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First Appearance Last Appearance
My Name Is Jonas Killed By Big Pharma
Character information
Age 20?
Date of Birth August 1987? (Leo)
MySpace Jonastko
Forum Posts jonastko
YouTube jonastko
Revver jonastko
Portrayed by Jackson Davis
List of Jonas's blogs
Videos with Jonas

Jonas a.k.a. jonastko is a Revver/YouTube user who started leaving video comments on Bree's videos and eventually became friends with Bree and Daniel. Most of his initial videos take place in what he says is his father's study.

Jonas's first videos were uploaded from his house. He lived there alone because his parents were reportedly lost at sea when he was thirteen years old. He seems to have inherited their house, a cabin in the mountains, and a large sum of money.


Although an amount of money is never given, Jonas owns a large house, a cabin, at least two vehicles, and appears to have paid all of Bree and Daniel's bills for several months. Jonas has also mentioned that he does not work and has no intention to. Prior to turning 18, he had a full-time nanny and attended a lot of psychotherapy. To support this lifestyle indefinitely, Jonas must have inherited at least several million dollars.

Jonas says that he has been too quick to trust people in the past. He has been taken advantage of for his money and mentions that once he stopped throwing giant parties, a lot of his friends stopped calling him.

Many fans have observed that Jonas is something of a "lonelyboy". While Bree turned to books and stuffed animals, Jonas has turned to pop-culture and sports. Jonas makes constant references to movies and TV shows, often very obscure ones, and also enjoys extreme sports, boxing and foosball.

Adventures with TAAG

Jonas offered Bree and Daniel help in the form of shelter and financial support. Bree and Daniel were wary of going to live with a stranger that they met over the internet, but Jonas insisted. He gave them a virtual tour of his house and suggested that they test him so he could prove that his trustworthiness. Daniel took his suggestions and asked fans to vote on what they thought they should do. Fans chose to trust Jonas, but Daniel refused to go, leaving Bree alone with Jonas. He eventually came to live with them at Christmas time.

Jonas gained Bree and Daniel's trust and friendship after he came through for Daniel when Bree ran away, and after he helped them escape when Bree's father died. When Daniel was abducted by OpAphid, Jonas was quick to offer his assistance, and also to assure Daniel that while they were on the road nothing would happen between Bree and himself. Although they were forced to sleep in a bed together on their way to rescue Daniel, Jonas very gentlemanly created "The Great Wall of Jonas"-a barrier between him and Bree while they slept. Jonas also participated in Daniel's rescue, although he had previously expressed concerns about Bree's method of rescue.

After the rescue, BDJ's decided that Jonas's house was too risky to stay at, and headed to his cabin in the mountains. While on the ride up there, they all got along, almost as soon as they arrived, tension began. Beginning with Bree and Jonas's outing in the snow that excluded Daniel, causing him to lash out in a video where he expressed his jealousy and contempt for Jonas. While Bree attempted to keep the peace, both boys refused to discuss their derision until they were able to crack the file given to them by Tachyon when she and Brother helped save Daniel, and the feud seemed to have ended and their trust back in tact.

This trust was temporarily shattered, however, when Bree suspected Jonas of being in the Order and held him hostage. Jonas managed to prove his innocence in the eyes of Bree and Daniel by showing them a document written by his father proving his parents were against the Order.

Flesh wound.

Jonas didn't forgive Bree for holding him hostage right away, but stuck with her and Daniel. He brought Bree and Daniel to his Aunt Alex's house, who was away on business at the time. Jonas tried breaking into his Aunt's office to see if there was more information about his parents and their involvement with the Order, but ended up cutting his hand in the process. After a trip to a local veterinarian to get fixed, Jonas found a folder containing names of people who were also against the Order but had disappeared. Jonas's aunt came back in town, and Jonas and Daniel were invited by Alex to a fashion party. Daniel and Alex appeared to be very interested in each other, much to Jonas's dismay. Jonas's cousin Toby was also at this party, whom he hadn't seen since his parents funeral. Bree posted a video saying there was a photo at the party which she thought was Alex and Lucy and warned the guys to leave Alex's home and meet up with her.

After a short reunion, the three headed to Las Vegas. While there, Bree went to tour Vegas, while Jonas and Daniel got drunk. After three days in Vegas, BDJ was abducted by the Order, who psychologically tortured them and temporarily persuaded Bree to do the Ceremony. The three were able to escape their captors, and began trying to piece together what had happened to them during that time.

After their escape, they lived out of Jonas's car, but eventually decided to track Alex down, which took them to Mexico. While they were there, they overheard her arguing with a member of the Order about BDJ's kidnapping. The next day, Bree was left alone to think about their plight while Daniel and Jonas once again got drunk.

