adoptive Parents

Drew Avery


Elizabeth Avery

  • Elizabeth made up the story about Emma's Ceremony to lure her out of hiding so she can conduct a rogue Ceremony herself.


  • He is a parallel character to Steve.
  • Carl is pretending to love Sarah as a plot to hold her hostage, and get Gina back into the Order's possession.
  • Carl never left the Order. (Carl was never in the Order.)


  • Gemma was really not part of the Order. They found her and forced her to help them.
  • She lied about living in London to protect herself from the Order.
  • Everything she says in her blogs is true.
  • Gemma is still alive.
  • Gemma is Tachyon, and pretended to expose herself as part of the Order so that the Order would not suspect her.
  • Gemma is broadcasting herself, post-OpAphid, through the YouTube account GemmaReturns.
  • Gemma is trait positive.
  • Gemma is Charlie's sister Rose. That could be why she has a rose in some of her videos. (Rose has a daughter and is Australian. She's also older than Charlie, unlike Gemma.)
  • Will appear in the 2 season finale

Isaac Gilman


Jonas's Parents

  • The family Jonas visited in A Family Affair are not his real parents.
  • Jonas parents killed Elizabeth Avery when Elizabeth went after Emma for the Ceremony.
  • They will be found by Alex and help the Resistance. (They were not found by Alex and have not helped the resistance)
  • Jonas's mom is the nurse that helped perform Bree's ceremony. (This was Lucy.)


The Mistress

  • The Mistress is the girl in Who's that girl?
  • The Mistress is Bree's biological mother.

Nikki Bower

  • She is trait positive.
  • She will find purple monkey and the other stuffed animals.
  • Nikki is working for the Order, helping to keep tabs on TAAG.
  • Nikki is a Watcher.

The Party Guests

Proven Disproven
  • Bree's real parents were at the party.




Notable Characters


  • Charlie's parents are members of the Order.
  • Charlie is Tariq's ex-girlfriend.
  • Charlie is Gemma's sister.
  • Charlie is working for the HoO or, possibly, the Order. This is the reason why she is trying to convince Lauren to not fight the Order.
  • Charlie is a Watcher.
  • Charlie is being forced to help the Order. (ie. - if she helps them, they will not kill her.)
  • Charlie was once pregnant. (Charlie confirms that Kim is her daughter.)
  • Charlie will move in with Gavin after she got evicted.
  • Charlie's sister and niece are dead (possibly killed by the Order) and that's why she misses them so much. (Charlie has gone back to Australia to see them)
  • Charlie had a falling out with her family and can't return home. (Charlie ran away to London after having Kim)
  • Charlie is Gemma's ex-flatmate (Gemma's flat was actually a Southern Californian apartment, she likely never went to a university)
  • Charlie will come to the US to help with Steve and possibly the TAAG.


  • Dudley and Spencer are half brothers.
  • The Mistress is his mother.
  • Dudley is alive. Steve took his pulse very quickly and may not have taken it properly. Shortly after the fall Dudley was picked up by a mysterious black ambulance. Perhaps they were able to keep him alive.
  • Dudley (if alive) was helping Kate find the girls on the list and not even Patricia knew about it.
  • Dudley (if alive) killed Kate.


  • Gavin is a member of the Order.
  • Gavin is a member of the Resistance.
  • Gavin had a past involvement with Kate, which has yet to be revealed.
  • Gavin has not blogged a lot because he's been "on assignment" against the Order.
  • Gavin and Tariq are good friends, but he barely knows Kate.
  • Gavin will see the lg15 videos and ask Jonas for a loan.
  • Gavin kidnapped Kate. (Steve kidnapped Kate in Coming Home for Xmas)
  • Gavin and Tariq will be arrested for making the spy software. (After being arrested on another charge, no mention of the software was brought by the authorities.)
  • Gavin Killed Kate


  • Julia is in The Order.
  • Julia will find out that she is Trait Positive.
  • Julia is trait positive which is why Rupert is interested in her.
  • Julia is a parallel character to Mallory.
  • Julia will die at her Eternal Unity Bond ceremony.
  • Julia is pregnant. (Rupert dispelled this rumor in the Precious Blood chat.)

Kate (Genevieve)

  • Kate lied about her name to protect herself from someone, possibly the Order. The order is the connection to lg15.
  • Kate is the New Girl that Alex mentioned.
  • The people that wiped Jonas's parents' memories did the same to Kate.
  • She is a compulsive/knowing liar and lied about making up the alias Kate.
  • Michelle Clore is Kate's biological sister or mother.
  • Kate killed Dr. Griffin.
  • Kate is a parallel character to Bree.
  • Reappears with the LIST (Sort of. She reappears shortly before the list is found again, and then reappears again later with it in tow.)
  • Kate is the girl that was killed shortly before the start of KateModern Season Two. (There is room for this to be disproven, but it is unlikely.)
  • Kate was being primed for the Ceremony by Michelle Clore.
  • Kate may be Bree's biological sister.(Bree only had one sister, Gina.)
  • Kate really is going to America to study art with Michelle Clore.
  • Kate and Bree are twins. (Kate was 23 while, at the time of Bree's death, Bree was only 17)
  • Before becoming Kate, she stayed in a mental institution.
  • Kate is dead and her spirit is haunting Gavin. (Appears in Coming Home for Xmas.)
  • Kate will die, Bree style, in the KM season finale. (She didn't even appear in it...)
  • Kate is a werewolf and had transformed on the night of August 2nd to August 3rd: this explains her memory loss. (Steve explains that Kate had her memory of her trip to Dr. Griffin erased by the Order.)
  • Kate will join the HoO and Gavin, Tariq, and Charlie will try to save her.
  • Kate will appear in the season finale of lonelygirl15.
  • Kate faked her death to have more freedom to find the trait positive girls on the List.
  • Kate was killed, but not by the Order.


  • Lauren will come to the US to find Steve and possibly help the TAAG.


  • Lee is a plant by the Order.
  • Lee will be killed by the Order.
  • Lee knows where Kate (Genevieve) was during her time missing in Season One.
  • Lee is a full-fledged or apprentice Watcher, and his assignment is to keep an eye on Julia and Charlie. Note that he always says he's just on "work experience".
  • Lee will become Lauren's boyfriend.
  • Lee will move in with Charlie.
  • Lee is a parallel character to Spencer Gilman.
  • Lee will sell the spy software to the Order. (He intended to return the software at the end of the puzzles but the Order stole it)
  • Lee is trying to lead Tariq, Gavin, and Charlie to Kate (Genevieve).
  • Lee is dead. (He reappeared in Internet Celebrity Revealed)
  • Lee killed Kate.
  • Lee will recover the list.

Michelle Clore

Proven Disproven
  • Her touch "burned" Kate somehow. (Kate saw "flashes of dreams when she was touched.")
  • Michelle Clore is the Rogue Elder.
  • Going to be killed in the KM season finale. (Michelle was not killed in the Season Finale of Season 1.)


  • He will use his inside knowledge to help Kate and her friends.
  • Steve didn't kill Kate at the end season 1.
  • Steve killed Kate
  • Steve is helping Kate hide, so she can help the girls on the list.
  • Steve only pretended to leave the HoO.


  • Tariq's date will have some connection to HoO/The Order.
  • Tariq will be arrested for making the spy software.
  • Tariq killed Kate.
  • Tariq is not really in India, he is helping Kate find the girls from the List.
  • Tariq will appear at Julia's wedding.


  • Terrence is the person watching Lauren
Proven Disproven
  • Terrence was killed following the events in Resolution.
  • "Terry" is pretending to be a member of the HoO to get his software back.


  • Patricia is dead.

Dr. William Griffin


Minor Characters

Aunt Joan


  • Kim is Charlie's daughter.




Rupert Van Helden


See Also

Unanswered Questions