The following day, Daniel and Bree went to Alex and confronted her about her activities in the Order. Alex denied that she knew anything about the kidnapping that took place in Vegas. Daniel seemed to believe her, and later helped Alex film and edit a video explaining her true feelings. Jonas's forgiveness last only few days, until Alex alerted the Order to BDJ's location. However, when the Order arrived, Alex said that they were there for her, not Bree. Apparently, according to Alex, the Order had found a new girl to complete the Ceremony and no longer needed Bree.

After finding out about Alex's true allegiance, BDJ headed to a bunker where Bree began investigating who the new girl might be. While they were in the bunker, Jonas and Bree were forced to hold an intervention for Daniel, as he had started, once again, drinking heavily. After their attempted intervention, Bree found more information on a possible lead to the new girl, who she began to believe was a girl named Jules. While Bree was busy investigating the possibility of a new girl, Jonas tried to hypnotize himself and Daniel to find out what happened to them in captivity, but had no success. Within days, Bree noticed posts from a girl named Taylor living in Zavalla, Texas who told her that she recognized Julia. After nearly a fortnight spent in the bunker, the three decided to leave and find Julia to warn her that she was in danger.

Upon leaving the bunker, Daniel, Bree, and Jonas headed to Texas to find the new Ceremony girl. BDJ teamed up with Sarah and Taylor and were able to locate Jules. Later, Bree gave herself up to save Jules, and Daniel and Jonas spent the next month following the Order and trying to save her. Finally locating where Bree had been hidden, Daniel, along with Jonas and Sarah, went to her, where they forcibly took back a brainwashed Bree.

A short while after trying to "unbrainwash" a very resistant Bree, Jonas became convinced that she had snapped out of it and the two started to become closer. Although Daniel was suspicious that Jonas was Taking Advantage of Her, Jonas continued getting closer to Bree and slept with her the day before she ran back to the Hymn of One.

Recruiting the help of Spencer Gilman, the son of Isaac Gilman, Jonas once again set out to save Bree. Through many hardships, TAAG followed Bree's trail all the way to the Ceremony, where Bree died. Directly after her death, Jonas was shattered, Taylor said:"...I think, when Bree died, it's like... she took him with her. He's empty and emotionless... He isn't Jonas anymore."

Life After Bree

After the death of Bree, Jonas fell into a deep depression which many thought he would not recover from.

Jonas in mourning.

Jonas, like many other characters, announced he would no longer be posting videos. Soon after this, however, the mysterious LaRezisto posted a video showing his parents and telling Jonas that they are alive. Although Jonas initially reacted in anger at seeing his parents again, he decided to reunite with them. At this reunion, Jonas met his adopted sister, Emma, for the first time and also found out that his parents are active members of the Hymn of One. Taylor found out that Emma was the next trait positive girl, and after The Order invaded their home and demanded Emma, Jonas took her on the run. Later, he lost Emma when he decided to trust LaRezisto and handed Emma over to Claire, the woman behind the LaRezisto posts. When several alarming videos were posted by Emma and Claire, Jonas started to become obsessed with finding a code in Emma's gestures.

After an upsetting phone call with his father, Jonas told us he would no longer be helping anyone and only focusing on getting Emma back, but he was soon back to fighting the Order by helping Daniel and Sonia kidnap the new Ceremony baby. After Mallory secretly got information from Chris, Daniel posted a video following Chris to a meeting in which it was revealed that the HoO had created a partnership between themselves, Verdus Pharmaceuticals, and the Wyman Foundation.

His next video was a dramatic, unedited copy of the current tape in the camera, showing us how he, Daniel and Sarah had found the solution to Emma's code on the forums and broken into Pleasant Manor, only to be surrounded by Shadows and seemingly doomed. Luckily, Virgil had either followed them or obtained the location elsewhere, and stormed in at just the right moment, allowing Jonas and the gang to leave with Emma.

While he was glad Emma was saved, Jonas was also devastated about how easily LaRezisto had played and used him, and vowed to stop trying to save the Ceremony Girls in favor of bringing down the Order as a whole. Initially, though, his new mission didn't receive a ton of support, as both Daniel and Sarah were busy contemplating and managing their own lives. Jonas decided to take matters into his own hands and investiged the connections between the Hymn of One, Verdus Pharmaceuticals and the Wyman Foundation.

After realizing the connection was nothing more than each organization was a front for the Order, Jonas decided to investigate the Lullaby Project. Taking Sarah along with him, the two infiltrated the The Lullaby Project Center and found multi-vitamins from Verdus Pharmaceuticals there. After making a narrow escape, they went with Daniel on a stakeout, following a Lullaby Project truck. However, Jonas and Sarah disappeared in the midst of their investigation, leaving Daniel alone, believing that his friends had been abducted. After four long days in the back of the Lullaby Project truck, Jonas and Sarah were able to finally post a video telling us that they had been investigating when they got locked in and unable to escape. Although they were rescued from the truck the following day, it was not by Daniel. Their rescuers were Carl, Chris, and Claudia, who welcomed them to the Lullaby Project. While Sarah felt like the Lullaby Project was innocent, Jonas remained suspicious of anything related to the HoO, and decided to leave. Although Sarah went with him, he soon became frustrated with her and left her alone in the desert. Feeling guilty, he returned, but Sarah had vanished. At first, Jonas was very worried, but after finding out Sarah had talked to Taylor and was fine, he began focusing on a mysterious package he had received at his motel door. Unable to understand the tapes contents, he posted his findings on the website for everyone to see, and then, still unable to make heads or tails of it, posted another VHS video left at his door. When Taylor made the discovery that one could see the doctors face, Jonas set out to the Lullaby camp to speak with him. Once there, Jonas found Dr. Hart packing his bags and getting ready to leave the encampment. After leaving, Jonas had a sit down with the doctor, who told him that the trait positive girls' blood had been altered, causing them to die at an early age. A few days later, Jonas and Dr. Hart were disrupted by knocking at their door, afraid they had been found by Verdus, they began to flee, however, before they could, the hotel manager got into their room with Emma, who had made her way to Jonas. Jonas later explained that Emma had run away after showing her parents Gina's videos and they wouldn't listen to her.

The Truth About His Family

Jonas's new sister.

Jonas so far has five family members who have been in the series.


  • Many have also speculated that Jonas is gay. This arose both from his friendship with Daniel, and his lack of interest in Bree. Although, in "Uncle Dan," Jonas is apparently interested in a girl named Carla who comes on to him very strongly. This is evidenced by his giddy reaction to the camera after she gives him a little kiss. He also rejects the advances of another man at the party, Damien. After getting Bree back, he and Bree were getting very close. It was confirmed that Bree lost her virginity to Jonas.
  • On YouTube and Revver, Jonas uses the name jonastko. The name is a reference to Jonas's boxing hobby. The letters T.K.O. are used in boxing as an abbreviation for "Technical Knock-Out."
  • According to the video On The Road Again, Jonas's last name could very well begin with a "W," due to the fact that his father used his initials to write, The Order in the Modern Empire. As a result, Jonas was the first character in the series whose last name is at least partially known.

Fan Activity

Fans remained largely suspicious of Jonas's motives in offering such generous support to Bree and Daniel. Fans noted that Jonas initially only extended support to Bree, rather than to both Bree and Daniel. Moreover, because he simultaneously became a member and posted his first video and showed interest in Bree when she was on the run from the Order, fans were suspicious that he may be connected with the Order. He is indeed connected to the Order through his family, which is divided into supporters and detractors of the Order. How much Jonas actually knows about the Order and its counter movements is unknown, but it seems to be very little.

Since the inclusion of Jonas as a regular, his popularity has slowly grown. In May 2007 a fan club was started in his honor. It is called the Secret Society of Jonas Fans because of the indication that Jonas is shy around accolades. Its members are required to type "Shhhh!!!" in their comments when in the IC section.

Etymology of Jonas

There are two possible derivations of the name Jonas:

  • Jonas is the Latin derivation of the Greek form (Ionas) of the Hebrew name Jonah (dove). It is widely presumed that Jonas's name is a reference to the Biblical Jonah, who was swallowed by a fish, because this would tie in to the story of his lost parents. For further discussion, also see the LGPedia article, Water theme. Jonas is most widely used as a male name in German and Scandinavian cultures.
  • Alternatively, Jonas is the Lithuanian variant of the English name John. John is derived from the Hebrew Johanas, which means "God is great," and which is the name of Biblical characters John the Baptist, John the Apostle, and John the Evangelist.


Follow this link for theories about Jonas.

lonelygirl15 Characters
Main Characters Bree · Daniel · Jonas · Sarah · Taylor · Emma · Jennie · Gina
Supporting Characters Gemma · OpAphid · Tachyon · Alex · Carl · Spencer · Mallory · Dr. Hart
Recurring Characters Lucy · Nikki B · Virgil · Elizabeth Avery · Bree's Watcher · Brother · Sonia · Jules · The Whartons · Claire · Edward Salinas
Full Character List